The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 474: Enlightenment

"Don't struggle, what strength do you have, how much do you have in your heart?"

The solitary charm stood in the distance of the lonely wing, laughing and sarcasm, the same is the tyrants, the strength of the solitary wing is too much. Even if the solitary wing can explode 12% of its combat power, it will still not be the opponent of "Duo Gu Cang".

The powerful tyrants, the singular charms have not been seen, but it is inevitable that some of them are contrary to common sense. Normally, the domineering of the Taoist Taoism is not the domineering of the emperor's emperor. The performance of "Duo Gu Cang" completely subverts the cognition of the solitary charm.

"You! Me, me, me..."

The solitary wing was originally prepared to refute, but unfortunately, the solitary charm is the fact, and his struggle seems to be meaningless. These celestial gods of the Solitary family do not give him an attack on "Duo Gu Cang". In fact, he is saving him. "Duo Gu Cang" can put him to death without using the holy character.

"You are so mad, don't be impatient, wait for me to restore strength, he will die!"

This is the only way to use the will to pass the sound to the solitude, and the solitary frost and "Duo Gu Cang" have not guessed her backhand, but it is not important. The great emperor inherits the temptation of "Duo Gu Cang", and it is not unknown.

She can even be sure that even if she knows that she has a life-threatening danger, she will stay behind to enlighten the great emperor of the sacred place. With the talent of "Duo Gu Cang", if it can be transferred to the inheritance of the Great Emperor, 80% can consolidate the ninth Tianfu.

Although the solitary charm is very confident in its own strength, if there is a "single orphan" with nine Tianfu, the possibility of defeat is great. Only eight Tianfu, and the "Duogu Cang" who cultivated the Taoist dynasty, can destroy the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi. It is hard to imagine how to cultivate the emperor, and to consolidate the extent to which the ninth Tianfu’s “Duogu Cang” will be strong.

"I knew that you would not allow him to leave the sacred place alive."

The solitary wing responded with a smile, and they were not alone in the day of their independence. The inheritance of the great emperor is to be lent to the "Duo Gu Cang" enlightenment. If the "Duo Gu Cang" is alive and leave the sacred sacred place, the solitude can not be explained to the high-level family of their solitude.

Putting aside the talent of "Duo Gu Cang" itself, if "Duo Gu Cang" is alive and leaving the sacred sacred land, it will be equivalent to let the solitude family inherit the great emperor. Although the original family is not the original of the emperor, it is still possible to cultivate a strong man at the level of the emperor.

The solitary charm and the solitary wing are discussing what, the sword magic does not know, and is not interested in knowing. The minds of the swordsmen are all placed on the inheritance of the great emperor of the sacred sacred land. Even with his understanding, it is not a matter of time to want to penetrate this emperor.

"Sister, you don't have to worry too much. In three days, how many things can he realize when he is a little tyrant?"

"The great emperor passed on to him like him. It is difficult to understand. In three days, he can understand a small part of it. It is not bad."

"Don't say that he is a small tyrant, even if he is a strong king of the Holy King, he also wants to realize a monarch in three days."

Many Tianzuns standing beside the solitary charm can't help but comfort themselves. They cultivated the emperor. If there is no guidance from their predecessors, they will not even understand the heavenly articles. "Duo Gu Cang" wants to rely on his own enlightenment to the sacred land of the great emperor, is simply dreaming.

"This is what I said, but his enchanting spirit is not removed, and my heart is uneasy."

Of course, the solitary charm alone knows that for three days, "Duo Gu Cang" is inherited by the Emperor. She wants to kill "Duo Gu Cang", not only because "Duo Gu Cang" has enlightened the inheritance of the Emperor of the Holy Land.

Last time, "Duo Gu Cang" and Dongfang Wei joined forces and almost killed the solitary charm on the spot. The solitary charm has already vowed in his heart that he wants to smash the corpse of "Duo Gu Cang" to vent his hatred. Moreover, the various performances of "Duo Gu Cang" are enough to prove that his talent is far better than that of Du Gu Ding and Du Gu Yi, and even even the solitary charm can not match.

Do not kill "Duo Gu Cang", the unique spirit is not at ease. For three days, it is indeed impossible for the "Duo Gu Cang" to realize the inheritance of the Emperor of the Holy Land. However, "Duo Gu Cang" spends all of his time on Tian Zun's articles, and it is possible to understand Tian Zun's articles.

Once the "Duo Gu Cang" is condensed out of the ninth Tianfu, the solitary charm is no longer the first day of the Tianjian domain. We must know that she is the supreme deity of the emperor's forces. If she loses to the power of Tianzun, will she still have a face in Tianjian?

"It is not a monarch, although it is not comparable to the ancient heavens and the sacred lotuses, but it is not comparable to those of the solitary family."

The more the emperor inherits the sacred land, the more the sword magic can feel the vastness of this emperor. Whether it is the solitary charm, or the alone and the lonely, they underestimate the understanding of the sword. Or, they would not have thought of it, the sword demon is standing at the height of the emperor, and enlightened by the great emperor of the sacred place.

The sword demon is the descendant of the demon emperor, and the inheritance of the demon emperor is too complete. It is a bit exaggerated to say that he is the reincarnation of the demon emperor, but his knowledge, or the height of his standing, is enough to compare some great emperors.

For three days, they can only see through the fur of this emperor, and the sword demon is the seven-eight-eighth that can penetrate this emperor. The speed of the sword and the enlightenment of the great emperor is a thousand times that of the one-of-a-kind and the solitary.

"What happened? How did the emperor float?"

"Have you heard any chanting? I seem to have heard so many powerful people, chanting in my ears, what verses are they swearing?"

"Look, you see Lonely Lone, how is his body shining?"

As time went by, many of the solitary family members were aware of the anomalies of the swordsmen. Before the great emperor of the sacred sacred place was placed on the lap by the sword, but just now, the empire of the sacred sacred land automatically flew into the air.

The sword is sitting on the scorpion, and the golden light, the dense verses, shine in his whole body. His ten Tianfu, also in the golden light, but only the solitary charm and the solitary Ding, they can only see the eight Tianfu above his head.

“Can I really use this to condense my first temple?”

The gap between Tianzun and the Holy King is mainly reflected in Tianfu and the Temple. If the swordsman can condense out of the temple, his strength will be greatly improved. Nothing is still a goddess, don't look at his cross-border defeat of the opponent, just like playing. However, in the face of a truly powerful King of the Holy Spirit, his strength is still not enough.

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