The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 455: You do not deserve!

"I will help you deal with the Tianzun of the God of War. It is purely because we need the inheritance of the great emperor. It is not that I want to listen to you." The swordsman’s eyes are cold and the words are embarrassing. "My position is equal to you. You are right. I am not inferior, I have to pay the price!"

The sacred warfare sword is like lightning, and it is in the sacred body of the singular family who are not inferior to the swordsman. Their rushing counterattacks couldn’t stop the swordsman’s attack, the sacred swords on their arms, or on their shoulders, or on their stomachs, leaving a deep visible bone. Sword injury.

These Tian Zun of the solitary family of course think that the condition of the solitary singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singer. What they don't know is that "Duo Gu Cang" has no interest in the conditions of the Solitary.

Can you understand the three days of the Emperor's inheritance, "Duo Gu Cang" really does not care, because his ultimate goal is to bring the great emperor back to Lingjia. The inheritance of the great emperor in the hands of Zhao Wei has long been regarded as a sac in the "Duo Gu Cang".

In addition, the sword and the devil are the ancient heavens and the holy lotus, and the Lingdao cultivation is quite ridiculous. The great emperor of the sacred sacred place is worse than the ancient sacred lotus and the sacred sacred jinxian.

"Don's goose, don't deceive too much!"

"What you are dealing with now is Liuchi, not us, what kind of prestige do you play with us?"

"That is, if you have the ability to bear, you will hurt Liuchi to us and see what we are doing."

These gods of the solitary family couldn't help but complain that the swordsmen wounded them, saying that they had no opinion on the swordsmen, and they did not believe them. However, it is not advisable to start with "Duo Gu Cang", can you destroy the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi, and also look at the play of "Duo Gu Cang".

They ridiculed "Duo Gu Cang", in fact, it is also stimulating "Duo Gu Cang". If "Duo Gu Cang" can really destroy the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi, the threat of Liuchi will be greatly reduced. They are jealous of the Heavenly Respect, and the Liucai, which lost the ninth Tianfu prototype, will inevitably lose its strength, and even the normal tyrants will not match.

"Don's goose, don't believe them, they are full of lies, especially the solitary charm!"

Dongfang Wei quickly opened the way, in accordance with the normal logic, has already condensed the ninth Tianfu prototype Liucai, can completely crush only eight Tianfu's "Duogu Cang". But I don't know why, his heart is very upset, maybe "Duo Gu Cang" can really destroy the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi.

"Duo Gu Cang" is the dominance of the Solitary family, but the performance of "Duo Gu Cang" before and after is only weaker than the Ba Tian Zun of these emperor forces. They don't know how to exhaust the energy of the sacred tactics. "Duo Gu Cang" knows that they don't know how to break the stone in the center of the forbidden land. "Duo Gu Cang" knows. The Tianzun of the Solitary family did not know how to destroy the "Sacred Charm" of the Oriental Wei. "Duo Gu Cang" still knew.

"They are so lonely that they would like to pass on the emperor to me, and they will not give it to you. After all, the great emperor of the sacred sacred place has a very limited promotion to our God of War. But for your solitude, the promotion of your solitude will be great. It is even possible for your singular family to inherit the power of the emperor by virtue of the great emperor of the sacred place."

Dongfang Wei is said to be heard by the swordsman, and it is also said to give the solitary charm. The solitary charm can swear in the name of the Taoist god, indicating that the solitary charm is really intended to lend the great emperor to the "Duogu Cang" for three days. It is very likely that the solitary charm is due to impulsiveness, and it is only allowed to "done alone". Dongfang Wei feels that it is necessary for him to remind him of the unique charm, so as to avoid remorse.

The solitary charm and the sword magic of course know that the East is in the middle of provocation, the key to the East is the fact. The solitary singer dared to swear in the name of the Taoist god, because he was prepared to kill the "Duo Gu Cang" on the spot after three days of "Independence of the Lonely God". In this case, the other elders of the Solitary family and the elders of the Solitary family will not be passed down by the great emperor.

"Do you think that you are telling me this useful now? Do not believe in the unique charm, are you worth trusting?"

The sword can't help but laugh and laugh. If Dongfang Wei continues to cooperate with him, he will not only deal with Liuchi, nor will he destroy the "Sacred Charm" of Oriental Wei. Oriental Weihe Liucai, if they can't grab the inheritance of the great emperor, they are purely self-sufficient.

"Oriental Wei, can you say a few less words? I at least dare to swear in the name of the Tao, do you dare?"

In the opposite direction of the Oriental Wei, the solitary charm made a movement to wipe the neck. When the goddess of their solitary family grabbed the inheritance of the great emperor, she could command her followers and cut off the head of Dongfang Wei. Dongfang Wei’s injury is extremely heavy. Even if the East has a sacred armor, it is not an opponent of Taitianzun.

"Oriental younger brother, you don't have to say this. Is it that I am going to consolidate the ninth Tianfu's Tianzun, but can't rival him with a small tyrant?"

Liu Chi did not care to say that he used to call the brother of Dongfang Wei, but now, he is directly in front of other Tianzun, shouting the Oriental Master, don't mention more happiness.

Although Oriental Wei’s face was a bit ugly, he did not correct Liu’s name to him. Liu Chi can condense the ninth Tianfu in front of him and call his younger brother, no problem at all. Until Tianzun does not be a brother, is it necessary to let Ba Tianzun be a brother?

"You don't want to underestimate the enemy. He is not an ordinary tyrant. Be careful to turn over the ship in the gutter!"

"Duo Gu Cang" is not only far superior in strength to the warlords in the same territory, but also in numerous ways. The reminder of Dongfang Wei is actually good intentions. Unfortunately, Liu Chi does not appreciate it. Instead, he feels that the East is demeaning him, or that he is raising "Duo Gu Cang".

"Jokes! Domineering is stronger, can you be stronger than Heaven? You when I am you?"

In the case of Liu Chi, the East is not very arrogant, and the Oriental Wei is indeed the defeat of the "Duo Gu Cang". However, Liu Chi believes that he will never follow the footsteps of Dong Wei and Zhao Wei, and that the power of Tian Zun is far from being comparable to that of Heaven and Earth.

"The last time I didn't shoot, I just thought that you are not qualified to let me shoot. As long as you don't provoke me, I don't have to care about you. After all, you don't deserve it!" Liu Chi's eyes are full of disdain. "You stand up now." Helping them to be alone, obviously do not know how many pounds they have. With your strength, want to destroy my ninth Tianfu prototype, it is a joke!"

Don't look at the ninth Tianfu of Liuchi is just a prototype, until Tianzun is to Tianzun, Liuchi is not in the eyes of the hegemonic, but not to mention "Duoguan Cang" is still a powerful force.

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