The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 538: Suspicious

"Stained! You are filthy!"

Jin Yundao’s sighs with his lips trembled, and the sacred warriors of the Solitary family annihilated the entire army of the sacred kings of their solitude, and he did not settle with the singular princes. His is not?

Just because the strength of their solitary family is inferior to that of the solitary family, can you not reverse the black and white?

Their solitary family really needs the inheritance of the great emperor, but, for the hope of the inheritance of the great emperor, he is placed on the sacred king and the solitary. From the beginning to the end, he did not expect to be "Duo Gu Cang". Who would let "Duo Gu Cang" condense the eighth Tianfu for a long time?

"You want to say it right, there is no need to make these virtual."

In the usual time, Yunyun Daojun will not talk to the non-marking Taojun, but the trace of the Daojun is too much, and there is no need to endure it. Is it only that the holy kings of the solitary family will kill the holy kings of their solitary family, and will not allow them to kill the goddess of the solitary family?

The sacred sacred place is used to hone young warriors. Since it is honed, then there must be death and injury. The solitude of the solitude and the solitude of their singularity can certainly cause great losses to the solitude family. However, the loss of the solitude family is even greater.

"According to what they said, no one can kill him as long as he has not left the Tianzun area."

There are nine Tianfu's unique solitary charms and not the opponents of "Duogu Cang". The solitary family and the other goddess of the God of War Palace are even less likely to be the opponents of "Duo Gu Cang". Although up to now, no trace of the king can still not accept the "Duo Gu Cang" relying on the great emperor to concoct the ninth Tianfu thing, but the Duo family and the many gods of the God of War are obviously not lie. As long as it is a fact, it will not change because of Thaksin or unbelief.

"Elders, I have something to say, Duo Cang did not stay in the Tianzun area, but entered the holy king area."

"Our celestial warriors are not the opponents of the solitude, but it is not easy for the brothers of the sacred kingdom to kill the singer."

The two Tianzuns standing next to Zhao Wei continued to speak. They said that they were listening to the Lianhua Daojun, and they also said that they would listen to the Taoist. They just vowed not to divulge the "Duo Gu Cang" to get the inheritance of the great emperor. As for the whereabouts of "Duo Gu Cang", they do not need to kneel.

"Have you seen the Solitary in the Holy King?"

Before the opening of the sacred sacred place, “Duo Gu Cang” once had a trouble with the Tian Zun of their solitary family. No traced Tao Jun believes that the sacred warriors of their solitary family will definitely recognize it if they see "Duo Gu Cang".

"never seen it!"

"Duo Gu Cang should not have met with them. I have a deep impression on him. If I see him inside the sacred place, I don't mind giving him an unforgettable lesson."

"No, why does Du Gu Cang appear in the Holy King? Isn't he a god?"

The sacred warriors of the Solitary family and the God of War Palace shook their heads. Their focus in the sacred kingdom area was to compete for the inheritance of the great emperor. Unless “Duo Gu Cang” took the initiative to appear in front of them, otherwise they would not see “Duo Gu Cang”.

As a result, they did not know that "Duo Gu Cang" was in the Holy King area. Secondly, they were not interested in dealing with a small Tianzun, and they were still the Tianzun of the Solitary family. It is indeed abhorrent to provoke the warriors of the solitary family. However, the independent and purgatory believes that they will not let the "Duo Gu Cang" live away from the sacred place.

Duolun Purgatory has confidence in the Solitude of the Solitary, and it is not a piece of cake to cultivate the Emperor's sacred cult of Heaven to respect the doctrine of cultivation of the Tao.

However, the facts are completely different from those imagined by the Algon Purgatory, and can even be said to be the opposite. They are not only unable to kill "Duo Gu Cang", but they have died under the sword of "Duo Gu Cang".

"You have never seen Duo Cang? Rest assured, if you are alone in the holy kingdom, you will die in your hands. If you deserve it, you don't have to hide it, you know?"

Lianhua Daojun thinks that these holy kings of the God of War Palace did not tell the truth. Zhao Wei, since they can determine that "Duo Gu Cang" has entered the holy king area, then "Duo Gu Cang" is either dead in the hands of these holy kings, or Deliberately hiding in the sacred place, did not come out.

If "Duo Gu Cang" is dead in the hands of the sacred kings of the Solitary family, the sacred kings of the Solitary family will not be concealed. From the top to the bottom, from the elders to the disciples, the solitary family looked down on the solitary family.

"Elders, we have never seen Duo Cang, except for the holy kings of the solitary family and the solitary family. We have only seen the core disciples of the sacred sacred land. Can we not say that the core disciple of the sacred sacred place is the solitude?"

Yan Qing said with a smile, the normal showdown, lost to the Alpha Purgatory, he can accept, after all, the Alphan Purgatory is the nine kings. The problem is that he still lost to the solitary purgatory after urging the Tao.

The advantage of martial arts is indeed not enough to make up for his disadvantage in the temple. However, the power of the Tao Du Fu is enough to make up for his advantage in the temple. In other words, under such a premise, he lost to the solitary purgatory, only to show that he really can't compare with the solitary purgatory.

"Duo Gu Cang is a solitary celestial being. The core disciple of the sacred sacred land is the core disciple of the sacred sacred place. How can Du Gu Cang be the core disciple of the sacred sacred place?"

The other holy kings of the God of War have quickly retorted. What they don't know is that the jokes of Yan Qingming are actually the truth. Although this joke sounds very nonsense, the core disciple of the sacred place is indeed impersonating.

"Do you know where the Solitary Ghost is? Is he hiding in the sacred sacred place, or is he dead in the hands of the gods of the Ares or the solitary family?"

In this case, Yun Yunjun is a voice of the will, asking for the solitary frost and the solitary dive. He does not believe in the sacred kings of the Solitary family and the God of War. It is a pity that Du Gushuang and Du Gu Qian also do not know the situation of "Duo Gu Cang". They only know that "Duo Gu Cang" followed them and they left. If those who are not the solitary family say that "Duo Gu Cang" has killed the solitude, they all think that "Duo Gu Cang" died in the hands of the Solitary.

"Teacher, I hope that these juniors of your solitary family can sacrifice the heavens and let me check and check."

What is certain now is that there is a great emperor in the hands of "Duo Gu Cang". Although "Duo Gu Cang" did not come out, but there is no trace of Dajun suspected that "Duo Gu Cang" handed over the Emperor to other Tianzun of the Solitary family. If he let go of the Tianzun of the Yunyun Daojun and the Solitary family in this way, the Solitary family may succeed.

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