The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 458: What is poor?

Can the sword magic destroy the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi, and the solitary frost does not really care. After all, what she wants or what they want in their own family is actually the inheritance of the great emperor. There is no one in the headquarters of the God of War, one to Heaven or one to Heaven, and there is no relationship with them.

The headquarters of the Ares Palace are in the God of War field, and their solitary family in the Tianjian domain, the headquarters of the Ares Palace and their solitary family are rarely mixed. Even if Liuchi can be promoted to Tianzun, the unfortunate ones are those of the God of War.

"What impulse is impulsive, you don't think I need to use the secret method to destroy his ninth Tianfu prototype?"

The secret law of the Solitary family, although it can make the military in a short period of time, the strength soared, but the aftereffects are equally obvious. The secret method of the last time, the result of the solitary sneak, has not yet exerted its strength in the heyday.

Moreover, the sword magic will not be the secret law of the solitary family, the practice and martial arts of the singularity of the singer, he can find it, but the secret method used before the solitary, he could not find it. Fortunately, he can also destroy the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi without the secret law of the Solitary family.

"Hey, are you not ready to use the secret law?"

The solitary frost snarls, the strength of Liuchi’s display is enough to crush the 90% of the tyrants. "Duo Gu Cang" can be divided into Liu Chi, and it seems to be very unbelievable in the view of Du Gushuang.

In exchange for the solitary dive, or the domineering family of the solitary family, I am afraid that it has already been defeated under the black and white eyes of Liuchi. No, if the opponents of Liuchi are replaced by those of the solitary or the solitary family, Liuchi will not use black and white, because it is not necessary. Even if it is bare-handed, Liuchi can defeat the tyrants of the solitary and the solitary family.

"What are the secrets of those who are alone in the family?"

"I know that I know that they have a secret method that allows them to multiply their strength in a short period of time. If I have not guessed wrong, I will definitely use the secret method of their Solitary family after the potential."

"What do you mean, can Duo Can really destroy the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi?"

Some of the goddess of the solitary family knows the secret laws of the Solitary family. Some don't know. Anyway, if they are able to destroy the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi, they are more happy than anyone else. After all, the solitary family can not take the inheritance of the great emperor. When the "Duo Gu Cang" ruined the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi, they will be able to cross the Liuchi and stop Zhao Wei, who carries the great emperor.

"Can he destroy the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi? I don't know, but if he uses the secret method of their solitary family, he will definitely be able to fight with Liuchi." At that time, we will use the martial arts attack again. Liuji’s ninth Tianfu prototype, do you think Liucai can still retain his ninth Tianfu prototype?"

Duo Yiwu said with a smile, if he can personally destroy the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi, his credit will be even greater. If the high-ranking family of the solitary family knows that he has not only regained the inheritance of the great emperor, but also abolished the sacred **** of the God of War, his position in the solitary family is likely to rise straight.

"I don't want to say anything! I have to see, how can you destroy my Tianfu prototype!"

Liuchi does not believe what the swordsman said, and he is still strong, and there are still limits. He even took out both black and white eyes, and the power that black and white eyes can burst out in his hand has already exceeded the limits of the tyrants.

"Since you want to see, then I will fulfill you!"

The swordsman did not pretend to be high, but directly sacrificed his eight heavenly houses. It is simply a fantasy of the martial arts of his own family, relying on his current strength, to destroy the talented form of Liuchi.

"What is he going to do? Is he going to use his Tianfu and Liuchi's Tianfu hard?"

"Should it not? He is not a madman. What is the benefit to him? Doesn't he think that the eight heavenly palaces of the tyrants can beat the nine heavenly palaces of Tianzun?"

"If he is not prepared to use his own Tianfu and Liuchi's Tianfu hard hit, why should he sacrifice Tianfu at this time?"

The Tianzun of the Solitary family really does not know what to do with "Duo Gu Cang". The act of "Duo Gu Cang" is actually crazy. If Tianfu’s Tianfu collides with Tianfu’s Tianfu, the results can be imagined. If they are the warriors of their solitary family, they can understand, because as long as the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi is destroyed, they can recapture the inheritance of the Emperor in Zhao.

The key "Duo Gu Cang" is not the warrior of their solitary family. "Duo Gu Cang" took his own eight Tianfu adventures, but it was a little impulsive. Of course, they will not remind the "Duo Gu Cang", the "Taiwan" Tianfu is broken, the more happy they are.

The performance of "Duo Gu Cang" has already attracted their attention. They really did not expect that the Solitary family could cultivate such a tyrannical tyrant. Fortunately, the birth of "Duo Gu Cang", "Duo Gu Cang" is born in the emperor's forces, afraid that they can leave them far behind.

"This is your means? Are you looking for death?"

Liuchi almost laughed, although his ninth Tianfu was not fully formed, but his nine Tianfu could completely destroy the eight heavenly palaces of Ba Tianzun. Especially the "Duogu Cang", the doctrine of cultivation of the Taoist, Tianfu will only be more vulnerable.

Even the solitary charm and the oriental Wei are not optimistic about "Duo Gu Cang", and also, "Duo Gu Cang" is only the tyrants cultivated by the Solitary family. Although the performance in front of "Duo Gu Cang" is extremely stunning, "Duo Gu Cang" still can't be defeated by Tian Zun.

The swordsman did not explain, but manipulated his eight Tianfu, and slammed into the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi. Whether it is Liuchi, or the Oriental Wei and the solitary charm, or other Tianzun who is present, they think that the swordsman is practicing the Tao.

However, the facts are completely different from what they know. The sword and the devil are not only the Tao, but they are still far beyond the ordinary emperor. Liu Chi’s self-righteous advantage is completely disadvantaged here in the sword.

Seeing the behavior of the sword demon, the smile on Liu Kui's face became more and more intense. It’s not that he despise “Duo Gu Cang”, but Tianfu’s Tianfu and Tianzun’s Tianfu are really incomparable. The Tianfu, which was cultivated by the warriors who cultivated the Taoist dynasty, is also far from the Tianfu, which was cultivated by the warriors who cultivated the emperor.

"It’s ridiculous! It’s up to you to do this, and I want to destroy my Tianfu prototype?”

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