The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 452: Zhitian Liucai

In the view of Du Gushuang, if the Tian Zun who is present is ranked first, the solitary solitude of the Duo family is obviously the strongest, and the "Duo Gu Cang" of their solitary family can be ranked second. However, nowadays, the solitary charm is severely damaged, and the strongest one becomes the "Duo Gu Cang". After all, Du Gushuang has long known that the injury of "Duo Gu Cang" is pretending.

Feng Chiyan is indeed not an opponent of Duo Ding, but the strength gap between Feng Chiyan and Du Guding is far from the gap between him and the strength of Du Gu Cang. The strength of the solitary wing and Liuchi can be said to be half a catty. The stronger Oriental Liushang than Liucai is not the opponent of "Duo Gu Cang", and Liu Chi will not be the opponent of "Duo Gu Cang". At present, the single-player, the solitary and the solitary wing are not the opponents of "Duo Gu Cang".

"No, I will do it now, and I will definitely become the target of the public. Don't look at the gods of the Solitary family and the God of War, and they will fight fiercely. Once I get the inheritance of the great emperor, they will join hands to deal with me."

The swordsman shook his head quickly, and with only eight Tianfu words, he was not the opponent of Tianzun. However, it is unrealistic to expect him to unravel the seals of the other two Tianfu and help the Solitary family to compete for the inheritance of the great emperor. After all, the Solitary family can get the inheritance of the great emperor, and he has no relationship with him.

"Also, it is really inappropriate to do it now. The goddess of the Solitary family and the God of War Palace have not yet reached the point of losing both sides."

Du Gushuang only knows that "Duo Gu Cang" is not injured, and she does not know the true strength of "Duo Gu Cang". It’s true that “the fight is the same, the fishermen are profitable”. The problem is that they don’t necessarily have the strength to be a fisherman.

The two tyrants of their solitary family are the solitary and the "single sorrow", but unfortunately, the solitary stagnation caused the serious decline of the strength due to the sequela of the secret law. The solitary potential of Duo Qiang can now be exerted, even not comparable to the late Tianzun of their solitary family.

"Liu Chi, when are you, are you still Tibetan? The inheritance of the Emperor must be taken away by the gods of the Solitary family. Can you afford it?"

The East said with anger, other Tianzun may not know the true strength of Liuchi, but he knows clearly. Liuchi hides strength, not only because of low-key, but also because the top of the God of War Palace needs a killer.

The solitary family only knows that there are three tyrants in the Temple of War, and then the strength of the East is the strongest, Liuchi is second, and Zhao Wei is at the bottom. What they don't know is that Liuchi is the closest person to Tianzun. Dongfang Wei is only likely to condense the ninth Tianfu in the sacred place, and Liuchi is 100% able to consolidate the ninth Tianfu in the sacred place.

The Eastern Wei can't beat the Solitary charm by the holy character, and the high-level heart of the God of War is actually not at the bottom. They sent Liuchi to the sacred place, which is actually double insurance, because Liuchi can condense the ninth Tianfu at any time.

The solitary family can be cultivated to Tianzun, and the God of War Palace can do the same. However, the high-level of the God of War Palace wants to be a separate family, and this deliberately makes Liuchi repress. The Tianshen Palace, who was present at the scene, also knew about this thing, and Zhao Wei and Mu Siyuan did not know.

"You can rest assured that there is me, they can't stop Zhao Shimei!"

Liu Chi Shen Shen, as long as he condensed the ninth Tianfu on the spot, there is no Tianzun is his opponent. The one-of-a-kind fascinating body with nine Tianfu was severely wounded. They have only eight Tianfu, and they don’t want to fight alone. Even if they join hands, they will not be able to rival Liuchi.

He didn't challenge "Duo Gu Cang" last time, not only because he was low-key, but also because he had already regarded himself as Tian Zun. Zhao Wei, Feng Chiyan and Dongfang Wei are the tyrants of the heavens. They challenge only the eight "Tiangu" of Tianfu. There is no problem.

However, he does not need to challenge any tyrants, but he is also a tyrant of the Solitary family. In the eyes of the disciples of the emperor's power, the disciples of a product are to be lower, even if "Duo Gu Cang" defeated the Oriental Wei and Zhao Wei in front of him, he did not teach the meaning of "Duo Gu Cang".

Liuchi quickly sacrificed his own eight Tianfu, and his strength was soaring. He planned to fight against the solitude wing and concise the ninth Tianfu. The solitary wing did not show weakness. Liu Chi dared to sacrifice Tianfu in front of him. He also had no fear.

However, what makes the Solitary is strange is that Liuchi is getting stronger and stronger. At first, the solitary wing can barely block the attack of Liuchi, but as time goes by, the disadvantages of the solitary wing become more and more obvious. The solitary wing is the more difficult it is to fight. The attack of Liuchi seems to be the source of the source.

"What the **** is going on? Is he using what secret method to improve his strength?"

The speculation of the solitary wing was quickly denied by himself, because he saw the head of the solitary wing and added a prototype of Tianfu. No wonder the strength of Liuchi is getting stronger. It turns out that Liuchi is consolidating the ninth Tianfu.

The current Liuchi can be said to be half a century, until the ninth Tianfu of Liuchi is completely formed, and the end of the lonely wing can be imagined. The power gap between Ba Tian Zun and Zhi Tian Zun is particularly obvious. This self-knowledge is still unique.

"Fast, you have to come over and help, and you must not let him successfully consolidate the ninth Tianfu!"

Originally, the solitary wing is not ready to be a helper. It is also a tyrant. He believes that he is not weaker than Liu Chi. But now, in the face of the willow condensed out of the ninth Tianfu prototype, the solitary wing is really a bit panicked. If the other gods of the Duo family do not help him, he may even be killed by Liu Chi on the spot.

"What? The ninth Tianfu?"

"I saw that he is indeed confining the ninth Tianfu, and the God of War Palace will also go out to Heaven!"

"Hurry to stop him, just now, we have to destroy his ninth Tianfu prototype before he condenses the ninth Tianfu!"

Hearing the cry of helplessness, the Tian Zun of the Duo family quickly looked over. When they saw the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi, they quickly got rid of their opponents. Anyway, they have a lot of people, and there are not many people who can make a living.

"The brothers and sisters of the brothers, we just need to stop them, and wait until the ninth Tianfu of Liu’s brother is formed. The inheritance of the great emperor is our God of War!"

"Yes, as long as we can hold on, the last winner is definitely us!"

Many of the gods of the God of War Temple saw the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi, and they trembled with excitement. I thought they would be defeated. Who knows, Liu Chi actually condensed the rudiment of the ninth Tianfu at this critical moment.

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