The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 367: Practice martial arts for a while (eighth!)

There is no suspense in the confrontation between the solitary and the solitary wing. From the beginning to the end, the solitary dung is pressed by the solitary wing. Ming knows that it is not an opponent of the solitary wing. The solitary dive will certainly not be done by means. On the one hand, it is not necessary, on the other hand, because on the other hand, even if he does his best, he does not have the hope of winning a little.

The hateful thing is that the shots of the solitary wing are very light. Every punch and every foot will not injure the solitary sneak, and will only swollen the nose and face. The solitary wing is obviously to vent his hatred of "Duo Gu Cang" to the body of the solitary.

When you are a tyrant, you are sure to have a sense of accomplishment than being a tyrant. Moreover, "Duo Gu Cang" looks like a shackle, and the solitary wing does not even want to personally teach "Duo Gu Cang".

"What are you doing both? He just insulted the sister, did you not hear the two?"

While the solitary wing is still alone, it still does not forget to turn around and remind the other two tyrants of the Duo family. The lesson of "Duo Gu Cang" can be handed over to the other two tyrants, so that he has not compromised his face and, to a certain extent, has attacked the other two tyrants.

"Teacher, you go!" One of the tyrants pointed to the Taitian Zun next to him and said, "I am a tyrant, and he has to deal with him a Taitianzun. It is a bit of a big bully. You only have seven Tianfu, deal with him. Certainly no problem, the brothers believe in you."

The same is Taitianzun, of course, the young genius of their solitary family is stronger. It is normal for the Dominion’s tyrants to be unwilling to take the shot of “Duo Gu Cang”. Even if he can call the “Duo Gu Cang” to cry and shout, what is the point?

"Since the brothers have to ask me to take the shot, it is better to be respectful than the brother."

Du Guyue stood up reluctantly, and only seven Tianfu’s “Duo Gu Cang” could not lift his interest. He does not like the solitary charm. "Duo Gu Cang" said that the solitary charm and melon cracked dates, what is the relationship with him?

In his heart, there is only a martial art, no woman. I have been practicing martial arts for a while, and I have been practicing it all the time. What do women have to do?

"You can do it, we will stop there!"

Du Guyue said to the sword demon, if he first shot, "Duo Gu Cang" did not even have a chance to shoot. Although his strength is not comparable to the three lords of the solitary and the solitary family, but with his strength, only four of them can win him.

In a few minutes, he was confident to concoct the eighth Tianfu. At that time, he was no longer the fifth day of the Solitary family, but the second day of the Solitary family. When the solitary charm breaks into the holy kingdom, he is the first day of the solitary family.

"Can I say no?"

The sword is not asked by Duo, but by Yun Yun. Du Gu Yue Gao is not happy, he does not care, he asked Yun Yun Daojun, because "Duo Gu Cang" wants to listen to Yun Yundao. Jinyun Daojun shook his head at him, meaning that he could not fight.

If you can avoid the war, do you know how to avoid the war? Knowing that it will be defeated, the solitary singer will have to do it with the singularity of the singularity.

"Hey, do you think you can escape?"

Looking for the face of "Duo Gu Cang", it is full of revenge. Although he could not personally teach "Duo Gu Cang", he was able to see for himself that "Duo Gu Cang" was beaten by Tai Tianzun of the Du Gu Family, and he was very happy in his heart.

Whether it is the warrior of the Solitary family, or the warrior of the Solitary family, even the warriors of the War God Palace, they feel that "Duo Gu Cang" will be defeated. I believe that "Duo Gu Cang" can win, it is estimated that only the sword magic itself.

"I am a sword repair, no matter if you use a sword, anyway, I want to use a sword!"

The voice of the sword demon has just fallen, and the holy sword is suddenly squirted. A smudged sword light, like a practice, rushed to the Duguyue. He was not prepared to lose to Du Gu Yue, but he could not win too beautifully.

Therefore, before he started, he thought of the reasons for the other soldiers to open a solution for Du Guyue. He deliberately sneaked on the solitary sorrow, giving other martial artists the illusion that he could only win the solitude by attacking.

Can let the sneak attack without God, can be said to be defeated!

Du Gu Yue just prepared to resist, and the sacred sword of "Duo Gu Cang" has already arrived at the heart of Du Gu Yue. As long as "Duo Gu Cang" slams out the holy sword, the solitary sorrow will be in danger.

"You lost, hahaha..."

The sword demon is deliberately laughing to the Yunyun Daojun, and the defeat of the Duo’s family in the same territory is the dream of many warriors in the Solitary family. He defeated the solitary solitude of the solitary family in public, and if there was no happiness on his face, it would be difficult to protect them.

"Wind? Duo Cang actually won? How could this be?"

The most unacceptable of this result is the non-unique potential. He was arrogantly arrogant here, and thought that "Duo Gu Cang" would accompany him to make a fool of himself. Who knows, "Duo Gu Cang" not only did not make a fool, but instead raised his face to the Solitary family.

Jinyun Daojun is also dumbfounded. It can be said that he did not expect to win the "Duo Gu Cang". Although "Duo Gu Cang" is a solitary sorrow that wins by sneak attack, the winner is the king and the loser is the shackle. How to win is not important. What is important is who wins.

"I lost?"

Du Guyue looked at the sacred war sword that was on his chest, and it was indeed the "Duo Gu Cang". Otherwise, he will suffer even if he does not die. He really did not think about it, he would lose to the Taizun of the Solitary family.

Even the ones of the solitary family, no one is his opponent, how can the Taizun of the Solitary family win him?

"The sword you just had was really fast. I didn't react until I arrived."

Du Guyue did not mention that "Duo Gu Cang" sneaked on him. He asked "Duo Gu Cang" to shoot first. Can he say that the matchup just did not count?

He can't afford to lose that person, and their solitary family can't afford to lose that person. Fortunately, it was just a discussion, not a life-and-death fight. If he died under the sword of "Duo Gu Cang". It’s no big deal just to lose to “Duo Gu Cang”.

Du Guyue can accept the fact that he lost to "Duo Gu Cang", but other Tian Zun of the Solitary family can not accept, especially those of the Solitary family. They are the defeat of Du Guyue. If they admit that Du Guyue is the defeat of "Duo Gu Cang", isn’t he denying himself?

"Shameless! I didn't expect that the warriors of your singular family would be as shameless as they were, and they would just play a sneak attack."

"That is, the warrior of your solitude family is too shameless. How can he win the brother of Duguyue, not by sneak attack?"

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