The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 387: God of War, Musiyuan

Ba Tian Zun can be said to be a rare existence in the solitary family, but at the headquarters of the Ares Palace, nothing. The God of War Palace never lacks the tyrants, and the East Wei can lead the team, not only because he has eight Tianfu, but more importantly, he recently tried his best at the Tianzun assessment of the God of War.

In the world of martial arts, the strong is respected. Since Dongfang Wei is now the strongest Tianzun of the God of War, then he will lead the team and the other gods of the God of War will be taken orally. Moreover, Dongfang Wei is only half a step away from Tianzun, which is what Lihua Daojun said personally. If Oriental Wei can condense the ninth Tianfu in the sacred place, their overall strength will be greatly improved.

Although the history of the God of War Palace is not as long as the solitary family, the foundation of the God of War Palace is not only worse than that of the solitary family, but it is still there. The God of War is strong in the nerves of the war, and the emperors of the solitary family have not been able to compare with the nerves of war.

"Prince, you give me a mouthful! He is a tyrant, more than a Tianfu, can you leave some face for him?"

On the surface, Dongfang Wei is reprimanding the source of the past, and is actually sarcastic "Duo Gu Cang". There are only seven Tianfu sources in the past, and they dare to ask him to fight, indicating that Musiyuan is just like him, and he can’t look down on the Tianzun of the Solitary family. Changed to the domineering family of the solitary family, borrowing a few courage from the source of the source, the animal husbandry source did not dare to fight.

"When I return to the Eastern Brothers, I just give him a face, and I have to do it myself."

She Siyuan originated from the headquarters of the God Palace, and he cultivated the emperor. He knew that he was one less than the "Duoguan Cang" and still believed that he could overcome the "Duo Gu Cang". His confidence mainly comes from the cultivation of the Emperor's forces, and the disadvantages of Tianfu can be compensated by inheritance. He is not seen before, and he is obviously weaker than the tyrants of their warring palace headquarters.

If it is possible to defeat a Ba Tianzun in public, it is also good for the growth of Mu Siyuan. Tai Tian Zun is not the goal of the pastoral source. The domineering is not the same. The Temple of God of War is currently not a godsend, and maybe he can condense the ninth Tianfu in front of the East.

"Have you heard?" The sword did not take care of Mu Siyuan and Dongfang Wei, but turned and said to the duo. "He is a little Taizun who dares to look down on me. I have this reason. Now I am going to beat you in the past." Rotten, let him know who can offend, who can't offend!"

Mu Siyuan has no fear, because he has a retreat, even if he is not an opponent of "Duo Gu Cang", there is the East Wei, can also guarantee his life safety. What he did not know was that "Duo Gu Cang" really wanted to kill him, and Dong Wei could only blink. What he faced was not a tyrant, but one of the strongest tens of thousands of territories.

The face of the solitary dive is incomparably ugly. As a child of the solitary family, "Duo Gu Cang" cannot know the sequela of using the secret method to enhance his strength. At the peak state, he really does not fear that there are only seven Tianfu sources, but in his current state, he is definitely not the opponent of Musiyuan.

"What did he say? I didn't get it wrong? Is he really a child of a solitary family?"

The horror of the face of Mu Siyuan, this is not pretending, but he did not think of it, "Duo Gu Cang" is a tyrant of the power of a product, even more arrogant than him. Tian Zun, who used to be other forces, did not dare to offend him. When he went to "Duo Gu Cang", it was reversed. "Duo Gu Cang" became his unsuccessful existence.

If he is a disciple of the division of the God of War, it is understandable that "Duo Gu Cang" said such a thing. After all, the division of the God of War Palace is always in the Tianjian domain, and it must always be crushed by the ones. The key is that he came from the headquarters of the Temple of God of War, and he was a disciple of "One Solitary Cang". What kind of high-level appearance?

To have a sense of superiority, it is also that he has a sense of superiority. What is the superiority of "Duo Gu Cang"? Just because there is more than one Tianfu? Is it a selective forgetting of "Da Gu Cang" such as Gongfa and martial arts?

"If you have a kind, you will play with me and call other Tianzun shots. What kind of man?"

Musiyuan deliberately stimulated the "Duogu Cang" road. The solitary dung was obviously injured, defeating a wounded tyrant, and it was still a stalwart of the power of the forces. It was not a glorious thing. If he wants to win, he will win the "Duogu Cang", the tyrant of the peak state, or it will be boring.

"You are a little Taizun, not qualified to do it with me!"

The sword magic smiled contemptuously. Don't say that there are only seven Tianfu in the past, and even if she is condensed out of the ninth Tianfu, it will not be his opponent. He only used nine Tianfu, he can be on the top of the list of Tianzun rankings. If you use ten Tianfu, the three royal palaces will not be able to pick him up.


Musiyuan's lips are trembling, and the Emperor of the Emperor's power can despise him. However, he is so unbearable that he is despising him. Do not kill "Duo Gu Cang" half a year, it is difficult to eliminate his hatred.

He did not continue to bicker with "Duo Gu Cang", but directly pulled the knife and rushed to the solitary. Since "Duo Gu Cang" said that he is not qualified, then he will let "Duo Gu Cang" see what qualifications.


The solitary potential has changed greatly. In his current state, he can't stop the attack of the animal source. He did not hesitate, and quickly retreated at the fastest speed, trying to avoid the edge of Musiyuan. Because he knows that the goal of Musiyuan is not him at all, but "the only one." As long as he does not add chaos to the source, she will certainly not chase him endlessly.

It is a pity that the face of the solitary dive is not thick enough. As a tyrant, he really has no face to take the initiative to admit defeat. Even if it is a rush to escape, it is ten times stronger than confession. After all, the power of the tyrants is still a tyrant, and you can't just bow to Taitianzun.

"Hey, count your knowledge, otherwise..."

In the latter words, Musiyuan did not say, but the solitary dive can be guessed. The strength of the solitary dive is not even comparable to the Taizun of the Solitary family, let alone the animalism of the Emperor.

The children of the solitary family who were present at the scene looked at the eyes of the solitary singer. They were dissatisfied. The tyrants of their singular family were stunned by the celestial beings of the God of War. They even dared not to fight back. They also had no face on their faces.

Now it seems that letting "Duo Gu Cang" lead the team is indeed much stronger than the Duo Qiang. At least "Duo Gu Cang" is not only embarrassed when facing the source of the past, but also the sentence will be the footsteps of the pastoral source.

I just don't know, can "Duo Gu Cang" defeat the source of animal husbandry?

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