The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 498: Unloading and killing

"If you can ask me for help earlier, will you wait until now to see the inheritance of the great emperor?"

Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan were excited because they could not get the inheritance of the great emperor because of their own strength. The expression of the sword demon is incomparably indifferent, whether it is to break the stone monument or take out the inheritance of the great emperor, it is in his expectation.

This stone monument is exactly the same as the last stone monument. He can break the last stone monument and naturally break the stone monument. Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan couldn't break because they didn't have the supreme gold. Four or two dials, the most needed is eyesight.

"Less nonsense, quickly hand over the great emperor!" Liu Chi's eyes turned again and again, and immediately provoked the road, "Do you not intend to pass on the emperor to us? The so-called cooperation is to lie to us, right?"

What Dong Wei wants is the inheritance of the great emperor, and what Liu Liu wants is the life of the sword. Before, Liuchi did not provoke such a reason, because the swordsmen had not yet taken the emperor out. The ninth Tianfu ruined Liuchi, is not qualified to scream with the East.

But now, the great emperor is in the hands of the sword, Liuchi believes that now he has to deal with the sword, the East will not stop him. In the eyes of the East, the swordsman has not used the value. The so-called cooperation of Dongfang Wei is purely the use of the sword.

"What do you mean? Cross the river to break the bridge?"

If the face of the sword is cold, the look of the dress must continue to be installed. Liuchi wants to kill him. He knows it. Even the Eastern Wei and Zhao Wei can't wait for him to die in the hands of Duo. It is a pity that he not only did not die, but he appeared in front of Liuchi and Dongfang Wei without any injury.

Oriental Weihe Liucai, if they know that the solitary charm is to die under his sword, do not know what they will be. His strength is ten times stronger than that he showed in front of them in Liuchi and Dongfangwei.

"Even if we really cross the river to break the bridge, what can you do?"

Liuchi sneered, the speed of the swordsman breaking the stone monument is fast, but just now, they have already laid the net. The sword demon wants to escape with the great emperor, it is difficult to go to heaven, they must inherit the great emperor, but also set the sword to die.

"Our cooperation is still in the end?"

The sword demon did not take care of Liuchi, but turned and looked at the oriental Wei. These celestial gods of the God of War Palace can be the master of the East, and there is no need to waste time with Liuchi. If Dong Wei is not acquainted, he does not mind giving these lessons to the God of War.

"The stone tablet is broken for me. Without me, you can't break the stone. I didn't expect it, I just broke the stone, you will put me to death. Originally for you, I took a manuscript, not. ?"

Only the manuscript of the emperor is the concession of the sword. It is a pity that Liu Chi and Dong Fang Wei do not seem to appreciate. Dongfang Wei is sincerely cooperating, I am afraid that it has already stopped Liuchi, and it is silent, which is equivalent to the behavior of Liuchi.

Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan also grasped the intention of Dongfang Wei. Although “Duo Gu Cang” helped them break the stone monument, they still have deep hostility towards “Duo Gu Cang”. If it wasn’t for the intervention of “Duo Gu Cang”, the last great emperor’s inheritance was theirs.

"I understand!"

The sword demon said with self-deprecation, whether it is the solitary charm or the oriental Wei, there is no meaning to cooperate with him. The solitary charm wants to kill him. He can understand that the solitary family wants to get rid of the control of the solitary family. The solitary family is to hold the one and only family firmly in their hands.

"They want to kill you, not that we want to kill you. You can rest assured that since I am working with you, I will certainly not do it. Can you leave to live and see your own skills."

Oriental Wei Mo Xu Liu Chi their behavior does not mean that he will also help Liu Chi. He has his own plan, and "Duo Gu Cang" brought the manuscripts of the Emperor's scriptures back to the Solitary family, which is equivalent to planting a seed in the Solitary family.

By the time the seed has taken root, the Solitary family will be able to fight with the Solitary family sooner or later. As the saying goes, one mountain can't accommodate two tigers, and the solitary family will not allow Tianjian domain to appear as the second emperor.

"Oriental brother, do you really not shoot?"

Zhao Wei frowned and asked, the Oriental Wei, wearing the holy sword, is definitely one of the strongest Tianzun in their God of War. Moreover, as far as she knows, Dongfang Wei has already touched the threshold of Tianzun, and it is possible to break through to Tianzun at any time.

If Dongfang Wei does not help, relying on them alone, I really can't possibly win the "Duo Gu Cang". Not only because of the strength, but also because the East is their main heart. There is no shot in the East, and it has an impact on the strength of other Tianzun.

"If you can put him to death, it is your skill. If you can't do it, it's his life." Dongfang Wei pointed to the inheritance of the great emperor in the sword, and said, "I want the inheritance of the great emperor. He can't die, I don't care."

Their God of War and the Solitary family are far apart. Even if the talent of "Duo Gu Cang" is higher, there is no threat to them. If "Duo Gu Cang" rises, the headache is the solitary family, not their God of War.


Liuchi did not persuade Dongfang Wei because he knew that Dongwei would not listen to him. If Zhao Wei and Dongfang Wei continue to talk, many of the gods around him will probably be shaken. It is because of this kind of consideration that he did not delay the time, and immediately applied the sacred martial arts to attack the sword.

The other gods of the God of War are also not idle. The martial arts that they display, although they are not comparable to the martial arts of Liuchi, but they are numerous. The main attack is handed over to Liu Chi, Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan, who are responsible for assisting from the side.

"The candle dragon blood knife method!"

"Autumn leaves deciduous sword!"

Feng Chiyan and Zhao Wei successively shot, the former is the famous sacred knife method of their division of the God of War, and the latter is the sacred sword that she only realized before. Their two arrogant attacks, like two wild animals, rushed to the sword.

Although Dong Wei did not shoot, his eyes stared at the sword. It is also a tyrant, and it can make the East singularly incompetent, and there are few, and the sword is one of them. The key is the Taoist cultivating Taoist Tao. He really does not understand why the swordsman can rely on the Taoist sects to crush the tyrants of these meditations.

"Not self-reliant!"

The sword devil said carelessly that the attack of Liu Chi, Feng Chiyan and Zhao Wei could not hurt him. As for the attacks of other Tianzun, it was even weak. Now he is no longer a sacred god, but a half-step holy king.

The half-step holy king who is promoted by Ba Tianzun is actually not much stronger. However, he is neither a tyrant or a sacred person. The half-step holy king who is promoted by God is not a star and a half. If he takes all the strength, he can kill Oriental Wei, Zhao Wei and Liu Chi.

"Candle Dragon Blood Sword!"

The sword demon is purely against Feng Chiyan, because he did not use other martial arts, but used the candle dragon blood sword. I have to say that the candle dragon blood sea sword method that he displayed and the candle dragon blood knife method that Feng Chiyan displayed are still very similar.

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