The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 525: He Wei, Chai Feiying

Yan Qingming can be lost to the solitary purgatory, but the two great emperors they have worked so hard to pass can never be handed over. Since Yan Qing can't keep the inheritance of the great emperor, then they can only rely on themselves to keep the great inheritance.

If the great emperors were in the hands of Yan Qingming or Duolun Purgatory, they would definitely not be able to take it. However, the realm of the sword demon, the difference between Yan Qing and the solitary purgatory too much. With their strength, it is not difficult to steal the inheritance of the great emperors under the eyes of the swordsman.

What they really want to guard against is not the swordsman, but the sacred warriors of the solitary family. The swordsman can't stop them, but the sacred warriors of the solitary family can stop them.

“Would you like to discuss with Yan’s brother? Yan’s brother can’t beat the solitary purgatory, and it’s okay to entangle the solitary purgatory?”

The match between the Lonely Purgatory and Yan Qingming is nearing the end. If there is no accident, Yan Qing’s loss to the solitary purgatory will be a matter of iron and steel. However, it is two different things to entangle the solitude and purgatory and defeat the singular purgatory. The former is far from the requirements of Yan Qingming.

"No, the character of Yan’s brother, don’t you know?” He Wei shook his head and refused the proposal of the sage of the Holy King. "If Yan’s brother knows our plan, 80% will not support us."

I am willing to gamble and lose. Since Yan Qingming accepted the challenge of the Alpha Purgatory, then he will lose his promise to the Alphan Purgatory. Moreover, in the face of the core disciples of the sacred sacred place, Yan Qingming is not afraid to eat and fat.

The solitary purgatory is stronger, and it is still only the sacred king. Although Yan Qingming is not an opponent of the singular purgatory, it is not easy to kill him. The power gap between the Eight Temples and the Nine Halls is limited, and most of the sacred places are powerful and even powerful.

"Yes, tell Yan Brothers that there is only a bad thing for us, no good."

Chai Feiying quickly joined the road, Yan Qingming is a bit rigid and will not be flexible. Switching to him and He Wei, I will not agree to the challenge of Solitary Purgatory. The solitary purgatory is the holy king of the nine temples. They are suffering in the temple. They are rushing to fight, isn’t it looking for abuse?

Yan Qingming has a card, but there is no card for the one-legged purgatory with nine temples?

Facts have proved that Chai Feiying's guess is correct. The card of Yan Qingming is the Taoist symbol of the elders of the God of War, and the card of the Alphan Purgatory is his own semi-finished machine - the purgatory sword. The same is the card, the purgatory sword of the solitary purgatory is obviously better.

He Wei and Chai Feiying are the eight kings of the temple, but their strength is not comparable to Yan Qingming, and the high level of the God of War Palace allows Yan Qing to lead the team. Their next plan can't be counted as Yan Qingming. Of course, other holy kings will have to listen to them.

"We are one with a great emperor and can escape one is one."

The inheritance of the five great emperors will be kept by the five most powerful sacred kings. If they don't do it, the five great emperors will become the sacs of the singular purgatory. In other words, even if they escape one, they earn. If all five of them can escape, they will be able to get the inheritance of the five great emperors.

“A little risky, but the great heritage of the sacred place is worth our adventure!”

Originally, even if they brought out the two great emperors that were previously obtained, most of the credit was Yan Qingming. But now it is not the same. As long as they can bring out the great emperor who has grabbed their own hands, the credit is their own. After all, Yan Qingming has already passed the two great emperors that he had previously obtained to the independent and purgatory.

"If you don't succeed, you will become a benevolent, start!"

Chai Feiying used the will to pass the sound and ordered it to the holy king of the world. Face-to-face confrontation, they are definitely not the opponents of the sacred kings of the Solitary family, but, unexpectedly, they have the opportunity to take away the five great emperors in front of the swordsmen.

"Look, Yan Shi brother wants to use the killer!"

At the same time, He Wei suddenly pointed to Yan Qingming and exclaimed, and instantly attracted the attention of the sacred kings of the Duo family. The means that can be called the killer is undoubtedly extraordinary. Coupled with the Taoist symbols that were spurred by Yan Qingming, it has brought a lot of trouble to the solitary purgatory. The sacred warriors of the solitary family are eager to know. What is the killer of Yan Qingming?

Don't talk about the sacred warriors of the Solitary family, even the Alone Purgatory is cautious. The sacred symbol of Yan Qingming’s first use means that the killer that Yan Qingming is about to use is more terrible than the Taoist symbol used before.

He Wei and Chai Feiying are the eight kings, and the swordsmen have not reacted. They have already taken away the inheritance of the two great emperors. When the sword magic reacted, the other three great emperors passed down, and they were also taken away by the three seven-sacred kings of the God of War.

"It's a bit of a meaning, they are going to die with the many sacred kings of the Solitary family."

The swordsman did not stop them, on the one hand because he had no time to stop, on the other hand because he could not help but see the sacred warriors of the Solitary family and the God of War. These sacred kings of the Solitary family and the God of War Palace do not do it. How can the swordsman have a chance?

"What are you doing?"

This is what the Swordsman deliberately called to the sacred kings of the Solitary family. If they let He Wei and Chai Feiying run away, can these sacred warriors of the Solitary family and the God of War Palace not be able to fight?

Sure enough, after receiving the reminder of the sword, the sacred warriors of the solitary family quickly rushed over to the sword. Yan Qing’s roots did not use any killer, and He’s words were deceiving them. Chai Feiying and He Wei were planning to take the opportunity to steal the five great emperors in front of the sword.

"Shameless! Say good who is alone in Purgatory and Yan Qingming who wins, who is the inheritance of the great emperor, are you going to repent now?"

"Are you not talking nonsense? They not only repented, but they also snatched the inheritance of the great emperor who belonged to our solitary family. It is unbearable!"

"It’s too much to deceive! You can’t forget your inheritance of the great emperor, but what do you mean by stealing our great emperor?”

These sacred kings of the solitary family were so angry that he and the fire were not ashamed to the extreme. The five great emperors in front of the swordsman were passed down, and they were taken away by Chai Feiying and He Wei.

"Yan Qingming, I missed you!"

The solitary purgatory, who is fighting with Yan Qing, is angry and rushing to the crown. This sentence is almost bitten by the teeth. The semi-finished products of his intercommunicator were taken out, in order to defeat Yan Qingming, and the two great emperors passed out before Yan Qingming. As a result, the sacred warriors of the God of War Palace even smashed the five great emperors in front of the swordsmen when he and Yan Qing met.

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