The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 443: Would you like to try it?

If Zhao Wei used this fake sacred symbol to deal with the celestial gods of the solitary family, the consequences would be unimaginable. Those goddess of the solitary family died because they were afraid of death, and they gave up the inheritance of the great emperor. It is not the Oriental Wei who can put them to death, but the holy character.

If you know that the sacred symbol of Dong Wei’s hand is false, it is not just a matter of vying for the inheritance of the great emperor. Dongfang Wei used the fake sacred charms to scare them out of their arrogance and arrogance. Can they let go of the East?

In the heyday of the East, Weishang was not the only one of them, and the opponents of the East were to fight with them. It would only be worse. It’s not that they are fighting alone. Oriental Wei is not their opponent, but they are not going to give the East a single chance.

"Senior brother, when are you, do you still remember the merits?"

It is normal for Zhao Wei to have an opinion on the East. After all, she does not know that the sacred symbol of Dong Wei’s hand is false. Dongfang Wei did not give her a sacred charm. She took it for granted that she was unwilling to give her the credit of the great emperor.

The East Wei Wei got his forehead and jumped forward. Zhao Wei was purely jealous of him. The key is that he still can't explain it. He is not at ease with Zhao Wei's acting skills. If he uses the voice of the will to tell Zhao Zhen the truth, Zhao Wei reveals what is wrong, they are likely to die.

"What has been unsuccessful, I am injured now, but in my current state, urging the holy character, it is no problem." Dongfang Wei pointed to the inheritance of the great emperor not far away, laughing Said to Zhao Wei, "I will use the holy character to give you a battle, you go to the great emperor, when you first remember on your head, can't you?"

Dongfang Wei does not want to make the first effort, but in his heart, personal glory is still second, and whether they can get the inheritance of the great emperor in the Temple of God is the most important. If Zhao Wei can bring the great emperor of the sacred sacred place back to the God of War, Dongfang Wei is equally happy.

"When are you stupid? You have the sacred armor and armor, and they have become like this. I will take it for me. Can I still see the sun of tomorrow?"

Zhao Yu mouth, the horror of the power of the great emperor, she just saw clearly. Dongfang Wei can save his life, purely because the defensive power of the holy armor is amazing. She has no sacred armor, and she is very likely to die.

"Whoever wants the great emperor to inherit, go and get it yourself, anyway, I am not interested."

The inheritance of the great emperor is of course important, but in the heart of Zhao Wei, his life is ten times more important than the inheritance of the emperor. She said that she was not interested. She was completely looking for herself. No interest was fake. It was true that she was afraid of death.

Feng Chiyan opened his mouth and wanted to say that he came to try it, but in the end he swallowed his words into the stomach. The strength of Dongfang Wei is stronger than him, and there is also a sacred armor. He does not need to take his own life to gamble.

Du Gu Ding and Du Gu Yi their brows wrinkled up, why Zhao Zhao did not dare to go to the great emperor, they certainly know. "Duogu Cang" and Dongfang Wei were both hit hard because they touched the great emperor. If they touched the inheritance of the great emperor, they might be seriously injured.

"Don't look at me, my current state can't help you."

Seeing the solitary and the solitary wing, they looked over, and the solitary charm quickly shook his head. Just now, she shouted Du Guding and Du Guyi. They competed for the inheritance of the Emperor. No one listened to her. Now I hope that she will inherit the great emperor in the past, she can agree to blame, and that she is not destined to take her life.

"If you have the pay, you will have a reward. You want to get the inheritance of the great emperor, but you don't want to pay. How can such a good thing happen under the sun?"

The solitary charm can not help but ridiculously said that the solitary and the solitary wing are trying to compete with her. The key is that one is alone and one is alone. The opportunity is clearly in front of us, but we are afraid to go alone.

The solitary and the solitary wing are even afraid of the sacred charms, not to mention the inheritance of the great emperor. The degree of danger of the great inheritance is far above the sacred symbol. After all, the sacred symbol is related to the sacred king. The inheritance of the great emperor is related to the great emperor. The sacred king and the emperor differ by a hundred thousand miles.

"Would you like to try?"

The Sword Devil is purely ridiculing these celestial respects of the Solitary family, because he knows that these celestial gods of the Solitary family did not dare to touch the great emperor. Even if the goddess of the Solitary family and the God of War Palace did not stop them, they did not dare to touch the inheritance of the Great.

"The brothers don't make trouble, the tyrants of the God of War Palace are almost dead. We used to die, not to die?"

"Yeah, the great emperor inherits what we really want, but we have not only failed to get the inheritance of the great emperor, but will lose our lives, it is not worth it. Besides, even if our character broke out, we really got the inheritance of the great emperor, the God of War and Those goddess of the solitary family will not let us take the inheritance of the great emperor."

These Tian Zun of the Solitary family are telling the truth. If they really pass on the great emperor, the gods of the Solitary family and the God of War will not let them go. Of course, they say this, but also an excuse to find their own.

"If you dare not go over, just say, why do you have so many reasons?"

I just took the solitary sneak sneak sneak peek into the half-dead frost, and did not give them face. The other gods of the Solitary family did not dare to touch the inheritance of the great emperor, but she dared that the worst result was that she was killed by the power of the great emperor.

The most lacking of their solitary family is the inheritance of the great emperor. It is hard to see the inheritance of the emperor at the moment. If she gives up easily, the high-level family will not forgive her, and even she will not forgive herself.

"Duo Gu Cang, you remember, I am helping you to touch the great inheritance. If I am dead, you must help us to get the inheritance of this great emperor!"

Du Gushuang is playing a sad card with the sword, because she knows that "Duo Gu Cang" is not injured. Competing for the inheritance of the great emperor, I hope that other heavenly lords will be useless. The only thing that can be counted on the solitary frost is "the solitary clergy."

Without waiting for the "Duo Gu Cang" response, Du Gushuang was rushing in the direction of the emperor's inheritance. The goddess of the Solitary family and the God of War Palace subconsciously wanted to stop the Solitary Cream, but they thought about it and gave it to the Solitary Cream.

"If she is dead, there is no loss for us. If she is not dead, the emperor is in her hands, we want to get back, is it not easy?"

Dongfang Wei quickly conveyed to Zhao Wei, fearing that Zhao Wei would not give the independence of the past. In his view, it is much better to get the inheritance of the great emperor than the ones of the solitary family.

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