The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 531: Deceive the emperor

"His identity is true or false, is it important?"

The solitary purgatory did not allow the sacred warriors of the solitary family to search for the meaning of the swordsmen. The task of rushing to the sacred place was to compete for the inheritance of the great emperor, not to be the core disciple of the sacred place.

The sacred sacred place in the Taikoo period was not a fake power, but now it is a problem to be able to compare with the power of a sacred place. To make a relationship is also the core disciple of the sacred place to make friends with them, instead of making friends with the core disciples of the sacred place.

What's more, they are still skeptical about the identity of the swordsman. The performance of the sword demon is indeed very much like the core disciple of the sacred place, but the time when the sacred place is destroyed is really too long. Of course, they did not dare to conclude that the sword demon is not the core disciple of the sacred place, but only believes in it.

"The inheritance of the great kings who came forward did not get, but we have received the inheritance of the five great emperors. Isn't that enough?"

The five great emperors are inherited, and the solitary purgatory is more or less satisfied. The other great emperors of the sacred sacred land are either in the hands of the swordsmen or in the hands of the mighty sacred place. If they are forced to compete, they are likely to die.

Anyway, the merits of bringing the five great emperors back to the solitary family are enough to make the solitary purgatory a candidate for the next owner. There is no need to risk his life in the solitary purgatory, to rob the great emperor in the hands of the swordsman.

"If I had to hand over the five great emperors of the Pole Purgatory, the inheritance of the nine great emperors of the sacred place is our Ling family."

The ambition of the sword demon is greater than that of the solitary purgatory. The four great emperors are inherited, and the sword demon is still eager to get the inheritance of the five great emperors in the hands of the Alphanian purgatory. It is a pity that the sword demon is not the opponent of the singular purgatory. How can the sacred king grab the things from the hands of the nine kings?

Yan Qingming and Chai Feiying, the sacred warriors of the God of War, are not dead, and will never come back to compete with the Dao Purgatory for the great emperor. It is obvious that Yan Qingming and Chai Feiying, the sacred kings of the God of War, are obviously not playing. The swordsmen want to get the inheritance of the five great emperors in the hands of the Lonely Purgatory.

"I don't know if I can use the Emperor of the Emperor and the Emperor of Xuanlei to pass on the inheritance of the Emperor in the hands of the Alphanian Purgatory."

The inheritance of the Emperor of the sacred sacred place and the inheritance of the Emperor of the Emperor Xuanlei are inherited from other great emperors of the sacred place. Up to now, the Sword Devil has not tried to realize the inheritance of the Emperor of the Emperor and the Emperor.

Lingdao did not hesitate, and immediately opened the emperor of Emperor Xu and Emperor Xuanlei, and realized it. The sword demon can pretend to be the core disciple of the sacred place, deceiving the Alphan Purgatory and Yan Qing. Lingdao can also pretend to be a disciple of the sacred place, deceiving the great emperor of the sacred place.

This matter can only be done by Lingdao, because Lingdao is in the Tianzun area, and only Tianzun Wuwu can enter the Tianzun area, and the holy king of the warriors cannot enter. Of course, Lingdao, a warrior who broke through to the holy kingdom in the Tianzun area, is different.

The Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor, the Lingdao is enlightened, and now it is necessary to focus on enlightenment, but the Emperor of the Emperor Xuan Lei. That is to say, his savvy is extremely high, and he is replaced by other sacred kings. He does not know how long it will take to understand part of the emperor.

"When is the brother, when is the holy land closed?"

The solitary thunder and whispered softly, since the independence of the purgatory did not compete for the meaning of the inheritance of the other four emperors, then they continue to stay inside the sacred sacred place, there is no meaning. The dead and wounded of the sacred warriors of the Solitary family and the God of War Palace, they did not even have opponents.

"Come on, if you have nothing to do, just cultivate."

According to the past rules, at most three days, the sacred place will be closed. The solitary purgatory is full of pride, and when he returns to the solitary family, he can begin to consolidate the palace. The five great emperors are inherited, what resources do he want to cultivate, and the high-level will not give?

"Brother, I have a proposal, I don't know if I can't talk about it?"

The sword demon stood in the distance of the Lonely Purgatory and suddenly began to speak. If the independence of the purgatory is to put the great emperor in the temple, he is really unsure, and will pass away the great emperor.

"What proposal?"

Solitary Pride asked curiously. Normally, these pre-Sacred and Mid-Sacred Kings of the Solitary family did not dare to talk to him.

"The other four great emperors of the sacred sacred place are not necessarily in the hands of the strong people of the sacred place. The brothers can completely take out the five great emperors, and then see if they can sense the position of the other four great emperors. ”

The sword demon is digging a pit for the solitary purgatory, and the self-confidence of the solitary purgatory can be achieved. The solitary purgatory is neither afraid of the other sacred warriors of the solitary family to rob him of his great inheritance, nor is it afraid of Yan Qingming and Chai Feiying who are the sacred warriors of the God of War to rob him of his great inheritance.

"You can try it, even if I can't sense the location of the other four great emperors, I have nothing to lose."

The Solitary Purgatory nodded and immediately took out the previous five great emperors and tried to sense the position of the other four great emperors. The other holy kings of the solitary family are surrounded by the Alpha Purgatory, so as not to cause any accidents.

After only a moment, the solitary purgatory could not help but laugh, because he really sensed the position of the two great emperors. The two great emperors he inducted were the inheritance of the Emperor of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor Xuanlei.

"It's now!"

Lingdao and Jianmo are connected with each other. When the swordsman sees the inheritance of the five great emperors of the Lonely Purgatory, it is equal to Lingdao seeing the inheritance of the five great emperors. I saw the two great emperors in front of Ling Dao, and suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

The suction of horror, like the distance across the space, directly brought the five great emperors of the Lonely Purgatory. Facts have proved that Lingdao’s guess is correct, and the disciples who pretend to be sacred places have really hoped to get the five great emperors in the hands of the Alphanian Purgatory.

"What are you still doing? Grab the emperor's heritage and get back!"

The first thing to reflect is not the solitary purgatory, but the sword magic. When I heard the swordsman, many of the sacred kings of the solitary family vacated and rushed to the inheritance of the great emperors at the fastest speed.

"Wine, help me!"

It is obviously unrealistic for these great emperors to fly to Lingdao under the eyelids of the Alphanian Purgatory. The sword demon seems to be vying for the inheritance of the great emperors, in fact, it is to cover the princess of the wine. As long as the Princess of the Wine Princess catches the inheritance of the Great Emperor, he immediately sends it to Lingdao, and does not give any other sacred warriors of the Duo family.

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