The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 432: You are a minority

Du Gushuang was originally prepared to refute "Duo Gu Cang" because she would certainly not escape. However, the other gods of the Solitary family do not say all, at least most of them are likely to be deserters. Knowing that it is not the opponents of the gods of the God of War and the solitary family, how many other goddess of the Solitary family are willing to desperately?

It turns out that "Duo Gu Cang" is not indisputable, but knows that there is no result. Just relying on "Duo Gu Cang", I really can't compete with the East Wei and the Solitude. After all, the East Wei and the Solitudes are so many people. If the East Wei and the solitary charms are ironed to kill "Duo Gu Cang", "Duo Gu Cang" may even be in danger of life.

Before, Dong Wei, Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan were able to fight alone with "Duo Gu Cang" because there was no need to join forces. However, once they see the inheritance of the great emperor, they will not talk about the rules of "Duo Gu Cang". Single-handedly fighting is not an opponent of "Duo Gu Cang". It does not mean that they add up to the same opponents.

What's more, if "Duo Gu Cang" really dares to participate in the struggle of the great emperor, those who are alone and the solitary family will never stand by. When it comes time to deal with "Duo Gu Cang", there are both Tianzun of the God of War and Tianzun of the Solitary Family.

"Actually, you know each other! As long as you don't participate in the battle for the inheritance of the great emperor, the God of our God of War will not do it for you!"

Dongfang Wei said with a smile, the strength of "Duo Gu Cang" is stronger than they are. If it is not necessary, he is really unwilling to be an enemy of "Duo Gu Cang". It is a good thing for him and the God of War Palace to give up the battle for the inheritance of the great emperor. In this way, he can concentrate on dealing with the gods of the solitary and the solitary family.

He did not put the other celestial respects of the solitude family in his eyes. The sacred ancestors of the singular family could not be underestimated, and the rest of the heavens were not worthy of consideration. "Duo Gu Cang" can be said to be a special case. It is difficult for a product to have such a Tianzun, and other Tianzun of the Solitary family is normal.

The swordsman did not take care of the East, and the God of the God of War will not do anything to him. He does not care. Ba Tian Zun and Zhi Tian Zun may be afraid of the strength of the East Wei and the solitary, but the Emperor will not be jealous.

"I know that no matter whether I fight for the inheritance of the great emperor, you have to kill me." Without waiting for the singularity of the singularity, the sword magic is blocking her words. "Now, when you are not arrogant, you rush back. Let me break this stone!"

They are only aware of the importance of the great emperor, but they do not know that the ancient characters on this stone tablet also contain the spirit of the Emperor. Unfortunately, because the time is too long, most of the ancient characters contain the spirit of the gods have long dissipated, only the first four words, still contain the spirit of the Emperor.

The inheritance of the great emperor can be temporarily handed over to Orient Wei or the solitary charm. However, the four ancient characters of "Gossip Antiquity", the sword magic will not give them to the East and the solitary. Of course, with the eyes of the East and the solitary, they can't see the extraordinary features of the ancient words of "Gossip Antiquity".

"I see if you can break the stone tablet, if you can't break it, you will suffer!"

The singularity of the singularity and sorrow said that only the eyes of the great emperor will be seen, and the celestial gods of their solitary family will fight against the gods of the God of War. If "Duo Gu Cang" can't break the stone monument, they don't know if there is any great emperor in the stone monument. If they don't need to do it with Dongfang Wei, she has time to clean up the "Duo Gu Cang".

"You remember, you can get the holy weapon we gave you if you break the stone. If you can't break it, whether it is the holy weapon of our God of War, or the holy weapon of the solitary family, there is no share for you. If you dare to grab, we will not be merciful to you."

It is really not important for the three sacred weapons to compete against the Jingu headquarters, but it is still very important for Dongfang Wei. They have been taken away by the "Duo Gu Cang" a lot of holy weapons, if they are robbed of three pieces of holy weapons, how will they see him at the top of the Temple of God? Will you think he is useless?

"Okay, you are a minority, don't affect me!"

The sword demon said impatiently, the East Wei and the solitary charm they felt that the stone monument was difficult to break open, or that they could not break the stone monument, purely because they did not know. Wanting to break this stone monument by brute force, Tianzun can't do it at all, and even the vast majority of the Holy King can't do it.

Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan are full of faces, that is, they can't break the stone. Otherwise, they will certainly not be so angry. The most important thing at the moment is to break the stone monument and see if there is a great emperor in it. Their grievances about "Duo Gu Cang" can only be left in the heart, until they compete for the inheritance of the Great Emperor, and then settled with "Duo Gu Cang".

Solitary charm and Oriental Wei stared at the "Duo Gu Cang", for fear of missing details, they really want to know how "Duo Gu Cang" broke through the stone. On the strength, Dongfang Wei is really inferior to "Duo Gu Cang", but the solitary charm is stronger than "Duo Gu Cang".

Why can't they do what they can't do? They were born in the power of the emperor, and the result was actually not comparable to a tyrant who was born in a product.

"You are really waste, so simple things, come to me." Swordsman said and laughed, and even put away the holy sword, "still not you, if not because you are enough waste, How can I get those holy weapons?"

The most important way to break this stone is the attack strength, which is only second. The difficulty of breaking the stone monument with bare hands is actually almost the same as the difficulty of breaking the stone tablet with the holy sword. Since there is nothing that can be done with bare hands, then he does not need to use the holy weapon.

"What does he mean? Don't even use the holy weapon? Who does he think he is?"

"The one from the solitary family has not been able to break the stone tablet. How confident is he to collect the holy weapons? Is he not ready to open the stone without empty?"

"Confidence? I think he is arrogant! The Eastern brothers and Zhao Shijie still can't break the stone. Does he really think that he can break the stone tablet by a singularly independent family? ?"

The goddess of the God of War, after seeing "Duo Gu Cang" put away the sword of the holy character, began to open their voices. The act of "Duo Gu Cang" was simply playing the faces of Dongfang Wei and Zhao Wei. Oriental Wei and Zhao Wei, they tried their best to do things that could not be done. "Duo Gu Cang" was not taken seriously. Is this how much they despise their war gods?

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