The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 496: Never compromise

"What do you say? You want the original? Give us a manuscript?"

Dongfang Wei almost thought that he had misunderstood. After all, they used to cooperate with "Duo Gu Cang" and promised to give "Duo Gu Cang" only a manuscript. Unexpectedly, in the 30 years of Hedong, 30 years of Hexi, "Duo Gu Cang" is now working with them, even the original directly.

"Duo Gu Cang, you should not be too much! The inheritance of the Great Emperor is what we found. You help us break the stone monument. We will give you a manuscript of the emperor at most. How could it be for you?"

Zhao Yu said with anger, the request for "Duo Gu Cang" is too much for them. They are the gods of the war, but a small power of the solitary family. Why should they compete with them for the original of the emperor?

Of course, what really annoyed her was that "Duo Gu Cang" did not put them in the eye. The Tianzun of the Solitary family has a sense of superiority. Zhao can understand that after all, the independence of the Duo family is longer than their War Palace. Moreover, the Tianjian domain where the sacred sacred place is located is the site of the solitary family.

The superiority of "Duo Gu Cang", Zhao Wei really does not know how it happened. The Solitary family is a branch of the Solitary family. It is similar to the division of the God of War in Tianjian, and they are incomparable with their headquarters.

Liu Chi is angry and flushed. "Duo Gu Cang" did not put him in his eyes. The key is that Dong Wei also did not put him in his heart. Their elders at the Temple of God of War arranged for the Oriental Wei Band to only mean that they would like to listen to the East Wei, and other geniuses like him who can be promoted to Tian Zun at any time, do not need to listen to the Oriental Wei.

Dongfang Wei knew the situation of Liuchi, so he had not ordered Liuchi to do anything before. But now, Liuchi has not been promoted to the hope of Tianzun, and the East will naturally not respect Liuchi as it used to.

"You brothers and sisters, do you hear clearly?" Liu Chi did not argue with Dongfang Wei, but encouraged other Tianzun. "He will open the mouth to the original, can we get used to him? I think we can take him. Take it, if he doesn't help us break the stone, we will torture him to death!"

In Liu Yu’s view, the single-handed “Duo Gu Cang” is not qualified to talk to them about conditions. Moreover, if the other gods of the God of War are willing to listen to him, "Duo Gu Cang" will soon recognize the fish on the cutting board and let him slaughter.

Counting on the East, obviously no drama, Liuchi can only pin his hopes on other Tianzun. After all, the conditions of "Duo Gu Cang" have angered many Tianzun. He only needs to push a little to help him. These Tianzuns may be used for him.

"I think that Liu’s proposal is feasible, and it’s much easier to get him down than to talk to him.”

"It’s reasonable to say that we only need to take him down. He is not just how we knead it. When it’s time, don’t say anything, we don’t even have to give it to him.”

These gods of the God of War are looking at the eyes of the sword, and they contain endless anger and hate. Last time, if it wasn’t for “Duo Gu Cang” that destroyed the “Sacred Charm” of Dongfang Wei and the ninth Tianfu prototype of Liuchi, how could the great emperor’s inheritance in Zhao’s hand be taken away by the Tianzun of the Duo’s family?

"Slightly, don't worry, the conditions are things, let me talk, you give me back to the side."

The East said with a cold face, although he also believed that "Duo Gu Cang" is not their opponent, but defeating "Duo Gu Cang" is one thing, and it is one thing to win "Duo Gu Cang". If "Duo Gu Cang" perceives their intentions and immediately flees, the possibility of winning "Duo Gu Cang" is almost zero.

It is a pity that these gods of the God of War have no intention of retreating. Compared with the conditions of the talks, they are more inclined to do it. What is the condition of the tyrants of the power of the district?

"What? I didn't use it if I said it?"

The Eastern Wei Li asked, if he could do it, he would not talk about conditions with "Duo Gu Cang". Their other goddess of the God of War clearly underestimated the strength of "Duo Gu Cang", but such mistakes, he will not commit.

The elders of the God of War gave him the team, not only because of his strength, but also because of his overall situation. Liuchi will be stunned by private grievances, and he will not. The inheritance of the great emperor is what he values ​​most. The importance of revenge must be placed under the inheritance of the great emperor.

In fact, the contradiction between Oriental Wei and "Duo Gu Cang" is not a personal complaint. "Duo Gu Cang" in public destroyed the "Sacred Charm" of the Oriental Wei, which made them unable to preserve the inheritance of the Emperor. "Duo Gu Cang" can be said to be the public enemy of their God of War.

"Oriental brother, we mean..."

Only half of Feng Chiyan’s words were stopped by Dongfang Wei. Dong Wei was not discussing with them, but giving them orders. They must not be torn to the face of the East, or else, the order of the East, they must listen.

These heavenly gods of the God of War only hesitated for a moment, and decided to retreat to the side to watch the opera according to Oriental Wei. When it comes to conditions, you don’t need them to go out, and Dongfang Wei can do it. If the conditions of Dongfang Wei and "Duo Gu Cang" are not discussed, they will not be late. At that time, presumably Oriental Wei will not stop them, and may even help them.

"The original is not good, we can only give you a manuscript." Dongfang Wei no longer looks at the Tianzun of their God of War, but turned to discuss with the sword magic, "Compared with the solitary charm, my sincerity is obviously more, you last time Cooperating with the solitary charm, the solitary charm and even the manuscript are not for you?"

What is the person of the solitary charm, Dongfang Wei knows, "Duo Gu Cang" cooperates with the solitary charm, purely with the tiger. What Dong Weiwei can't figure out is why the "Duo Gu Cang" can appear in front of them without any injury. Normally, isn’t it necessary to set up a solitary singer?

"Of course she won't give me a manuscript because she gave me the original."

The sword devil is telling the truth, but unfortunately, they will not believe it. Of course, they believe it or not, the sword magic does not matter, otherwise, the sword magic directly to the great inheritance of the great, the East Wei they do not have to believe it?

"Do you think of me as a three-year-old?" Dongfang Wei pointed to the stone in front and sighed. "As long as you help me break the stone, I will definitely give you the manuscript of the emperor, and I will not get your solitude." The news of the manuscripts of the Emperor told the warriors of the Duo family."

"If you don't feel relieved, I can swear in the name of the Tao!"

There is no manuscript of the emperor in the Solitary family, and their headquarters in the Temple of God does not care. Anyway, if the Solitary family is strong, it will only be unable to go with the Solitary family. Their God of War Palace is far away from the God of War, and there is almost no intersection with the Solitary family.

As for the fact that the Temple of the God of War can stand up to the offensive of the Solitary family, it is not something that Oriental Wei needs to worry about. The division of the God of War Palace in Tianjian domain is dispensable to their headquarters. If you can use the decline of the Temple of the God of War, and provoke a war between the Solitary family and the Solitary family, the high-level headquarters of the Ares Palace headquarters can be laughed at.

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