The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 395: Beating people have no strength

Dongfang Wei doubts the identity of the sword demon, not because he has seen the camouflage of the Qinglian mask, but because of the performance of the sword demon, it is not like the tyrant of the solitary family. The Solitary family is only a force. Why can it cultivate a superiority than the Dominion of their God of War?

Especially in terms of will, the feeling of the sword is more terrifying than the pre-Sacred King of the God of War. If he didn't know that Tianjian is a woman in Tianjian, he even suspects that the "Duogu Cang" in front of him is a solitary charm.

"Are you stupid?" The sword devil pointed at the nose of Dongfang Wei and replied, "Hurry up and hand over your weapons. Don't pretend to be crazy with me. Win is to win, lose is to lose, you don't want to toast, don't eat and drink fine wine. !"

"Don't toast, don't eat and drink fine wine." Those who were originally in the God of War Palace said to the swordsmen, the swordsmen now return this sentence to the Oriental Wei, but also to those who respect the God of War.

"Oh, this is the beginning. Do you think that you can win me alone?"

Dongfang Wei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and immediately took out the sacred gun that the elder gave him, and suddenly slammed it toward the sword. The sacred gunfare that he displayed is not too strong, and he can be said to be unfavorable.

You must know that he is not only the first day of the God of War, but also the first day of the God of War. Whether it is the tyrants of other forces in the God of War domain, or the tyrants of their God of War, they are all defeated by guns.

The world of will is being countered, and it is not enough for the East to admit defeat. In other words, the identity of the first day of the God of War is not allowed to admit defeat. Before coming, the high-levels of the God of War Palace told him that he had to lose the only solitude that can only be lost to the Solitary family, and lose to other Tianzun, absolutely not.

The solitary charm has nine Tianfu, and it is normal for Dongfang to win. However, if he loses to "Duo Gu Cang", he can't explain it. "Duo Gu Cang" comes from the Solitary family. If the top level of the War God Palace is known, he will not even beat the Dominion of the Solitary Family. How will the top of the God of War Palace see him?

The shooting method of the Oriental Wei Shi show in the sword magic, if it is changed to Tian Zun to display, it may bring him no small trouble. However, there are only eight Tianfu's Oriental Wei, who want to win him by such a gunmanship is tantamount to idiots and dreams.


The sacred sword of the sword demon squats on the sacred rifle of the Eastern Wei, and utters the Martian in the sky. Zhao Sheng’s sacred sword is not bad. In terms of quality alone, Zhao Wei’s holy sword is obviously stronger than the weapons of Mu Siyuan and Feng Chiyan.

In the aspect of strength, the swordsmen who cultivated the ancient heavens and the holy lotuses are indeed inferior to the Lingdao, which is quite ridiculous. However, compared to the Oriental Wei, the power of the sword magic is still a lot stronger. Such a confrontational confrontation shook the arms of the East.

In the case of an advantage, the Sword Devil certainly does not give the Oriental Wei a chance to breathe. The power of Xuan Lei Yaoguang’s swordsmanship in his hands has already exceeded the cognition of Du Guqian and Du Gushuang.

Time and time again, Dongfang Wei is avoiding and retreating, and finally managed to hold the situation. It’s a pity that I haven’t waited for the joy of the East. The sword of the sword is like a sword from the emptiness, directly piercing the wrist of the East.


The body of Ba Tian Zun is as fragile as tofu in front of the holy weapon. Dongfang Wei couldn't help but screamed. Fortunately, the attack of the swordsman did not come toward his heart. Otherwise, he may already be a dead man.

"Do you want to continue playing?"

The left hand of the sword demon holds the sacred rifle of the Oriental Wei, and the right hand holds the sword of the holy character. The tip of the sword is far from the throat of the East, less than three inches. Dongfang Wei knows that his current situation is exactly the same as that of Zhao Wei, and he may die under the sword of the sword at any time.

"How could this be? The Oriental brother is not his opponent?"

"Awful! How can the solitary family cultivate such a enchanting? Can it be said that the Solitary family must have a sword god?"

In these Goddess of the God of War, I think that the highest achievement of "Duo Gu Cang" is to become another sword **** of the Solitary family. As for the Great Emperor, it is not the threshold that “Duo Gu Cang” can touch, because the Solitary family has no emperor.

"Duo Gu Cang" is only a Taoist cultivator. He can use the Taoist sect to become an emperor. There is only one person in the three thousand territories, that is, the owner of the Ling family, the emperor. However, even if the emperor is a monk, the Taoist cultivation is not comparable to those of the Solitary family. The emperor has three or six, and so on.

"You won, this sacred gun is for you."

Compared with life, the holy pike is nothing. What's more, the holy pike is loaned to him by the high-level of the God of War, and only his life is his own. Because a sacred gun has lost his life, it is an idiot, and he is not an idiot.

In fact, the sword magic can easily defeat the East Wei, but also thanks to the will attack by the East Wei Yi. The East Wei, who suffered from the resurgence, has a decline in strength. If there is no strength in the heyday, it has to be a question mark.

"Waste, all wastes, even the only ones can not beat, but also said that the genius of the power of the emperor, simply a joke!"

Solitary can't help but blame, Zhao Wei and Dongfang Wei's performance, so that the solitary potential is disappointing. These celestial gods of the God of War not only failed to teach "Duo Gu Cang", but instead were taught by "Duo Gu Cang".

In the past, the tyrants of the Emperor's forces were invincible in the heart of the solitude. But now, the two tyrants of the headquarters of the God of War Palace have been defeated in the hands of "Duo Gu Cang", we must know that Du Gu Cang was still defeated by his men.

"Give me a hand!"

The face of Dongfang Wei couldn't help but cold down. Zhao Wei didn't hesitate any more, and immediately rushed to the front of the solitary dive, and slammed the slap in the face. They can see that there is a contradiction between the solitary and the "donely". In the face of "Duo Gu Cang", the mouth of the palm of the hand alone, presumably "done alone" will not care about them.

Facts have proved that their guess is correct. When Zhao Wei’s palms were alone, the “Duo Gu Cang” did not look at the duo. They have the heart to plead for the solitary, but they also know that "Duo Gu Cang" will not sneak out for Du Gu, they simply do not open their mouths, so as not to annoy the "Duo Gu Cang".

The status of the "Duo Gu Cang" in their hearts has long been a thing of the past, annoyed "Duo Gu Cang", who knows what they will end. On the contrary, as long as they are honestly following the "Duo Gu Cang", even those who are the gods of the God of War, they must give them a few faces.

"There is no strength in hitting people. Are you not eating?"

The sword devil snorted, and after hearing the words of the sword demon, Zhao Wei’s heart was just happy. "Duo Gu Cang" not only did not mean to help the solitary, but instead had the heart to teach the loneliness, Zhao Wei is of course willing to serve.

In fact, Zhao Wei feels that there is a similarity between the "Duo Gu Cang" and the Duo Qiang's eyebrows. She is playing the solitary dung as "Duo Gu Cang". If she wants to know her mind, she will not let her fight.

"She beat her, we talked about us. I think your previous suggestions are still good."

After the sword demon took the sacred rifle of Dongfang Wei into Tianfu, it seemed like nothing, and talked about the previous things with Dongfang Wei.

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