The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 450: Chasing Zhao Wei

If you can't grab the inheritance of the great emperor, Dongfang Wei can accept it. After all, their overall strength is really inferior to those of the solitary family. However, the great emperor who passed the hand, if they were still taken away by the solitary and the solitary wing, where did the face of the God of War Palace rest?

The "Sacred Charm" was destroyed. It does not mean that they have no chance at all. The Oriental Wei is injured and not injured, but the injury of the solitary charm is also not light. The solitary charm can not be shot on the influence of the solitary family. After all, the strength of Dongfang Wei is more limited than that of Zhao Wei, and the strength of the solitary charm is not a star or a half stronger than the ones that are alone and alone.

"Brother, you mean..."

Zhao Wei looked at the eyes of Dongfang Wei. It was incredible. The East Wei Mingming knew that the inheritance of the Emperor was in her hands and let her go. Is it that she is prepared to give her the greatest credit?

The leader appointed by the elders of the God of War is Dongfang Wei. On the one hand, the strength of Dongfang Wei is the strongest, on the other hand, because the East Wei has a bigger picture. Zhao Wei felt incredible, purely because she had asked the East for a "sacred product", and the Oriental Wei did not give her, so that she had misunderstood Oriental Wei.

If Dongfang Wei is not injured, it is indeed possible to escape with the Emperor. The key is that in his current state, whether he can compete against the mid-term Tianzun is a problem. Forcibly asking Zhao Yi's great inheritance, not only can't make a contribution, but the great inheritance is also likely to be taken away from the hands of the solitary family.

To win the merits of the great emperor, Dongfang Wei certainly wants, but, knowing that he can't keep the inheritance of the great emperor, there is no need to compete with Zhao. Whether they can get the inheritance of the Emperor in the Temple of God is the most important, and how much credit he can get is second.

"Yes, that's what you think, as long as you can take the great emperor and take it away, the greatest contribution to the inheritance of the great emperor is yours!"

Dongfang Wei once again said that the Emperor’s inheritance was thrown into Zhao Yu by the solitary frost. It is unrealistic to say how much Zhao Wei has done. Du Gushuang was forced to throw the inheritance of the Emperor to Zhao Wei. If there was no deterrence of the Emperor Wei and Du Gu, the Du Gushuang could throw the inheritance of the Emperor to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei can only be taken away by the great emperor, only to be the greatest hero of their God of War. Of course, the credit is definitely not one person. Zhao Tian is going to help Zhao Wei to resist the offensive of the Duo family. Their credit is also not to be erased.

If they refused to help Zhao Wei to resist Duo Ding and Du Guyi, they could rely on Zhao Wei himself to take away the Emperor's inheritance under the eyes of Du Gu Ding and Du Gu Yi. Du Gu Ding and Du Gu wing their strength, single-handedly fighting, are not necessarily weaker than Zhao Wei. What's more, it is related to the inheritance of the great emperor, and they are not going to pay attention to what they are going to do alone. Whether they can be passed down by the great emperor is what they need to consider.

"Brother, I was wrong now, I didn't expect..."

Without waiting for Zhao Wei’s words, Dongfang Wei pushed Zhao Zhao awkwardly. “Less his mother’s affair with me. If you fail to bring the great emperor out, you will be sorry for the training of the God of War Palace for many years. Sorry for the sacrifice of our brothers!"

Dongfang Wei knows that waiting for them will be a hard battle. Although the Tianqun of the Solitary family is seriously damaged, other Tianzun of the Solitary family can also create trouble for them. There is no such thing as the Heavenly Respect, the Solitary Family and the Heavenly Respect and the Heavenly Respect, and the number of the Dominion Family and the Heavenly Respect is not less than their God of War.

To be precise, the Dominion of the solitary family is only a lot more than their God of War. After all, the two tyrants of the Ares Palace are escaping and escaping. They can really fight with the solitude and the solitude. Bit.

The injured is Dongfang Wei, the escape is Zhao Wei, the remaining two Tian Tianzun are Feng Chiyan and Liu Chi, the key Feng Chiyan is still the division of the God of War, Feng Chiyan is only a Taoist cultivation. They can really stand alone with the solitary and the solitary, and they are only singled out. In fact, only Liuchi, at least the practice of Liuchi cultivation, is no worse than the practice of Zuo Ding and Du Guyi.

"Want to escape? Not so easy!"

Du Gu Ding sneered, since Zhao Wei was passed down by the Emperor, his eyes did not leave Zhao Wei’s body. Can you kill Dongfang Wei and Feng Chiyan? In fact, he doesn't care very much. Anyway, the God of War Palace is far from their solitary family.

The inheritance of the great emperor is the most worthy thing to pay attention to. Oriental Wei and Feng Chiyan can escape, but Zhao Wei can't, because the great emperor is in the hands of Zhao Wei. Du Gu Ding has long guessed that Zhao Wei is very likely to escape, after all, their advantage is too great. If it is hard, the goddess of the God of War will definitely suffer, and they will not only suffer heavy casualties, but they will not be able to pass on the inheritance of the great emperor.

"Feng Chiyan, immediately let me stop him!"

The East Wei screamed loudly, and if Zhao Wei was entangled in the solitary, they would not have much hope of keeping the great inheritance. Although Feng Chiyan's strength is not comparable to that of Duo Ding, but he can stop the Duo Ding, Zhao Hao will be able to escape smoothly.

Feng Chiyan is only the tyrant of the Temple of the God of War, and he has to listen to the command of the East. Even if he clearly knows that he is not an opponent of his own, he has to slap his head. Otherwise, they did not keep the inheritance of the Emperor in the Temple of God, he is the culprit. Moreover, the elders at the headquarters of the Ares Palace said that as long as he can help the warrior to get the inheritance of the great emperor, he will be taken back to the headquarters of the God of War and let him be a disciple of the headquarters of the God of the Palace.

"Your opponent is me!"

Just as Du Gu Ding was about to catch up with Zhao Wei, Feng Chiyan cast a candle dragon blood knife method and attacked the deadly part of Du Gu Ding. If the solitary Ding Ding continues to chase Zhao Wei, it can indeed stop Zhao Wei, but Feng Chiyan’s holy sword may kill him.

The inheritance of the great emperor is of course important, but in the heart of the solitary, his own life is more important. Under the circumstance, Duo Ding can only turn to meet Feng Qiyan's attack. Du Gu Ding did not use any sacred martial arts, and Feng Xiaoyan's candle dragon blood knife method was blocked, which shows his power.

"What are you still doing? What if the great emperor is lost, I can't spare you!"

The singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singer. Now the "Sacred Charm" of Dongfang Wei has been ruined by "Duo Gu Cang". How can these gods of their solitary family not know the action?

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