The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 528: Sword magic plan

"Red 霄 霄 thunder sword!"

The left-handed sacred sword of the left-handed Purgatory, the semi-finished product of the right-handed device, and the Yan Qingming. Red red swords, like the tide, continuous, flat thunder, violent roar, earth shaking, dazzling sword light, like a small sun, exudes endless heat.

The solitary purgatory with all-out shots is simply outrageous. Rao is the strength of Yan Qingming, and he is forced to retreat. Just defensive, Yan Qing can not prevent, can only defend while defending from the attack of the Alpha Purgatory. Until now, Yan Qingming has profoundly realized how strong his strength and the strength of the independent and purgatory.

After the waves of the Yangtze River pushed the waves, Yan Qingming was the predecessor of the Alphanian Purgatory, but now, Yan Qingming is obviously not the opponent of the Alpha Purgatory. The time to break into the holy kingdom is early, it does not mean that the strength is strong. Yan Qing has been in the same place for so many years, and the independent and purgatory is always improving.

"Damn! Chai Feiying, He Wei, you are killing me!"

Yan Qing Ming is really dumb to eat berberine, there is no hardship to say, this thing is indeed Chai Feiying and He Wei are wrong, and those who are replaced by the solitary family of the sacred kings will be angry, he will also be angry. The solitary purgatory is going to kill him. He can understand that it is not him who is fattened by the key words.

Although the semi-finished products of the singular purgatory have been damaged, but the power is not reduced, Yan Qing is in the process of resisting the purgatory sword. One carelessness is that the sacred war sword of the singular purgatory is on the shoulder. The bright red blood sprinkled on the ground and pulled out hundreds of deep pits.

In the heyday of Yan Qing, it is not the opponent of the Lonely Purgatory. The injured Yan Qingming will not be the opponent of the Lonely Purgatory. Yan Qingming no longer loves to fight. The question now is no longer whether he can defeat the solitary purgatory, but whether he can escape under the sword of the solitary purgatory. Anyway, it’s okay to win or lose and the inheritance of the Emperor. He and the great emperor of the Pole Purgatory have already been taken away by He Wei and Chai Feiying.

"Want to escape? Have you asked my purgatory sword?"

The solitary purgatory is chasing after him, and He Wei and Chai Feiying have the other holy kings of the solitary family to deal with, as long as he can kill Yan Qingming. Yan Qingming's explanation, he did not believe, in his view, Yan Qingming promised his challenge, the purpose is to entangle him, by the way to attract the attention of other holy kings of the solitary family.

Only in this way, Chai Feiying and He Wei can take the opportunity to **** the inheritance of the Emperor. The intention of Yan Qingming is not sinister. The solitary purgatory is going to kill Yan Qingming, not because of anything else, but to export evil spirits. Who makes Yan Qing’s calculations come to him?

Thunder swelled, hundreds of lightnings rushed to the body of Yan Qingming, the red sword gas fell like raindrops, dense, not giving Yan Qing a little hiding space. The singular purgatory with anger is not only fierce, but also devastating. Now it is not a matter of learning, but chasing and killing, Yan Qing is not dead, it is difficult to eliminate the hatred of the heart of the independent and purgatory.


Yan Qing’s escape is fast. The problem is that the attack of the solitary purgatory is also not vegetarian. Just now, Yan Qing’s action of running away was slow, and countless swords were like boulder. He was kneeling on the back of Yan Qingming. Yan Qingming only felt that the internal organs seemed to shift. Take the Venus and feel dizzy.

"Damn, I underestimated the determination of the solitary purgatory to kill me. If this continues, I may be killed by He Wei and Chai Feiying."

Before, Yan Qingming always thought that as long as he wanted to escape, he could only blink dry. But now, he really feels the threat of death, on the one hand because the strength of the solitary purgatory is stronger than he imagined, on the other hand, because the killing of the solitary purgatory is too heavy.

"Yan Qingming, I want you to die!"

Akasaka’s thundering sword is like a **** dragon, slamming into Yan Qing’s body. Yan Qingming turned over several rounds in the air to be able to stabilize his body shape. The voice of the solitary purgatory contained a will attack, and Yan Qingming did not react, and was hit by the red stunned thunder sword.

I saw the back of Yan Qingming, there was a long sword wound, and the bright red blood rolled down. Although Yan Qing’s pain was so painful, he still did not look back. The more he was injured, the more he had to escape. In his current situation, once he stops, the solitary purgatory can really kill him.

"Fortunately, I reminded me in time, otherwise the sacred warriors of the God of War will run away."

The sword demon secretly gladly said that the sacred sacred sacred said that it was not big, that the small is not small, the sacred king of the singular family, if they could not stop Chai Feiying and He Wei, the five great emperors just had nothing to do with him. . The sacred warrior of the Solitary family, with Chai Feiying and He Wei, played with them, and he had the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

Unfortunately, his realm is too low. If he can fake the false emperor's inheritance and then replace it with a fake, he can easily pass on the original five emperors. Unlike now, can you get the inheritance of the great emperor, it is still unknown.

"It's him!"

The solitary family and the God of War, those of the sacred kings of the warriors, the swords and the magic are all in the eyes, there is a green lotus mask in hand, he can pretend to be a solitary family or the predecessor of the warring palace, the premise is the solitary family and The other sacred warriors of the God of War Palace did not find it.

Under the eyes of the public, it is no easy task for the sword to steal the day. Moreover, the sacred warriors of the Solitary family and the God of War Palace thought that he was the core disciple of the sacred sacred land, and did not know how many pairs of eyes stared at him all the time.

The sword demon saw that there was a singularity in the sacred kingdom. The martial arts trade rushed out, and suddenly his eyes were shining. He had only one temple, and it was most suitable to pretend to be a predecessor. Forcibly impersonating the middle or late warrior of the Holy Land, although his strength can keep up, the flaws in the temple are likely to kill him.

It is not the same as the predecessor of the sacred kingdom who pretends to be a solitary family. With the strength of the swordsman at the time, you can walk in the sky. However, his current strength is nothing in the Holy King.

"Unfortunately, I don't even know what his name is."

After confirming the vision of the sacred kings who were separated from the Duo family and the God of War, the swordsman did not hesitate to take out the sacred sword and killed the former warrior. His strength was originally stronger than that of the sacred king of the Solitary family. In addition, he was a sneak attack, and the sacred king of the Solitary family could survive.


The sacred war of the sword demon slammed into the body of the sacred king of the sacred kingdom. It is better to pretend to be the predecessor of the sacred kingdom of the sacred family.

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