The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 508: Unlucky sacred king (eleventh!)

"Is it a holy king?"

Solitary purgatory is really not convinced that they can get the inheritance of the two great emperors, or they do not want to believe. After they came in, they were like mice. They hid Tibet and did not give him a chance.

Yan Qingming was inherited by the Great Emperor, and it was acceptable to be alone in Purgatory. After all, Yan Qingming was also the young Tianjiao of the same generation. However, King Sheng is not qualified to compare with him, nor is he qualified to compare with Yan Qingming.

In addition, the God of War is the emperor's power, even if the Yan Qing dynasty smashes the sacred land of the great emperor to bring back to the war **** palace, the impact on the war shrine is not too big. However, the Solitary family is different. The Solitary family is the vassal force of their solitary family. If the Solitary family is passed down by the great emperor, the Solitary family will have the potential to rise.

Their solitary family has been suppressing the Solitary family for generations, and they are worried about the emergence of the great emperor in the Solitary family. For so many years, the Solitary family has not had the opportunity to inherit the great emperor. Unfortunately, their chances have been ruined again and again by the Solitary family.

"This group of wastes dare to infect the great emperor of the sacred land, do not kill them without leaving a piece of film, I am embarrassed to say that they are the nine kings!"

The solitary purgatory quickly took the many holy kings of the solitary family to the direction of the great emperor that had just been sensed, and rushed over. The induction between the great emperors had disappeared, and he could not hesitate. If it was late, they would not know where to hide.

If they want to know, they have a black pot for the sword, and they don’t know what they are. In fact, until now, they have not even obtained a monarch. It’s not that they are not lucky, but they are afraid to shoot.

When the Solitary Prison found the first emperor, they were nearby. At that time, many of the sacred kings of the Solitary family were eager to move. Fortunately, the sacred king took them in time, otherwise they might have become the souls of the swords of the solitude.

The high-level arrangement of the Solitary family led the sacred king to lead the team. Perhaps it was the fancy of the sacred king. If you change the young Saint to lead the team, it is the situation. The young Holy King may be the first to rush out. The temptation of the great emperor to inherit the sacred warriors of the Solitary family is too great. Only when they are passed down by the great emperor will they have the hope of becoming emperors.

The sacred king can hold back, in fact, the reason is very simple, even if he was lucky enough to get the inheritance of the great emperor, he still has no hope of becoming a emperor. The potential of the Holy King has long been exhausted, and the peak of the Holy King is his limit, and the realm behind him has nothing to do with him.

When Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory went to the direction of the sword demon, the sword magic was looking for a place to hide. According to his judgment, whether it is Yan Qingming or Lonely Purgatory, as long as he senses the inheritance of the Emperor, he will take the initiative.

When outside the sacred sacred place, the Sword Demon had seen Yan Qingming and Duolpur Purgatory. The only thing he needs to consider now is how to make Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory fight. Yan Qingming and Duolun Purgatory do not do anything, he has no chance, and if he does, he is at least not completely without a chance.

Yan Qingming is closer to the sword, so he arrived in front of the solitary purgatory. Unfortunately, when he arrived, the sword magic had already been hidden, and he did not even see his personal image. However, he did not give up, but motivated the willpower and searched everywhere.

"Hey brother, you said that we are looking for it. What is the point? We don't dare to fight with the ones in Purgatory, nor dare to fight with Yan Qing, even if they find the inheritance of the great emperor, is it theirs?"

The sacred kings of the Solitary family complained in the Achilles's king. In fact, they found that the great emperor passed on more than one. When Yan Qingming discovered the inheritance of the second great emperor, they were also present. The problem was that the sacred king still did not let them do it.

"Yeah, I think we might as well go out. The predecessors who came forward did not discover the inheritance of the great emperor. We obviously discovered the inheritance of the great emperor, but we dare not argue with the Alpha Purgatory and Yanqing. You are not too shameful, I still It’s too shameful.”

"According to me, we will fight with Yan Qingming or Duoling Purgatory once. They are jealous of each other. I don't think they will fight with us until the end. And, we have at least a chance to get the inheritance of the Emperor, don't fight, we It is definitely not the inheritance of the great emperor."

I have to say that these holy kings of the Solitary family are really unlucky, because they are also coming in the direction of the sword. Yan Qingming was handed down to the great emperor, and the sacred kings were mistakenly hit and came here. There is no great inheritance in the hands of the King of the Holy King. Naturally, there is no sense of induction.

"Not good! There are ambushes here, retire!"

The sacred king suddenly shouted because he perceives the willpower of Yan Qingming. Yan Qingming, why are they in this place, the Holy King does not know, he only knows that they are safe from Yan Qingming. Close to them, or be discovered by them, who knows if they will do it.

"Sure enough, they!"

Yan Qingming's will world projection covers a wide range of faces. When he discovers them, the corners of his mouth can't help but curl up. As long as they find the sacred kings, it means that the two great emperors in the hands of the sacred king are his inheritance.

Single-handedly fighting, Yan Qingming can crush the holy king. If they are in a melee, these holy kings of the God of War can also crush the holy kings of the Solitary family. Yan Qingming has confidence in his younger brothers and sisters. After all, they can come to the elite of the God of War.

"Want to escape? You can't escape!"

Seeing the sacred kings, they retreat, Yan Qingming quickly chased the past, the other holy kings of the God of War are also not idle, but also behind Yan Qingming, rushed to the sacred kings of the Solitary family.

"Yan Qingming, what do you mean by this?"

Wang Shengwang frowned and asked, there was no big emperor in the vicinity. Normally, Yan Qingming would not do anything with them. Moreover, it seems that Yan Qingming is deliberately waiting for them here.

"What do I mean? You are alone, you don't want to understand how to be confused!" Yan Qingming did not play the riddle with the sacred king, but said at the beginning, "Hurry and hand over the two great emperors in your hand, otherwise I will kill you all today!"

Many of the sacred kings of the God of War Palace quickly surrounded them and they also had an advantage in terms of quantity. There is no war **** palace in the Tianzun family. The holy king who came in from the solitary family also has no more gods.

"What do you say? Two great emperors passed on? How can I have two great emperors?"

The sacred king only felt inexplicable. Yan Qingming specifically looked for him, and it turned out that he had two great emperors in his hand. Up to now, he has never touched the great emperor of the sacred place, let alone the two great emperors in his hand.

"Install, you continue to install, just now my induction has passed down to your great emperor."

Yan Qing Ming believes that the two inheritances of the past are in the hands of the sacred king. After all, the sacred sacred land has come in the forces of the three parties, not in the hands of the singer, not in the hands of the sacred king?

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