The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 549: One net is exhausted (seventh!)

"Who are you? Are you thinking that you can scare us by pretending to be a ghost?"

Li Han looked sternly and slyly, and Tian Zun like him is certainly not afraid of ghosts. He is afraid because he knows that he is not an opponent of Ling Dao. Lingdao is the emperor, the same realm, he can not support ten rounds in the hands of Lingdao, it is a problem.

The only thing that can comfort him now is that the number of disciples in Lingxiaoge who are present is far more than that of Ling’s children. Single-handedly, he is not an opponent of Lingdao, but they are bullying and killing Lingdao should not be difficult.

After the death of Ling Dao, they did not see it with their own eyes. The so-called ear hearing was virtual, and the sight was only true. Ling Dao appeared in front of them and gave them shock. There was absolutely no such big warrior at the time.

"How? How long have I left Tianling, you don't know me?"

Fortunately, in time, or else, Linghuan, they are afraid to die today in the hands of the disciples of Ling Xiaoge. Judging from the battle just now, Li Hanfeng’s disciples of Ling Xiaoge are obviously going to set Ling Huanyu to die. To deal with such a disciple of Ling Xiaoge, Ling Dao will not be soft.

"Let's go back, they will give it to me."

Without waiting for Li Hanfeng to respond, Ling Dao was commanding Ling Huanyu and they retreated. Ling Huanyu, they subconsciously retreated to Lingdao, the Lingdao in front of them as long as it is true, to the strength of Lingdao, it is not difficult to defeat them.

Lingdao did not introduce Chi Long Dao Jun, nor did they ask who Chi Longdao was. Ling Huanyu, they just stared at Lingdao, hoping to use the martial arts of Lingdao to judge whether the Lingdao in front of the road is the real Lingdao.

"The guy who hides his head and tail, really thought it would scare us not?"

"Install, you continue to install, just rely on you alone, you want to beat us? What kind of joke?"

"Hurry up, I have to see, what kind of school you can show."

These disciples of Ling Xiao Ge are more relaxed than one. Even if Ling Dao is really not dead, they will not be afraid of Ling Dao under the advantage of an absolute number. What's more, the Lingdao in front of it is probably a counterfeit goods, and maybe it is the children of Lingjia. The real knife and the real gun, Ling Huanyu they are not opponents, can only pretend to scare them.

"Since you are not looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

In response to these Ling Xiaoge disciples, Ling Dao did not mean to worship the temple, and even he did not even have the interest in applying martial arts. He just extended his right hand and slammed them to Li Hanfeng. This palm is not a profound martial art, but a pure power explosion.

At first, on the face of Li Hanfeng, there was no panic, and some were just ridicule. However, when he felt the power of this palm, his face suddenly changed. The disciples of Ling Xiaoge who were present were the strongest in the cold wind, and Li Hanfeng was also the first to feel the threat.

"Hands, hurry, take out your killer, don't have a bit of reservation, otherwise we will die!"

Li Hanfeng's sentence was almost smashed out, but unfortunately, he reminded that it was still a little late. The horrible palms of the squad brought a gust of wind, and one after another, the disciples of Ling Xiaoge, like cannonballs, flew out. They are not the opponents of Lingdao, and they have nothing to guard against.

It’s just a simple one, and it’s the power of the martial arts. The children of Lingjia who stood behind Lingdao were stunned. They knew that Lingdao’s strength was strong, but they did not think that Lingdao’s strength was so strong.

The celestial gods of Ling Xiao Ge are in front of Ling Dao, like a paper paste, and they are vulnerable. Even the strongest wind and cold wind, it is also seven bloodshed, only the last breath is hanging. The gap between them and Ling Dao’s strength is too big to be desperate.

"you you……"

When Li Hanfeng’s words were not finished, he slammed his neck and completely lost consciousness. Originally, he thought that they could kill Ling Huanyu today. I didn’t expect that they would eventually be wiped out by the whole army, but they themselves. What I didn’t expect was that they eventually killed them all.

"Senior, is it really you?"

"What the **** is going on? Wei Shijie, they don't all say that you have passed away?"

"You are fine, really good, I know that you are a good person, there will be no accidents."

The children of Ling's family were very excited. On the one hand, Lingdao helped them solve the cold winds and the disciples of Ling Xiaoge. On the other hand, because Lingdao did not die like rumors. No wonder their homeowners haven’t had any movements recently. It seems that their owners have long known that Lingdao is not dead.

What is the temper of the Emperor of the Happy, Lingjia children are the most clear, do not say that Lingdao is the biological son of the Emperor of the Happy, even if the ordinary Lingjia children were killed by the emperor's forces, the Emperor will not be willing to give up. Since Lingdao is not dead, then everything is explained.

"Let's go, let's go back."

Lingdao's expression, but nothing changed, help Ling Huanyu to remove the Li Hanfeng those Ling Xiaoge disciples, for him, but it is just a little effort. His enemies are not the wastes of Li Hanfeng. It is not the opponents of those enemies that rely on his current strength.

"You can fool them because they are in a low state. Don't think that I believe you are a sin."

Chi Longdao Jun said coldly, Lingdao pretending to be a solitary bin, even the Daojun of them can deceive. Lingdao posing as the son of the emperor, and deceiving these Tianzun of Lingjia, is naturally not a problem. Until this time, Chi Longdao Jun still does not believe that Lingdao is the son of Happy Emperor.

"Do you believe it or not, that is your business." Lingdao's mouth tilted slightly, only to listen to him. "You are leaving Tianling, you can still retreat. If you come to our Lingjia, you want to be all over again." Going back, I have to look at my attitude."

"You scare me? Do you want to scare me away and run away?"

Chi Long Daojun looked at Lingdao’s eyes, like watching a three-year-old child. Lingdao’s inferior means may be effective against other Daojun, but it is obviously not good to deal with him. Even Ling Xiaoge’s disciples and Ling’s children know that Lingdao is dead. Then, the news of Lingdao’s death and death is impossible.

"Now you want to leave the Tianling domain, are you right? You feel that with the mood of the emperor, if you see that you pretend to be his dead son, will he kill you alive?"

Lingdao scared his purpose, of course he knew that, unfortunately, Ling Dao was destined to be in vain, he would not be fooled. When the Emperor Xiaoyao saw that Lingdao pretending to be his son, he would only be angry. When he arrived, the Emperor of the Immaculate will not care about his identity, and he would not care about the background of Lingdao.

Chi Long Daojun did not dare to offend the Great, but the Emperor of the Supreme Court dared, because the Emperor of the Supreme had already offended many emperors. In his view, it is not the emperor who is jealous of the emperor behind the Lingdao, but the emperor behind the Lingdao is not afraid of the emperor, or else, how can Lingdao pretend to be the son of the emperor?

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