The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 318: Elder's gossip

"Elder Qingyun, is it a demon emperor?"

The owner of the Solitary family is sitting on the top of the horse, and many elders are divided into left and right rows and standing below. In the past, Du Gu Qingyun could only stand behind, but today, he stood at the forefront because the sword magic was brought back by him. If the Solitary family can rely on the demon emperor to inherit and rise, the one-of-a-kind is a great success.

Although they are big and small, they have already been handed over to the two deputy heads of households and the Presbyterian Church. However, the great cause of the future of the Solitary family, the owner of the non-independent family personally asked. If you want to take care of the trivial family, you will even be guilty of being the owner of the Solitary family.

"Of course, I can use the item to guarantee!"

The portrait of the demon emperor has been seen by Du Gu Qingyun. Moreover, they are not fools in the solitary, solitary, and independent, and there is no such thing as catching the wrong person. Du Gu Qingyun has a firm tone and cannot be questioned by other elders.

"Have you got the inheritance of the demon emperor?"

Rao is the heart of the owner of the family, and he can’t help but get excited. He is only one threshold from the road to the emperor. If he can get the inheritance of the demon emperor, he has full confidence to break through to the great emperor in the next few decades.

The owner of the Solitary family did not doubt the meaning of the Du Gu Qingyun. He was known to be so loyal to their Solitary family. The reason why this is asked is purely because he stayed in the main territory for too long and urgently needed the emperor.

"No, the kid's mouth is very strict, and there is no information about the inheritance of the demon emperor."

In fact, even if the Duo Qingyun does not say, the elders present know that Duo Qingyun did not inherit the Emperor. With their understanding of Du Gu Qingyun, if the Duo Qingyun was inherited by the Emperor, the tail would have been on the sky.

"I will give you three days, no matter what means you use, anyway, three days later, I want to see the demon emperor!"

The owner of the Solitary family did not follow the many nonsense nonsense present, and the process of inheriting the demon emperor, he would not ask, because he wanted only the result. Without the inheritance of the Emperor, he did not have the hope of becoming an emperor in his life.

Moreover, the inheritance of the demon emperor is especially important for their solitary family. If he was the master of the family, and the family of the singularity was passed down by the demon emperor, then he would become the greatest homeowner of the Solitary family, and the status of the first generation of the singular family should be under him.


All the elders present were busy responding. In their view, it was not a difficult thing to get the inheritance of the Emperor in three days. By their means, even if the bones of the swordsman are harder, they can open the mouth of the sword.

"They will definitely torture the kid. When the kid can't stand it, I will save him. Then I ask him to pass on the emperor, he will not reject me, otherwise I will return it to them. ”

Du Gu Qingyun secretly thought that he would only bring the sword to the Solitary family. His credit is limited. Only from the sword and the hands of the demon emperor, his position in the heart of the family of the solitary family will be infinitely high.

"Where is that kid?"

"Elder Qingyun, you have to take us to see the kid."

"You, I suggest that you let go, as long as you don't toss that kid."

One elder, one elder, said that since the sword demon was brought back by the singular singular cloud, where the sword demon is, the singer must know. They are crowded with people, and if they are alone, they will dare to stare at them, and some will be alone. They are entrusted by the orders of their homeowners, even if they are now seriously wounded by Du Gu Qingyun, Du Gu Qingyun can’t tell the story in front of the Lord.

"No problem, come with me!"

Du Gu Qingyun said with a smile, the homeowners of their solitary family are doing things neatly. I thought this meeting might have been going on for a long time. I didn't expect that the moment would be over. If he knew that this time was enough for the sword to escape from his palm, he would certainly not laugh.

The guardians of the swordsmen are not weak, and they have both heavenly and holy kings. Du Gu Qingyun arranged for them to guard a nine-seat Tianfu, which was sealed to Tianzun. It did not seem to have any problems. It is a pity that cracking the seal of Du Guxiang is easy for the swordsman.

After the independence of the Qingyun cloud, the sword magic did not hesitate to break the seal of Du Guxiang. Anyway, Duoxiang is not in the Solitary family. Even if he is alone, he will not be able to wait until he informs him.

"You said who the kid is? Why did Elder Qing want us to look at him?"

"With the realm of Qingyun elders, how can such a junior shot? How much he hated Elder Qingyun?"

They are not in a high position in the Solitary family, and they have no knowledge of the things that the Emperor passed down. Moreover, the swordsmen seem to be very young, and they take it for granted that the realm of the swordsman must be under the heavens.

If the sword demon is not too guilty of the sin of the solitary singer, how can the singer and the singer of the singer go to the sword?

"If you want to know anything, you can come and ask me directly. Anyway, with my strength, I can't afford any big waves in front of you."

Only by bringing them in, the sword magic can be used. The strength of several of them, in the sword magic, is nothing. The swordsmen are jealous and are the strong ones of the Solitary family. After all, the Solitary family is a force, the strong is like a cloud, and it is not as good as the sword.

What the swordsman has to do is to kill them all in the shortest possible time. If, because of their cry for help, the strongest of the solitary family, the swordsman would like to reapply, it would be difficult to go to heaven.

"Actuate your kid's acquaintance, if this is the case, then you tell us how you got provoked by Elder Qingyun."

A few of them walked up to the sword demon, and there was nothing to guard against. As the sword devil said, the strength of the sword magic, in front of them, can not afford to wave, they do not have to worry about this, worry about that.

"Don't mention, I am really embarrassed, because I saw a young and beautiful woman outside, and then I said a few more words to her. Who knows, the elders of your solitary family actually said that the young and beautiful woman is His little lover, and then he did not say anything, he caught me in your solitary family. He also threatened to let me survive, not to die!"

The sword devil is purely nonsense, because he knows that the gossip of the solitary clouds can more arouse the interest of these children. Sure enough, they looked forward to the face of the sword magic.

What they didn't see was that the sword magic was in the right hand behind him, and he had already grasped the sharp and unparalleled Wang Jian!

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