The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 544: You said that you are Lingdao?

"What rushes to the sacred place? You can't talk, you shut up, no one treats you as dumb!"

Lingdao stunned the elder of the Duo family. The more dangerous the moment, the more he must be lawless. Only in this way, there will be no jealousy. If it is the only promise, no trace of the king is not thinking how to pinch him how to pinch him.

"Junior, you are looking for death!"

The elder of the solitary family was obviously not very angry. Since he was promoted to the king, there has never been a sacred warrior who dared to be so rude to him. If you don’t give Lingdao a lesson, how can he stand in the solitary family in the future?


It’s a pity that I didn’t wait for him to do it. It stands to reason that the momentum of the Taoist priest is not enough to make Lingdao straighten and even lie on the ground. However, Lingdao not only did not lie on the ground, but stood upright and stood still, without any change.

"You are a prince?"

No traced Dao asked tentatively. Once, the blood strength of the Emperor was able to resist the pressure of the Tao. Secondly, Ling Dao is simply too arrogant, and the sacred king of the district, if it is not a big one, why should he blame the strong king?

The sacred king of the martial arts will hit the top of the road, and there will be any end, which can be imagined. He doesn't believe that Lingdao has no brains. Can a person who dares to pretend to be a singer of the singularity of the singularity under the eyes of these princes? Can you be a brainless person?

"Yes, my father is the emperor!"

Lingdao did not pretend to be the emperor of other emperors, because he did not know how many emperors he knew in the end. In the unlikely event that he pretends to be a emperor, there is no trace of the king. He will change his mouth when he arrives, saying that he is the son of the emperor, and that there is no difference between the letter and the unbelief.

"Happy Emperor?"

Of course, there is no trace of the king who knows the emperor. In fact, there are few people who do not know the emperor in the three thousand territories. When the Emperor of the Immaculate Emperor did not become an emperor, he was known as the first master of the three thousand territories. When he became a emperor, he was even more powerful.

Although the time for the promotion of the Emperor's power is the shortest, Lingjia is the Ling family, and the Emperor is the Emperor. As an elder of the solitary family, he can not put Ling family in his eyes, because Lingjia is like a toddler baby compared with their solitary family.

However, with a few courage, he did not dare to go to the emperor. The time for the emperor to become emperor is not long, and does not mean that the strength of the emperor is not strong. The time of Duanmu Emperor became emperor was much earlier than that of Emperor Xiaoyao. Was it not killed by the Emperor of the Immaculate?

The realm of the seven killing emperors is a lot higher than that of the emperor, and it is still not the opponent of the emperor. Before the emperor, the emperor had a strength far beyond his own realm. He thought that he would not have such a performance after he became an emperor. Who knows that after he became an emperor, he was even more outrageous.

"Do you have any evidence that you are the son of the Emperor?"

No trace of the king does not believe that Lingdao is the son of the emperor, and since Lingdao can pretend to be the sacred warrior of their solitary family, then Lingdao can also pretend to be the son of the emperor. The name of the Happy Emperor is too big. It is normal for someone to pretend to be the son of the Emperor.

Moreover, looking at the appearance, it is impossible to determine whether Lingdao is the son of the Emperor, who knows whether Lingdao’s current appearance is true. When Ling Dao pretended to be Duolun Bin, with his eyesight, he could not see that the previous "Duogu Bin" was a fake.

"Joke! How do you prove that you are your son?"

Lingdao couldn't help but smile. Although there is no trace of Daojun's suspicion of his identity, there is no trace of Daojun who dare not do it at will. The name of the Happy Emperor was moved out, but it was still very useful. No trace of the Emperor was afraid of the ordinary emperor, let alone the emperor.

The Happy Emperor is not only powerful, but also extremely short-lived. The reason why Duanmu Emperor was killed by the Emperor of the Happy, is it because his son was treated unfairly?

If there is no trace, if you have hurt the road, who knows what the madness will be. With the strength of the emperor, unless there is no trace of the king will never leave the door of the solitary family, otherwise, no trace of the king will die in the sword of the emperor. No, it’s not necessary to use a sword to deal with the Taoist Emperor.

The elders of the God of War are equally dumbfounded. How come suddenly a emperor emerges? And is it the son of Happy Emperor?

Lianhua Daojun also heard the name of the emperor, and the strength of the emperor was already strong enough to threaten the emperor of the Temple of God. It is not a last resort, they will not do anything to the son of the Emperor of the Happy, because they can not afford the consequences of the sin of the Emperor.

"You are Ling Wu?"

Asked by the elder family elders standing behind the traceless monarch, it is said that the emperor has two sons, one is Lingdao and the other is Ling Wu. However, the former has been smouldering under the attack of the Black Emperor, and the latter should not be cultivated to the Holy Land.

"No, I am Lingdao!"

Lingdao shook his head, Lingwu is Lingwu, he is him, he does not need to pretend to be Lingwu. Why did the elders of the solitary family ask this question, he knows, but the news of his resurrection does not need to be concealed. As for how he resurrected, can he be explained to other warriors?

"Senior brother, I can be sure that he is a fake. Lingdao has already died, and it is impossible to appear in front of us."

Sure enough, the elder of the Solitary family decided that the "Lingdao" in front of him was a fake because of the death of Lingdao. Normally, Lingdao’s kind of life and death will not be heard. However, after the death of Ling Dao, the battle between the Emperor and the Xuan You Emperor has already spread throughout the three thousand territories. The Xuan You Emperor was the predecessor of the Emperor of the Happy, but the Emperor of the Sorrow was still in public and stunned the Emperor.

"Yes, Lingdao has already been smouldering under the attack of Heidi, how can he be a ridge?"

"His blood force is really strong. To say that he is a emperor, I believe. But, to say that he is Lingdao, I also don't believe, how can people die?"

Even if it is the Great Emperor, there is no means for the military to die and resurrect. Since Ling Dao has already died, the "Lingdao" in front of him may only be fake. Determined that the Lingdao in front of him is not the son of Happy Emperor, they can not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"He pretending to be the son of the emperor is enough to show that his father, even the great emperor, is also a weak one."

The analysis of the Taoist priest was immediately recognized by other elders of the Duo family. The same is the great emperor, the strength may be different. Their solitary family is a great power that was passed down from the ancient times. There is no need to taboo the weak emperor.

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