The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 77: Killing Na Lanxiong

"Daoer, I will suppress his realm to the peak of Qiankun, you can be confident to marry him."

Xiaoyao Wang did not intend to kill Nalanxi personally, nor did he intend to abolish Nalanxiong, and then let Lingdao kill Nalanxiong, but chose to suppress the realm of Nalanxiong, making Nalanxiong only Lingdao is a little higher than a small realm.

"My father is relieved, I will fix his head."

Whether it is because of the hatred of the year, or the current resentment, Lingdao is full of killings for Nalanxiong. Unfortunately, he was not the opponent of Nalanxiong in the late period of Qiankun, and now Xiaoyao Wang gave him a killing. Nalanxi’s chances, he naturally will not let go.

"it is good."

Xiaoyao nodded with satisfaction, then raised his right hand and punched a punch at Nalan Xiong in the distance. The fist shadow continually jumped in the void, eventually turning into a golden seal and drilling into Nalan. Male body.

Nalanxiong could only see the Xiaoyao Wang with his own hands, because he was horrified to find that his body was actually imprisoned and could not move. He had previously banned Lingdao. Now he was imprisoned by Xiaoyao, and he was retribution. .

Then, Nalan Xiong felt a weak, and the Happy King did not hurt Nalanxiong. He only took Nalanxiong from the peak of the heavens and the land to the peak of the Qiankun, and fell into a big realm.

"How could this be."

The means of Xiaoyao Wang is really too terrible. It is a punch that will suppress Nalanxiong to the peak of Qiankun, and other older generations who are present can’t help but swallow, so strong, Are they able to deal with it?

In the past, more than 30 people in the world have joined forces, and they have not hurt the Xiaoyao Wang. They have been defeated by the Xiaoyao Wang. They have all been wounded. They have already had the ability to inform their own forces. The strong person of the human body came in person.

"Although this king has suppressed your realm, it has also cured your wounds. If you can beat me with the strength of the peaks of the Qiankun, then the king will let you live a path, otherwise you will die in me. Let's go under the sword."

Even if it is defeated, Nalanxiong is not comparable to the ordinary Wujun dynasty. He has a battle, and he has the fighting consciousness of the peak and the mighty power. Even if it is only the peak of the Qiankun, it is easy to kill the mid-term power.

"This is true."

Now, Nalan Xiong naturally understands that Xiaoyao Wang wants to kill him. It is easy. Now, Xiaoyao Wang has given him a living path. He naturally cherishes it. Even if he falls into a big realm, his realm is still higher than Lingdao. How is it possible? Can't beat Lingdao.

"A word is out, it's hard to chase, and then you are qualified to let the king lie to you."

If it is just when he arrives, Xiaoyao Wang dares to talk to Nalanxiong. Nalanxiong will definitely not talk about it. He will kill the Xiaoyao Wangzhen. Unfortunately, Nalanxiong can only be sulking, and there is no way to take Xiaoyao Wang. Nalan Xiong is not an opponent of Xiaoyao Wang at all. Now, after being suppressed, he is even more unlikely to beat the Happy King.

"Sword out."

Nalan Xiong no longer went to see Xiaoyao Wang. He had to put all his attention on Lingdao. He could really defeat Lingdao and even kill Lingdao. He also planned to use Lingdao. Forbidden to live, let Nalan show start.

But now, Nalan Xiong is not afraid to support the big, although he has 10% to defeat the Lingdao, but it is not so easy to think, and the Happy King is present. If he kills Lingdao, Xiaoyao Wang will definitely unload him. Block, Nalan Xiong can defeat Lingdao, but definitely can not be heavy.

"Before you were a knife, I am a fish. How can you be alive? I didn't expect it to be reversed so quickly. You are just a peak in the mountains and see what you still fight with me."

Ling Dao Ming Ming Bina Lanxiong is a small realm, but he looks down on Nalan Xiong’s posture. Nalan Xiong only feels that there is an unknown fire. If it is not the Happy King, he may have already shot and will hit Lingdao. The body is broken.

"Even if you only have a peak in the world, it is only a piece of cake to beat you."

I have already given the opportunity for Ling Dao’s first shot. Since Ling Dao does not cherish it, then Nalan Xiong will not care so much. Xiaoyao Wang can’t be in the face of the world’s people’s noodles. Can you live back to Nalan’s house and see him? The battle with Lingdao.

"The sky is falling."

Nalanxiong shouted, his hands were like the sky, shrouded the four fields, the origin of the earth, condensed into a block of 100,000 pounds of boulders, falling from the sky, just a piece of 100,000 pounds of boulder, what can't be made to Lingdao Injury, but thousands of thousands of pounds of boulder continue to squat, even if it is a big power can not afford to eat.

Even if Lingdao is physically strong, there must be a limit. Thousands of thousands of pounds of boulder fall from the sky, even if it is the top of the Tianshan Mountain, it will be thrown out of a deep pit. Even if Lingdao is better, it is impossible to hide. Passed all the 100,000 pounds of boulders.

"It is not a big elder of the Nalan family. Even if it is suppressed, the strength is not comparable to me."

"It is also the peak of the Qiankun Mountains. The strength of the Nalan family elders is indeed much stronger than ours."

A group of young geniuses sighed that they are also the peaks of the vicissitudes of the world. They can face such terrible martial arts. Even if they are together, they will only be killed. They are all looking at Lingdao, even though they are better than them. The realm is low, but Lingdao is much stronger than their strength.

"True dragons change."

Lingdao's body is strong, but it is impossible to block so many boulder. Only after the real dragon has been transformed, it is possible to live in a real dragon. The strength of Nalanxiong is really strong, but it has not yet arrived. Let Lingdao desperately.

The bigger the dragon's body is, the bigger the target is. The more passive the situation is now, the better the true dragon in Lingdao, but the two meters long is not much bigger than his own body. Besides, those boulders are the source of power. It is not completely true.

The two-meter-long real dragon ran rampant, and there was no scruples of the 100,000-pound boulder falling down in the sky. A piece of boulder was smashing on his body, causing a metal crash, a piece of dragon scales falling, and Mars splashing. But Lingdao seems to have not felt the pain, and constantly advances.

"Tianjian style."

When he came to Nalanxi in front of him, he was once again turned into a person. He held the Xiaoyao sword and slammed it into Nalanxiong’s throat. If he really succeeded, Nalanxi would definitely die. The Xiaoyao sword is extremely sharp, and the body of Nalanxiong is no different from the tofu for the Xiaoyao sword.

"Mountain Wang Quan."

Nalanxiong made a fist with both hands and slammed into Lingdao. His fists seemed to have become two hills. The heavy force was constantly pushing forward. Even the earth under his feet appeared. a dense crack.


Xiaoyaojian stabbed on two hills. Just after the moment, the two hills were completely broken, revealing Nalanxiong’s fists. It was not that Nalanxiong’s strength was not good, but he underestimated the sharpness of Xiaoyaojian. .

After breaking through the two hills, Xiaoyao Jian’s remaining momentum continued to slam the Nalanxiong’s right hand. Nalanxi’s reaction was unpleasant, the body retreated backwards, and the double fists became double palms. Unfortunately, there is no effect, the Xiaoyao sword is still stabbed into the right palm of Nalanxiong.


After the tip of the sword stabbed into the right palm of Nalanxiong, the Xiaoyao sword penetrated the bottom of Nalanxiong’s palm and stabbed into Nalanxiong’s right arm. Lingdao bit his teeth, his body was bursting, his harsh voice As the bell rang, the sword tip of Xiaoyao sword continued to advance.

In the end, the hilt of the Xiaoyao sword was blocked by Nalanxiong’s palm. The sword tip of the Xiaoyao sword penetrated Nalanxiong’s shoulder and was exposed to the outside. There was a steady stream of red blood on the tip of the sword. The Xiaoyao sword runs straight through Nalanxiong’s right arm.


Nalan Xiong made a scream of screaming, the whole arm was pierced, and the pain of the heart made his forehead sweating constantly. His right arm couldn’t move at all, and he was completely fixed by the Xiaoyao sword. It was just a confrontation. Nalan Xiong’s entire right arm was completely abolished.

Such a great opportunity, Lingdao naturally will not miss, his left hand sucks, the broken person Wang Jian, is back in his hands, Nalan Xiong ruined the people Wang Jian, then Lingdao will let people Wang Jian personally revenge.

He grabbed the upper half of the sword of Wang Jian in his left hand, and used the sharp edge of the sword to slam into the left palm of Nalanxiong. It was only half of the blade, and it was impossible to run through the entire left arm of Nalanxiong. However, it also runs through the left half of the left arm and abolishes Nalanxiong’s left arm.

At this time, Nalan Xiong had no demeanor for the Nalan family elders. His arms were straight and stretched out. He didn’t want to do this, but he couldn’t move because of the right foot of Lingdao. Stepping on Nalan Xiong’s left foot and instep.

As for Nalanxiong’s right foot, it was the other half of Wang Jian’s, and he was nailed to the place. Nalanxiong’s feet were fixed, his arms were pierced, and the pain caused his body. Constantly shaking.

"Kill my grandfather, do you have a copy, kill me, you are also involved, is it imprisoned to imprison my mother, do you have credit for it, destroy my Wang Jian, are you very proud, hurt my friend, are you? I am very happy to let you torture the younger generation of Nalan’s younger generation, are you very excited?"

Every time Lingdao asks, it is to turn the upper half of the sword and the sword of the man Wang Jian. Nalan Xiong’s face is white and violent, and Zhang Da mouth keeps gasping. As a Nalan family elder, when is Nalanxiong? Have been tortured like this.

In the distance, Nalan Xiu and Nalan broke the army and witnessed it all. They were all shaking their hearts. They were afraid that Ling Dao would torture them. Even Nalan Xiong was suppressed to the peak of Qiankun, and it was not the opponent of Lingdao. If Xiaoyao Wang also deals with Nalan’s broken army, I am afraid that Nalan’s end will not be better.

"I said that you want to lick your head, then today is your death."

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