The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 439: Advice from Solitary Cream

"Jokes, this is clearly the inheritance of the great emperor of the sacred place, how did you become your solitary family?"

Dongfang Wei smiled and retorted that the sacred place is a sacred place, and the solitary family is a solitary family. The words of the solitary singularity are completely arrogant. The high level of their God of War Palace asks the solitary family for the quota of the sacred place, is it not passed down to the great emperor of the sacred land?

It is true that, as the solitary charm said, the sacred sacred place is in the Tianjian domain, and the great emperor of the sacred sacred land is the solitary family. Then what are they going to sacred? If they can't compete for the inheritance of the great emperor, what does the high-level of the God of War Palace mean to the oriental sage?

Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan stand tall and stand behind the East Wei. They thought that they were not the opponents of the Tian Zun family. I did not expect that the Oriental Wei alone would scare the gods of the Solitary family by relying on the “Sacred Charm”. Fight for the great inheritance.

The number of the solitary family in the field was the highest, which should have been their advantage, and now it has become their disadvantage. It is precisely because of the large number of people that they have been divided into several forces, each of them is in politics, and if there are few people, there will be no similar situation.

"I said that we are a solitary family, that is, we are alone in the family. Tianjian domain has always been the only one of our solitary families. You don't know?"

The reason why the solitary charm is not allowed is because she knows that Dong Wei does not dare to kill her. Although Dongfang Wei does not recognize the inheritance of the great emperor is their own solitary family, Tianjian domain is indeed the site of the solitary family, in the Tianjian domain, from the East is not careful.

The inheritance of the great emperor is of course important, but in the heart of the East, his own life is the most important. Now he can get the inheritance of the great emperor, and he does not need to kill the solitary charm. It can be said that it is the best of both worlds. The solitary charm is just a force in front of him, he does not need to be compared with the solitary charm.

"As long as I can bring the great emperor out, the elders of Lianhua will surely bring the great emperor back to the God of War." Dongfang Wei did not take care of the solitary charm, but they said to Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan, "You help me to see the solitary family." Those gods, I will go to the great emperor!"

Who can get the inheritance of the great emperor, who is the hero of the God of War, and is the greatest hero. With such merits, even the Daojun will be moved, and Dongfang Wei will certainly not give Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan them.

Zhao Wei was not thinking about vying for merit, but she was quickly vetoed because she knew she was not an opponent of Dongfang Wei. The other gods of the God of War Palace are also not the opponents of the East. After all, the Oriental Wei now has the sacred armor.

"Senior brother, do we really give up like this?"

Anyone can hear the unwillingness of the solitary frost. The headquarters of the warring palace and the solitary family clearly do not lack the inheritance of the great emperor, and they are still competing for the inheritance of the great emperor. And they need the inheritance of the great emperor, and they don’t know.

From the ancient times to the present, the reason why the solitary family has never been able to promote the emperor's power is because no great emperor was born. The fundamental reason why the Solitary family can not cultivate the great emperor is that the Solitary family lacks the inheritance of the great emperor. It is hard to go to heaven by relying on the Taoist sects of the Solitary family alone.

"I want to give up? Is it that I don't want to compete for the inheritance of the great emperor?" The swordsman pointed to the other goddess of the Solitary family and shouted, "You marry them, you give me a good look at them, expect them to go to the Temple of God and The gods of the solitary family are killed and killed, is it realistic?"

The demon scorn of the other gods of the Solitary family is unconcealed. The strength is almost nothing. In fact, there is nothing. The key point is that these Tianzun families of the Solitary family have no courage to confront the God of War and the Duo’s family.

Before the Ling family did not promote the power of the emperor, the Tianzun of Lingjia was not afraid of the Tianzun of Lingxiaoge. These Tianzun of the Solitary family regard their life and death as too heavy. Unlike the Tianzun of the Ling family, they dare to fight and dare to fight. Lingjia can promote the power of the emperor, there is no reason.

Du Gushuang was so angry that his forehead was jumping straight forward. Although the words of "Duo Gu Cang" were a bit ugly, she was not born with the spirit of "Duo Gu Cang", but the other Tian Zun of the Solitary family. Because she knows that these celestial gods who are counting on their solitude are arguing for the inheritance of the great emperor. To be precise, they are not daring to do it.

"If I help you cover now, then you have stolen in the past, is there any possibility of success?"

If you don't try it, the solitary frost will not give up, after all, the inheritance of the great emperor is in sight. Since there is no hope of vying for them, they can only use other methods. If you are not injured, the method of Solitary Cream is completely awkward. However, the injury of the solitary enchantment is extremely heavy, which gives the opportunity of "Duo Gu Cang". After all, the strength of "Duo Gu Cang" is obviously stronger than that of Dong Wei and Zhao Wei.

The sword and the deceitful thing did not glare at Zhao Wei, or Zhao Wei would not make such a suggestion. "Duo Gu Cang" snatched the great emperor in the face of the East, but there is still a play. If it is replaced by a solitary charm, "Duo Gu Cang" will not succeed, and it may die under the sword of the Solitary.

Last time, "Duo Gu Cang" was able to press the solitary singer because the Oriental Wei and Zhao Wei stood on his side. However, once he participated in the battle for the inheritance of the great emperor, they would not help him with Dong Wei and Zhao Wei. Single-handedly fighting, "Duo Gu Cang" is the opponent of the solitary charm?

"No!" The sword devil said that it was a slap in the face, and hesitated without a little bit. "You don't look at how many pairs of eyes are now staring at the great emperor. If I dare to reach out to the emperor, they will not be merciful to me." ”

Unless the sword is exposed to real power, otherwise, he is not the opponent of Tian Zun. The suggestion of Du Gushuang is simply pushing him into the fire pit. It is a little careless. He is not afraid of the goddess of the Solitary family and the God of War. However, there are still many holy kings in the Solitary family and the God of War Palace who have entered the sacred place.

His strength is stronger, can he be better than the sacred kings of the Solitary family and the God of War? The Heavenly Respect is still Heavenly Respect, and if Heavenly Respect is to fight with the Eight Kings and the Eight Kings, isn’t it self-seeking?

"Not only is I dying, you give me a cover, but also die." The sword demon knows that Du Gushuang did not intentionally hang him, but explained with Du Gushuang. "It is not that I am afraid of death, but such sacrifices are meaningless."

Wen Yan, the solitary frost can not help but silence, if their sacrifice can help the independence of the family to the inheritance of the great emperor, she has no complaints. The problem is that the analysis of "Duo Gu Cang" is correct. Even if they die in the hands of the Tianzuo and the God of War, the Solitary family will not be able to inherit the Emperor.

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