The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 551: The truth is white (ninth!)

"Get up!"

The voice of the Happy Emperor passed to the temple, and Ling Jianhao immediately got up and did not drag the water. Ling Jianhao already knows that the Lingdao in front of him is not a counterfeit goods, and that the Emperor of the Happy Ages has long known that Lingdao is not dead. Not only did they get blind in the drums, but other warriors in the three thousand territories were also deceived by the Emperor and Lingdao.

Ling Jianhao did not blame the meaning of the emperor, and in the identity of the emperor, there is no need to do such a deception. The Emperor of the Supreme is purely for their Ling family. Only by using the false death of Ling Dao can they deceive the inheritance of the two emperors of the Black Emperor Palace and a complete big world.

The Emperor sent by the Emperor's Palace passed down, and the Emperor of the Emperor did not use it. Lingdao did not use it. It was purely for the children of Lingjia. The big world sent by the Black Emperor Palace is to give them a reserve power. Their Ling family is not only shallow, but also a small number of genius warriors, compared with other emperor forces, can even be described with less pity.

"I have seen my father!" Ling Dao was on the ground, Shen Sheng said, "I have recently worried my father, it is a child."

The practice before Lingdao is indeed a bit of a risk, but fortunately the result is good. Not only did he not die in the Tianjian domain, but he also brought back the inheritance of the nine great emperors of the sacred place. They have the inheritance of these nine great emperors, and the road ahead will be much better.

"Ha ha ha ... are in front of the emperor, you have to pretend to be his son? Do you think that the emperor is so good to lie?"

Chi Longdao Jun couldn't help but smile. Lingdao's disguise is certainly good, but he firmly believes that Lingdao's disguise is not the eyes of the emperor. He has not experienced the pain of losing his son, but he can imagine it. The more Lingdao is calling the father of the emperor, the more the anger of the emperor will be stirred up.

Ling Jianhao’s face is more weird and weird. It’s such a time. Isn’t the Chiron Daojun still invisible? Is Lingdao the son of Happy Emperor? He is really going to be crying by the Red Dragon Road. How can the solitary family have such an elder?

"Why should I lie to me?"

The voice of the emperor is still plain as usual, but listening to the ears of Chi Long Dao Jun, like a blue sky.

Chi Long Daojun even thought that he had misunderstood, and the Emperor of the Supreme Court thought that Ling Dao was his son? The Happy Emperor will not lose his basic judgment because he misses too much.

Facts have proved that Ling Jianhao’s guess is correct. The Emperor of the Supreme has long known that Lingdao is not dead. Otherwise, the Emperor will never be so calm. If Xuan You Emperor knows that Ling Dao is not dead, what would it look like? Isn’t their homeowner fascinated by the “death” of Lingdao?

"Emperor, he is not your son, you have a good look, he is fake, fake!"

Chi Longdao Jun quickly explained that the situation at the moment is completely beyond his control. If the Emperor of the Supreme is determined to be the Lingdao in front of him, it is his son, and what will happen to the Red Dragon King, you can imagine. After all, Chi Longdao Jun personally crushed the shoulder bone of Lingdao, and even almost killed Lingdao.


The Emperor of the Supreme Commander directly ordered the road. In his capacity, he would not explain it to Chi Longdao, and Chi Longdao did not qualify.

Not a great emperor, the end is an ant!

As for the identity of the Chiron Daojun, the elders of the Solitary family, the Emperor of the Happy, will not be in the eye. Even if the owner of the solitary family hurts Lingdao, he has to pay the price he deserves.

The battle of the same generation of warriors, the emperor will not intervene. However, like the Red Dragon King, this old-fashioned thing, he will not be merciful. Ling Jianhao can deal with it, let Ling Jianhao deal with it, Ling Jianhao can't deal with it, he will handle it personally.

Ling Jianhao did not hesitate, and immediately raised his right hand and fanned the two big mouths of Chi Long Daojun. It is a pity that the emperor did not stop calling, he could only continue to fan, and fanned to the emperor to stop.

Chi Longdao Jun does not want to resist, but can't resist. They used the power of Daojun to oppress Lingdao, and now the retribution came. The Emperor of the Emperor used his own emperor to press on the body of Chi Longdao. Don’t say that the Red Dragon Road Jun is rebellious. Even if you want to move two times, it’s hard to go to heaven. The emperor of the emperor is far from the power of the Chiron Dao.

"How could this be? Isn't he fake? Isn't the son of Happy Emperor dead long ago?"

I thought that there was no difficulty in the task that Duo Jun gave to him. I did not expect that this was a mission. Thinking of what he had done before, his intestines were remorseful. He knew that Lingdao was really the son of the Emperor, and he would not take up this task.

"The bureau, this is a bureau, the court of the emperor to the Black Emperor Palace!"

The Red Dragon Road King finally reacted. The attack of Black Emperor Yin may have hurt Lingdao. However, the Emperor of the Happy Age did not know what means to use it to save the life of Lingdao. Then, the Emperor of the Era will count on the plan, first killing the Emperor Xuan, and making a sigh of anger for Lingdao. Then he blackmailed the Black Emperor Palace and got two emperors and a complete big world.

The worst thing is him, because this game is not directed at him, and as a result, he accidentally slammed into it. They are far away from the Tianjian domain. Even if they have bullied the Lingdao, the Emperor will not run to the Tianjian domain, and they will be accounted for without the trace. However, he is not the same, he is the Ling family he wants to come.

"Father, this time I went to Tianjian domain, I definitely made it, I made a big profit!"

While Ling Dao spoke, he directly passed on the nine great emperors he had obtained in the sacred place. The power of the great emperor, sweeping the eight sides, whether it is Ling Jianhao, or Chi Longdao Jun, are stupid. Ling Jianhao has never seen the inheritance of the nine great emperors, and Chi Long Dao Jun is the inheritance of the nine great emperors who associated with the sacred place.

"You guessed it. These great emperors are all sacred, and the reason why your solitary family and the God of War Palace did not get the inheritance of the great emperor is because these great emperors have entered my pocket."

With the presence of the Emperor of the Happy, Ling Dao is not afraid of the secret method used by Chi Long Daojun to convey the message to the high-level family. He was born and died, fighting and fighting, and finally got the inheritance of these great emperors. If no one knows at all, isn’t it a pity?

"The core disciple of the sacred sacred place is that you pretend? There is nothing left in the sacred place, all of you!!"

In the eyes of Chi Long Daojun, there is endless hatred. Not only is he played by Ling Dao, but the elders of their solitary family are also played by Ling Dao. In particular, there is no trace of Daojun and Lianhua Daojun who are still negotiating how to distribute the inheritance of the nine great emperors of the sacred sacred land. If they know that the nine great emperors of the sacred sacred land have long been led by Lingdao under their eyelids. When they are gone, they are afraid of being mad.

The sacred sacred place in their Tianjian domain, the nine emperors of the sacred sacred place should be their own solitary family. Their solitary family has been arranged for countless years, and the result is cheaper Lingdao, an outsider. If his eyes can kill, his eyes have killed Lingdao thousands of times thousands of times.

"Your brothers and sisters, even the top leaders of your solitary family, are still doing the dream of distributing the inheritance of the nine great emperors of the sacred place?"

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