The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 390: Feng Chiyan, please fight

Since Musiyuan is actively provoking "Duo Gu Cang", then "Duo Gu Cang" will injure the animal husbandry source, which is considered to be a crime of animal husbandry. To change Dongfang Wei to the position of "Duo Gu Cang", Dongfang Wei also gave a deep lesson to the pastoral source.

There is no reason for the Oriental Weizheng to start with "Duo Gu Cang". After all, the pursuit of Mu Siyuan is his promise. Musiyuan lost to "Duo Gu Cang", and he shot again or sent Ba Tianzun to deal with "Duo Gu Cang", which is somewhat unreasonable.

"Duo Gu Cang" took the sacred sword of Mu Siyuan as his own, but instead gave the reason for Dongfang Wei to intervene. The sacred swords used by Musiyuan are the weapons of their warring palaces, but they are temporarily borrowed for use by Musiyuan. When the pastoral source breaks through the holy kingdom, it is possible to give him.

"That knife is my trophy, how come, do you have opinions?"

The sword demon said with a smile, the Oriental Wei can scare the solitary and the solitary frost, but they can't scare him because he is the Supreme Master. Really fight, Dongfang Wei is not his opponent at all. The gap between the tyrants and the sacred gods is not smaller than that of the tyrants and the sacred kings.

"Let's go! How do you talk to the Eastern brothers?"

"Oriental brothers let you hand over the sword, and you will hand it over, don't toast and not eat fine wine!"

"You can win the pastor, it is nothing, we will never lack the tyrants of the God of War. You should not think that winning the pastor is invincible."

The gods of the God of War are looking at the eyes of the swordsmen. They are quite bad. The East is the strongest **** of their gods. Today, "Duo Gu Cang" does not give the face of the East, but does not give them face.

"Prosperity? What do you mean, as long as you win the pastor, the priest's weapon is yours?" Without waiting for the sword to open, Dongfang Wei continued to say, "In this case, then Tianzun of our God of War Palace won you. Does the pastor’s weapon become our spoils?"

Dongfang Wei did not force the swordsman too much. If the swordsman really gave him the sacred sword of the animal source, he would have a headache. The feeling of "Duo Gu Cang" gave him a feeling of being too unruly. He did not teach "Duo Gu Cang" a meal. "Duo Gu Cang" is not obedient.

He can see that "Duo Gu Cang" did not put him in his eyes. The other tyrants of the Ares Palace did not mean to take the shot. He would do it himself. Only the "Duo Gu Cang" would be convinced, and these Tianzun of the Solitary family could be used for him.

"If you have to understand this, you can't do it."

The sword magic said helplessly, what is the subtext of the Oriental Wei, he certainly listened. Oriental Wei needs cannon fodder, and these heavenly lords of the Solitary family are the most suitable cannon fodder in the eyes of the East. If the Eastern Wei can't take down these gods of the Solitary family, these Heavenly Masters of the Solitary family are likely to become the cannon fodder of the Solitary family.

Oriental Wei needs cannon fodder, why not the sword magic?

These gods of the Solitary family alone are not enough. If they are added to these gods of the God of War, it will suffice. Have them explore the road, maybe he can really find the emperor of the sacred place.

In the sacred sacred place, there are a total of nine great emperors. If the nine emperors of the sacred sacred land are all brought back to Lingjia, it will take many years for Lingjia’s overall strength to improve a lot. Anyway, the solitude of the Solitary family and the God of War Palace will not hurt.

"Oriental brother, let me come, I have been holding him for a long time!"

The first one to fight is not the tyrannical respect of the headquarters of the God of War, but the tyrannical feng zhiyan of the division of the God of War. The contradiction between the God of War branch and the Solitary family is not a day or two. Feng Chiyan has never had a chance to fight with Duo.

Feng Chiyan thought that this time he came to the sacred place, his opponent is still alone, but he did not expect that the solitary family actually cultivated the second tyrant. In Tianzun alone, it is obvious that their division of the God of War Palace lost.

Du Guqian and Feng Chiyan have played against each other many times, and they have won each other. However, the ability of "Duo Gu Cang" is the only one to lead the team, and the potential of "Duo Gu Cang" in front of the "Dao Gu Cang" dare to speak and dare to speak, can explain the strength of "Duo Gu Cang" Far from the loneliness.

Switching to the previous Feng Chiyan, there is no hope of defeating "Duo Gu Cang". However, unlike today, the current Feng Chiyan is no longer comparable to Feng Chiyan. In order to be able to overcome the solitary dive, he specialized in the most powerful knives of the Ares Palace division.

With his understanding, relying on himself, for hundreds of years may not be able to train the most powerful knife of the God of War. Fortunately, he is the only one in the Temple of the God of War. He is the only one who has the power of the king. He finally pointed out that the sacred knife of their division of the God of War was trained to Dacheng.

This is also the sigh of his dare to stand up and fight!

"you sure?"

Dongfang Wei has never seen Feng Chiyan's strongest sacred knife method in the Shishen Palace branch. It is normal to have doubts about Feng Chiyan. The strength of "Duo Gu Cang" gives him the feeling that it is above the dominance of all the forces of the product. The hegemonic sects he has seen before are not the opponents of "Duo Gu Cang".

"I am sure, please ask the Eastern brothers to give me a chance."

Feng Chiyan nodded heavily. The strongest sacred knife method of the God of War Palace was prepared for the mighty king. He was trained by a god, isn't it invincible?

Although he is also a tyrant, he can feel that the Tianzun at the headquarters of the God of War Palace did not regard him as the tyrant. If he can defeat the "Duo Gu Cang" in public, it will also make the Tian Zun of the Ares Palace headquarters look at each other.

If you can get the appreciation of Lianhua Daojun, maybe he can take this opportunity to become a disciple of the headquarters of the God of War. He admits that his talents are not worse than those of the God’s Palace headquarters. They are not comparable to them, just because they are not born.

"Since you have this confidence, then I promise you!"

Dongfang Wei did not expect Feng Chiyan to win "Duo Gu Cang", Feng Chiyan was very proud, he knew. When Feng Chiyan lost to "Duo Gu Cang", and then they defeated "Duo Gu Cang" in the War God Palace headquarters, Feng Chiyan can recognize himself.

Moreover, Feng Chiyan's strength must be stronger than the pastoral source. When "Duo Gu Cang" and Mu Siyuan played against each other, they did not show anything at all. With Feng Chiyan leading the way, he can also see the true strength of "Duo Gu Cang".

Knowing oneself and knowing oneself, we can win every battle. Although Dongfang Wei feels that he can't take his shot, but he knows more about "Duo Gu Cang", it is only good for him, there is no harm. He is not afraid of the strength of "Duo Gu Cang", and he is afraid that "Duo Gu Cang" is useless. More pre-existing Tianzun, mid-term Tianzun and later Tianzun, in his heart, can not match a tyrannical tyrant.

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