The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 369: No trace

The bronzed portal is inlaid with hundreds of sacred stones, shining and shining. Only the fairy world can be born out of Xianshi, and the sacred stones of the three thousand territories are all from the fairy world. The high-rises of the sacred sacred place put these celestial stones outside to show their power.

It is hard to go to the fairy world to steal the sacred stone. It is difficult to get to the heavens, even if they are lucky enough to get the sacred stone, it is impossible to escape. It is easy for the powerful of the celestial world to kill the lords of the three thousand territories, let alone the princes?

These sacred stones were brought back from the immortal world by the great emperor of the sacred sacred land. Before and after the sacred sacred land, there were nine great emperors, and hundreds of sacred stones were naturally nothing. If you are willing to do so, you can put dozens of fairy stones on the door of Lingjia.

"The opening time of the sacred sacred land is limited, and you can't let them go to the hustle and bustle." 暮云道君 pointed to the swordsmen and the solitary family's Taitianzun, and said coldly, "As an elder, it is time for the junior to make mistakes. Stop them and pull them to the right path."

Many elders of the solitary family face each other, and the sacred sacred place is indeed more important than the struggle of "Duo Gu Cang". However, Du Guyue has just lost to "Duo Gu Cang", and does not teach "Duo Gu Cang" a meal, they are unwilling.

If the "Duo Gu Cang" sword beats Du Gu Yue, the spread of the things, I do not know how many warriors will secretly laugh at their solitary family. Those who are too willing to take the shot, the vast majority of the elders of the solitary family are supporting them. However, some elders feel that they should not be deceived by the public. They are fighting alone. The Taizun of their solitary family is not without the hope of defeating "Duo Gu Cang".

I have to say that the performance of the swordsman is still quite strong. Even the elders of the solitary family can't see him in the Tibetan Mastiff. The elders of the solitary family really thought that the swordsman could win the solitude and rely on the sneak attack.

"Elders, we only need a moment to let him know that we are powerful." One of the solitary family’s Tai Tianzun looked at the elders of the Solitary family and begged, "I hope that the elders can give us a chance to prove ourselves. The Taitian Zun of our solitary family is stronger than the Taitian Zun of the Solitary family!"

The words behind him completely talked about the hearts of the elders of the solitary family. They don't blame Du Guyue, Wu Du, like Du Guyue, will not excuse his own failure. However, they can give the opportunity to the Taigu Zun of the Solitary family. If the Taizuo of the Solitary family can crush the "Duo Gu Cang", they will give them a solitary family.

"Sister, the portal of the sacred place has been opened, you can let your disciples in the Temple of God go in."

No trace of Daojun did not answer the words of Taitianzun, but turned and said to Lianhua Daojun. The high-ranking members of their solitary family gave the War Temple 80 places. As for the headquarters and branches of the God of War, how to allocate those places, the top of the solitary family does not care.

"Thank you brother!"

Lianhua Daojun smiled slightly. In the past, when the sacred sacred place was just opened, it was the advanced of the sacred family and the sacred king. Unexpectedly, this time, there is no trace of the king who even let them advance the God of Heaven and the Holy King.

Those who are solitary in the solitary family are not fools. Of course, they know that there is no trace of why the king should make the gods and holy kings of the God of War more advanced, and there is no trace of the king who is fighting for time. Although there is no refutation of the words of Yunyun Daojun, his arrangement is more uncomfortable than the rebuttal of the discourse.

"There is a fight between the two, and the fishermen are profitable. The more they are fighting in the solitary family and the solitary family, the more cheap our war palace can take."

Lianhua Daojun secretly said in his heart that the division of the God of War Palace was under pressure in the Tianjian domain, not only because of the existence of the Solitary family, but also because the Dulu family did not give them troubles in the division of the God of War.

At the moment, it is only the battle of some juniors. Their Tianzun and Shengwang of the God of War Palace can take the lead. If the elders of the Solitary family and the Solitary family fight, the benefits they can get will be greater.

The only pity is that the elders of the solitary family and the solitary family are more stable than one, and it is unrealistic to expect them to be as arrogant as "Duo Gu Cang". Perhaps, apart from the solitary family and the solitary family, you have to work **** the young warriors.

"Duo Gu Cang, you are smart, I can't help if I want to help you."

Yunyun Daojun said to the sword magic, once he was a strong man of the king, he couldn’t pull his face to intervene in the confrontation of Tianzun. Secondly, the solitary family also had a lot of powerful monarchs present. The shots of those who are independent of the Duo family will not stand by.

The elders of the Solitary family thought that "Duo Gu Cang" would be afraid because they did not know how strong the "Duo Gu Cang" was. Don't say that the warrior who is now dealing with "Duogu Cang" is only Taitianzun. Even if it is a solitary charm and the other three Ba ​​Tianzun follow the shot, they will not be the opponents of "Duo Gu Cang".

It’s not that the swordsmen look down on these goddess of the solitary family, but that Taitianzun, Ba Tianzun and Zhitian Zun are not opponents of the Emperor. In the face of Godless, their point advantage is useless.

"You have a face that makes me shameless? You are practicing the emperor. I am only practicing the Tao. As a result, you are still bullying. Who is shameless?"

The swordsman and the martyrdom, the 暮云道君 and the traceless princes are all concerned about the movements here, he certainly can not reveal his true strength. Next, he was able to use only seven Tianfu. Moreover, he can neither run the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, nor can he display the swordsmanship of the three dead masters and the demon emperor.

"shut up!"

The first shot of Taitianzun was the one who had just begged for no trace. He didn't mean to say "Duo Gu Cang", the lion beat the rabbit, and he used all his strength. The sacred war sword is in his hand, as if it can open this piece of heaven and earth, and the power is amazing.

Then, the other ones of the Du Gu family were also shot in succession. They deceived the public, not only used the holy weapons, but also displayed the sword of the solitary family.

"They are really shameless! Elders, I am fighting, can't let him be guilty!"

"I didn't expect that the warrior of the solitary family turned out to be this virtue. Was it because of this that the solitary family became the emperor's power?"

"Don't talk nonsense, the ancestors of the solitary family, and our ancestors. They humiliated their ancestors, it was their business, not the ancestors."

On the side of the Solitary family, the Tianzun and the Holy King who are fighting are not in the minority. It is a pity that the late King of the Kings is not the opponent of the peak of Heaven, and the King of the Kings can not shoot.

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