The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 441: Violent

"Don's frost, you don't want to bully too much!"

The solitary color is stunned by the singularity. In the heyday, the solitary dive wants to defeat the solitary frost, which is easy, but now the solitary is not the opponent of the solitary frost. If the solitary frost really wants to be done, the end of the solitary dive can be imagined.

To say that the solitary dive is not afraid, it must be a fake, and the solitary dung certainly knows that the solitary frost will not kill him. However, under the broad public, if he is a tyrant, he will be beaten into a dead dog by a solitude cream. What face does he have in the Tianjian domain?

Du Gushuang did not sneak into the nonsense, but directly applied the sacred boxing method to attack the solitary. Since it has been decided to listen to "Duo Gu Cang", then hesitation does not make any sense. The sooner she started, the less likely she was to pretend to be injured.

To deal with the current solitary dive, there is no need to use any weapons, and the solitary frost is bare-handed, and the same can be used to find the teeth. The sequela of the secret law of Pingyun Qingyun, of course, knows that, after all, she used it before.


The attack of Du Gushuang was like a storm, and he couldn’t speak for a long time. The solitary sneaked back and forth again and again, in his current state, he certainly could not stop the sacred boxing method of the solitary frost. If you are hard-pressed, you will have to suffer from a big loss. This is a self-awareness.

It’s a pity that the solitary retreat is fast, and the solitary frost is chasing faster. The face of the solitary dive is as gloomy as water, and dozens of hundreds of fists hit at the same time. He avoids it. Nothing to hide. Even if he moves faster, it is impossible to avoid these fists in an instant.

The solitary bite bite the teeth, forcibly lifts all the power, and slams the sword to the fist shadows of the Solitary Cream. At the same time, he can resist dozens of hundreds of fists, he can't, but he can avoid most of the boxing. The boxing shadow that really confronts him is at most twenty or thirty.

The swords are intertwined, and the countless swords and the shadows of those fists are like tearing the world. After all, it is the tyrannical respect, the deadly camel is bigger than the horse, and the strength of the solitary sneak is not comparable to his peak state, but he does not lose the momentum.


It seems that the solitary dive does not fall into the wind. In fact, the solitary dung has been injured by the shadow of the solitary frost. There are only seven figures in the boxing shadow that really hits the solitary body, but the damage caused by the seven-way boxing shadow to the solitary dung is enough to make the solitary sneak hem.

"Do you swindle me?!"

The sacred boxing method of Du Gushuang’s display, of course, is uniquely understood. In his view, even if it is hit by several fists, it is not a big deal. Who knows, the seven-way fist shadow of Du Gushuang is ten times more powerful than he imagined.

"The boxing shadows that I have avoided are all fake. The fists that I smashed are only in the table. Only the seven shadows that attacked me will show your true strength."

This is the reason for the injury of the solitary sneak, but unfortunately, it is too late to know. If he is fully resisting the seven-pointed fist that hit him, he will not stop talking about it and block the four or five roads. There is still no problem.

"You and I have been fighting so many times, can I understand you?"

Du Gushuang couldn't help but smile. Before the solitary, she was the first day of their independence. Not only did she study the loneliness, but other Tianzun of their solitary family were also studying the solitary. If the solitary dive is still at its peak, even if the solitary frost knows the habit of solitary dive, it will not win the loneliness.

After occupying the advantage, the Du Gushuang not only did not stop, but instead of gaining momentum, he once again attacked the solitary. She helped the "Duo Gu Cang" to deal with the solitary sneak, not because the strength of "Duo Gu Cang" is stronger than that of Du Gu, her grandfather is the elder of the Solitary family, so she does not need to tie up "Duo Gu Cang".

The high-ranking family of the solitary family gave them quotas, let them compete for the inheritance of the great emperor, and help the "Duo Gu Cang" to deal with the independence of the loneliness, that is, to help the Solitary family to compete for the inheritance of the great emperor. Because Du Gushen knows that they can only get the inheritance of the great emperor, and it is impossible to expect independence. In addition, if she does not help the "Duo Gu Cang" to deal with the solitary sneak, "Duo Gu Cang" hands-on, the end of the solitary will only be even worse.

"Do we want to help the latent brothers? If the sisters fight again, the subordinate brothers will not be killed?"

"What do you say nonsense? The sister-in-law has a sense of proportion, and at most, the lower-class brother will be injured. How can he kill the late-brother?"

After hearing the dialogues of other Tianzun family members, the solitary dive is even more mad at the blood, and as the tyrant of the Solitary family, does he not want to face? They opened their mouths and killed them. Have they considered his feelings?

He is injured or not, he is because of the aftermath of the secret law, resulting in great damage, but as long as he gives him time, he can recover. Moreover, the top management of the Solitary family paid much attention to him, and he did not know if he knew it. Lend a few courage to the solitary cream, and he did not dare to kill him.

"Can you shut up? Ah? Can you?"

Du Gushuang asked fiercely, only a moment of hard work, she will be solitary and sore. The solitary potential is to be soft, she can completely let go of the solitary. After all, she and the solitary are innocent and invincible, but the loneliness is not willing to soften, she can only continue to fight.

Only by satisfying the "Duo Gu Cang", "Duo Gu Cang" will put all the thoughts on the battle for the inheritance of the great emperor. "Duo Gu Cang" and the East Wei and the solitary charm of their struggle, Du Gushuang can not help anything, other places can help "Duo Gu Cang", the solitary frost can not help.

"Hey, I said he didn't say you, what are you excited about?"

The solitary sorrow and sorrow, the formerly a stranger with his relationship, has now become a running dog of "Duo Gu Cang", he can not accept it is normal. The solitary cream can not be said to be unscrupulous. If he fights again, he will probably have to rest for half a month before he can recover completely.

"I didn't get it wrong? Is he swearing at the sorcerer?"

"Yes, you didn't get it wrong, I heard it, it can't be tolerated!"

There are also many people who like to be alone in the presence of the solitary family, and they are really uncomfortable. It is normal for them to have opinions on the solitary. Fortunately, the loneliness at this time is not the opponent of the solitary frost, the lessons of the solitary, do not need their help.

"Independence! Lone! Dive!!"

Du Gushuang said with a word of biting his teeth, and the good heart was treated as a liver and lung. She could not be compared with the solitary, but she was alone in the public and how could she suffer?

Before, she started to have a sense of scale, and after all, she was the tyrant of their solitary family. At the crucial moment, she also expected to be alone. But now, she just wants to sneak into the solitude, what the overall situation, what status, what the consequences, all go to hell!

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