The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 485: Force alone

"No, no, I am not conceited, but I can really win you!"

The sword demon seriously said that if he did not use the other two Tianfu three days ago, he was not an opponent of the solitary charm. But now, even if he does not need two other Tianfu, he can defeat the solitary charm.

The benefits of the great emperor of the sacred sacred place are not too small. He can now use only eight Tianfu to break out the strength that rivals Tianzun. The most important thing is that the restrictions imposed on him by the exercises have become lower. Before, he could only run the Tao of the Solitary family. Now he can run the emperor of the Holy Land.

"Big words! I will tell you with reality, how conceited you are!"

The solitary charm can not help but sneer, although her injury has not completely healed, but it is no problem to deal with only eight Tianfu's "Duogu Cang". She will not use any kind of traits. After all, she can defeat "Duo Gu Cang" by her own strength, and it is not necessary to use those things.

Moreover, she is a Heavenly Respect, if she relies on external forces to win the "Duo Gu Cang", how can she stand in Tianjian domain after she has passed out?

Dealing with the "Duo Gu Cang", the solitary charm does not dare to have a little bit of care, and it is the sacred sword method used. She did not sacrifice her own Tianfu. After seeing the abilities of "Duogu Cang", she would certainly not take her Tianfu and Tianfu of "Duogu Cang" hard.

"You are right, I am not conceited, I only know when I have played!"

The sword demon did not lift the bar with the solitude, but quickly pulled out the sacred sword and greeted the sacred sword of the solitary charm. He did not continue to use his own Tianfu to deal with the solitude, not because his Tianfu could not deal with the solitude, but he wanted to test the results of the enlightenment of the Emperor.

Du Gu Ding and Du Gu Yi, their strength is too poor, even the qualifications for the Sword Magic test results are not. If they know, they don't know what it will look like. It’s not that the swordsmen look down on them, but their strength is really not good.

The solitary charm is to have nine Tianfu, in order to reluctantly hand in hand with the swordsman. Of course, when the sword demon and her fight, it sealed two Tianfu. If the ten Tianfu are fully open, the solitary charm is also not qualified for his opponent.

"Candle Dragon Blood Sword!"

The sacred sword in the hand of the sword is like a dragon, and it slammed into the sword of the sacred war. The sacred sword method of the solitary enchantment can be said to be one of the strongest sacred swords of the Solitary family, that is, her status is respected, and this sword can be learned. They will be replaced by Du Gu Ding and Du Gu Wing. Only by breaking through to the holy kingdom can they cultivate this sword.

The Tianzun of the Solitary family was originally prepared to watch the show. Who knows, the confrontation, the "Duo Gu Cang" did not fall into the wind. The sacred swordsmanship of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity not only did not repel the "Duo Gu Cang", but instead made himself passive.

Because of the "Duo Gu Cang" attack means, there are not only the candle dragon blood swords, but also the demon gods of the three Tianfu. The huge demon slammed the sword, and the celestial scorpions seemed to be shaking, and the first and only enchanting charm was a sudden change.

"Your strength has improved, which is far beyond my expectations."

The eyes of the solitary enchantment gradually became dignified, and the change of the great emperor brought to the "Duo Gu Cang" was greater than she had guessed. The same is the candle dragon blood sea sword method, the current "Duo Gu Cang" is displayed, it is several times stronger than the previous "Duo Gu Cang".

"I know, it is a question of practice. He is no longer working in the Tao of the Solitary family, but the emperor of the Holy Land."

This conclusion is that it is not false to get it out, but she really can't accept it. It is not that "Duo Gu Cang" can't cultivate the emperor, but "Duo Gu Cang" only took three days to successfully transfer the emperor, it is too nonsense.

How difficult is it to cultivate the emperor, and it is not that I don’t know the unique charm. It will only be more difficult to change the emperor. What's more, "Duo Gu Cang" is the emperor of his own enlightenment, and there is no strong person in the kingdom to point him.

The confrontation between the solitary charm and the sword magic is still continuing, the sword and the main attack, the solitary charm. As a solitary family, the solitary charm will certainly not take the initiative to defend. The problem is that he has to defend. The attack of the swordsman is not only fierce, but also endless, and does not give the opportunity to fight back.

"I didn't read it wrong? Can Duo Cang actually press the sister-in-law? Is it because the sister-in-law didn't use all her strength?"

"When is the time, the sister is still in Tibetan mastiff?"

"Where is the sister-in-law who is defending? Is it alone or alone?"

When I heard the conversations of the goddess of the solitary family, the solitary charm was almost vomiting blood. She is not using her best, not even in Tibetan mastiffs, but she really can't beat the current "Duo Gu Cang". I don’t know what happened, and I realized that the “Duo Gu Cang” passed down by the Emperor seems to have changed personally.

Du Guyi and Du Gu Ding looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. They are not followers of the singularity of the singularity. They can stand on the objective point of view and see the confrontation between the solitude and the "Duo Gu Cang".

They haven’t played with the solitary charms before, and they are so powerful that they know their strengths. It is precisely because of this that they are even more difficult to accept the facts at hand. How can the unique singularity of the full-fledged enchantment be the opponent of “Duo Gu Cang”?

Fortunately, Du Gushuang and other gods in the Solitary family are not there, or they don’t know what to shock. Only eight Tianfu's "Duogu Cang" can not only fight against the solitary wing and the solitary, but even the unique solitude of the nine Tianfu, is no longer the opponent of "Duo Gu Cang".

"Would we like to help her?"

The solitary wing told the voice of Du Guding. Although he saw that the solitary charm was swayed by "Duo Gu Cang", his heart was dark and refreshing. However, they and the singularity of the singularity are all on the front line. If the singularity of the singularity is seriously injured by the "Duo Gu Cang", they can't stop "Duo Gu Cang" alone.

The great emperor of the sacred sacred place is still in the hands of "Duo Gu Cang". They help the Solitary Charm to deal with "Duo Gu Cang", not because of their good relationship with the Solitary, but because they want to preserve the inheritance of the Emperor.

With their understanding of the solitude of the solitude, even if they were severely wounded by "Duo Gu Cang", they could not ask for help. After all, "Duo Gu Cang" is not even connected to Tianzun, and "Duo Gu Cang" is still the tyrant of the Solitary family.

"The help is definitely to help, but not urgent, her injury is still too light."

Du Gu Dingsheng was afraid that the solitary wing shot was too early, and quickly stopped the solitary wing. The injury restored the unique feeling of the seven-eight-eighth, and the threat to them was still quite big. Although they did not mean to be alone in the death, but the injury of the solitary charm is a little serious, for them, it is not a bad thing.

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