The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 514: Listen to my order (17th!)

"Would you like to take the Holy King hidden in the dark before you?"

Didn't fight with the solitary Purgatory, Yan Qingming is also somewhat regrettable. Fortunately, not long after, he and the Alphan Purgatory still have the opportunity to fight, whether he is, or alone, purgatory, will not give up the sixth great emperor.

The reason why he is more than this is to look at his world of will, and who is better than the world of the will of Purgatory. The strength of the will, the impact on strength, is not small. If he has an advantage in the will, then he can use the will attack in the confrontation with the Alphan Purgatory. On the other hand, if he has no advantage in the will, and he will use the will attack, he can only defend.


The Solitary Purgatory did not hesitate to agree, because he also wanted to know that his willpower and the willpower of Yan Qingming were weak and weak. The battle between him and Yan Qingming can't be avoided. It is good for both of them to know that their willpower is weak and weak.

Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory also urged the willpower to launch a will attack in the direction of the sword. Whether it is the will power of Yan Qingming, or the willpower of the independent and purgatory, it is stronger than the sword magic.

The swordsman hidden in the darkness is bitter, and he has to hide his body shape and avoid the attack of Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory. In the long run, he was discovered by Yan Qingming and Duoleng Purgatory. It is a matter of morning and evening.

"These two people are very hot-hearted, and I can't continue to pretend to be alone."

When he was outside the sacred place, he took the initiative to provoke the Tianzun of the Solitary family. As long as Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory recognize his identity, he will not be soft to him. They are all dead, and Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory can still make "Duo Gu Cang" alive?

The problem is that even if he restores his original appearance, Yan Qingming and Duoleng Purgatory will not be merciful to him. It is not that Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory know him, but Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory are arrogant to other military forces.

What's more, as long as he shows up, Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory will find that he is the one who has two great emperors. After all, Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory did not find the inheritance of the great emperor in the king of the sacred king, and the other sacred kings of the singular family did not inherit the great emperor.

"It seems that I only have a disciple who pretends to be a sacred place."

Thinking of this, the sword demon no longer dodge, but took the initiative to appear in the eyes of Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory. Yan Qingming can be sure that the swordsmen are not the holy kings of their gods, and the solitary purgatory can also be sure that the swordsmen are not the holy kings of their solitary family.

The competition between Solitary Purgatory and Yan Qingming can be said that there is no win or loss, because the sword demon is neither firstly found in the purgatory, nor is it found in Yan Qingming, but he himself took the initiative. Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory looked at the swordsman's eyes, but unfortunately, they had no impression of the swordsman.

"Is he the holy king of the Solitary family?"

Yan Qing Ming turned and asked, as long as the sword demon is the sacred king of the Solitary family, these holy kings of the God of War can recognize the sword. The sacred warriors of the God of War Palace shook their heads, and they can be sure that the swordsman is not the holy king of the Solitary family.

The Solitary Purgatory got the same answer in the sacred warriors of the Solitary family. In other words, the swordsman is neither the holy king of the Solitary family nor the holy king of their solitary family and the Temple of God.

"How did you get in? What is the power behind you?"

The sacred sacred place has long been a private thing of their solitary family. Now there are other warriors who have come in, which is equivalent to entering the thief at home, and not being alone in purgatory. Since the swordsman can come in, then other holy kings can come in.

"You are asking me? What qualifications do you have to ask me?"

Although Yan Qingming and the strength of the solitary purgatory are far above the sword magic, but the sword magic next to pretend to be a disciple of the sacred place, naturally can not fall. He has just broken through to the holy kingdom. It is impossible to overwhelm the independence and purgatory and Yan Qingming with his momentum.

"This is a sacred place, a core disciple of the sacred place. I haven't asked how you came in. Why do you ask me?"

There are no core disciples in the sacred sacred place. The swordsmen don’t know. Anyway, Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory are not disciples of the sacred place, and their understanding of the sacred place is definitely limited. He is a core disciple who pretends to be a sacred place, and Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory are somewhat taboo.

"What he said would not be true?"

Solitary purgatory is dubious about the identity of the sword demon. On the one hand, he feels that there will be no core disciples at all. On the other hand, if the sword devil is not the core disciple of the sacred place, how can he explain that the sword demon appears in the interior of the sacred place?

Their solitary family can be said to be very important in the sacred sacred place. It is impossible for other forces to send the sacred kings. Only the sword demon is a disciple of the sacred place, can explain why the sword demon appears in the sacred place.

"You said that you are the core disciple of the sacred place, then I have to ask you, how can you prove that you are the core disciple of the sacred place?"

Yan Qingming is also not in a hurry to shoot, although he feels that the sword is the core disciple of the sacred place is very nonsense, after all, the sacred place has disappeared for countless years. However, if the sword magic is true, if he rushes to take it, he will die.

The skinny dead camel is bigger than the horse, and the sacred place is gone for countless years, but who can ensure that there is no strong man in the sacred place. Yan Qing is not afraid of the nine kings of the temple, does not mean that he is also not afraid of the king. The Holy King and the Daojun are two realms. As Yan Qingming, the Eight Kings of the Eight Kings, they can only compete with the weaker Daojun. The really powerful Daojun can completely set the Yanqing to die.

The sword demon knows that if he can't get proof, Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory can kill him at any time, and prove that it must be. Fortunately, the sacred place has disappeared for so many years, and the swordsman can deceive Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory as long as they come up with the corresponding proof.

"Since you have to prove it, then I will prove it to you." The swordsman quickly ran the emperor of the Emperor, and then pointed at the lightning bolts not far away, shouting loudly, "Thousands of Thunder, listen to me." Order, give me a sigh!"

In fact, the swordsman is also betting, whether this method can work or not, his heart is actually not bottom. Fortunately, he resurrected Lingdao, even if he really died in the hands of Duolun Purgatory and Yan Qingming, he can be resurrected.


I have to say that the luck of the swordsman is still good. The lightning in the distance seems to have really obeyed his command and turned to the independent and purgatory and Yan Qingming. Although those lightnings are not dead, they are alone in purgatory and Yan Qingming, but the swordsman knows that he is safe, at least for a short time, he is safe.

The sword demon can command those lightnings, mainly because of the practice of the Emperor. Before the Xuan Lei Emperor was in the testimony, the practice of cultivating the Emperor of the Emperor. Of course, the word "Xuan Lei" shouted out by the sword magic also played a good effect.

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