The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 86: Happy King vs Nalan Town

In the Nalan family, but unrelentingly killed the three elders of the Nalan family, killing the two elders, already playing the face of the Nalan family, and now killing three elders too old, happy Wang He The Nalan family is already an endless situation.

Both Taishang and Nalan Zhenhai are gloomy. After today’s events, the Nalan’s prestige will definitely plummet. Now what they have to do is to kill Ling Xiaoyao and Lingdao in front of the world. Only in this way can we save a little face for the Nalan family.

"Great, I don't understand, what do you mean."

Even the other elders of the Nalan family looked at Nalan Zhenhai and Datai. It was this time. I didn’t expect Nalan Zhenhai and the elders to have contradictions. Now their enemies should be the King of Xiaoyao. That's right, how can you fight.

"Zhenhai, you don't know how to get confused. You are growing up. I am afraid that you don't know me. Your ambition is bigger than anyone else. You must not be willing to succumb to the elders. If Give you some more years, maybe you can break through to the peak of the heavens and humans, and even surpass me, become the first strongman of the Nalan family."

Nalan Zhenhai’s face is getting more and more gloomy. For a long time, he thought that he was very covert. He didn’t expect him to know him so much, maybe his every move was in the sight of the big man, he even I doubt if I have a big eyeliner around me.

"One thing you think is wrong. In fact, I hope that the stronger you are, the better. I am an old man who has been guarding the Nalan family for so many years. It is really tired and tired. If you can become the No. 1 Nalan family, I can also take a break, I don't have much desire for rights, you should know, and I don't have to lie to you.

Do you know why I support you to kill Zhenyue as a new owner? Yes, it is because of your ambition, although Zhenyue is good, but too stable, it is impossible to lead the Nalan family to strong, so I chose you. The employer is not suspicious, the suspect is not used, this time you will show your strength to the people of the world. ”

Da Tai’s face is sincere, and his eyes are full of anticipation. Although he knows that Nalan Zhenhai has been soaring for so many years, how strong is Nalan Zhenhai, he has no bottom, and now has such a powerful opponent. It can make him see the real power of Nalan Zhenhai.

Nalan Zhenhai will hide himself. For more than a decade, other people have never seen him. The big man is the longest living of the Nalan family. His face can already see wrinkles. Presumably, it should not last for many years. Nalan Zhenhai can see that there is no lying on the big man. I really want to find a successor when I want to come to the big man, and he is a good choice.

"It turns out that you think so. Although you are also for the Nalan family, I can't agree with your approach."

When I was not sure, I had already come to the side of the big Taishang. When I was in the middle of the day, I supported Nalan Zhenhai and killed Nalan Town, which led to the break of the two Taishang and the Tai Tai. There is no explanation for the above, I did not expect it to be such a reason.

"What I did was for the Nalan family. Even if it was dead, there was a face to face the ancestors. If so, why should I agree with others?"

The father of Nalan Town Yue and Nalan Zhenhai is only a descendant of Da Tai, not to mention indirectly killing Nalan Zhenyue. Even if he kills Nalan Zhenyue by himself, there will be nothing wrong with Da Tai. Heart, as long as Nalan Zhenhai can grow up, then everything that is done on the big Tai is worth it, at least in his own opinion.


The second was cold and snorted, and then he returned to Nalaner’s side. He did not keep Nalan’s life. Nowadays, no one else is allowed to hurt Nalan’s, the entire Nalan’s family. The only one who can overcome him is the big one. Now the big man is going to give Nalan Town a sea pressure, and naturally he can't deal with him.

"Well, then the owner will personally take the shot and take Ling Xiaoyao."

Nalan Zhenhai is the same as the four Taishang, Wutaishang and Liutai. It is the strongest person in the late Tianren. However, the realm does not mean the same strength. Moreover, as the owner, Nalan Zhenhai can mobilize only the owner. The power that can be used.

As long as you are in Nalan's home, even if it is the strongest person in the heavens and the earth, it is not the opponent of Nalan Zhenhai. The main force of the major forces rarely seldom out of their own forces. This is the reason, of course, like the sword of the Great Day. Five forces, even if the Sovereign is in the Dazhe Jianzong, there is no power to call, the top five forces in the forefront, and the five powers behind, the gap is still very obvious.

"Ling Xiaoyao, the owner of the home gives you a chance, as long as you are willing to surrender, the owner will let you be the son-in-law of my Nalan family, how."

Less than forty years old, there is such a combat power, Ling Xiaoyao's talent is stronger than everyone in the Nalan family. Of course, Nalan Zhenhai does not really want to accept Ling Xiaoyao. The reason why it is said is actually using Nalan soft children threaten Ling Xiaoyao.

As the owner of the Nalan family, Nalan Zhenhai could not have a clear threat. He could only suggest that he believed that Xiaoyao would definitely understand what he meant. Unfortunately, he did not know that Xiaoyaowang could be sure that the Nalan family could not harm Nalan. Soft child.


Regardless of whether Nalan Zhenhai Ming wants to reclaim the Xiaoyao Wang, or hints that Nalanrouer threatens the Xiaoyao King, in the eyes of Xiaoyao Wang, it is a very idiotic act. In the face of everyone, it is natural to say that Nalan Zhenhai is naturally Let the face of Nalan Zhenhai not hang.

"You find yourself dead, no wonder others."

At this moment, Nalan Zhenhai no longer hides his own strength, and the power of the late Tianren is completely dissipated. It is also the late stage of the human race. His breath is obviously stronger than that of the four Taishang people. The Nalan family is so More cultivation resources, after all, is not used in white, not to mention, the talent of Nalan Zhenhai, itself is good.

"The soul is dead."

The town of Nalan was sealed with both hands, and then it was violently played. The rest of the Nalan family were retreating. The two heavenly strongmen fought, even the aftermath of the battle, they were extremely destructive, but fortunately they The performance field is extremely strong, or I am afraid I will be demolished by them.

The Xiaoyaowang and Nalan Townships are all submerged by the sea. Nalan Zhenhai grasps the origin of the water and understands the fourth level. All the water is real, but the sea water is blood red, not light blue. It will not be transparent.


Among the **** red seas, there was a burst of ghosts and screams, a personal shadow, wandering in the sea, and swearing to the sea. It was an extremely vicious martial art. Every killing of a man in Nalan Zhenhai died. There will be more dead souls in the sea.

At the side of Xiaoyao Wang, there is a densely shaped human form. Each person’s virtual shadow represents a dead soul. Don’t underestimate these dead souls. Although it is not a real soul, it is extremely toxic, even if it is In the late days, the strong people were overwhelmed and they were to die on the spot.

"A terrible martial arts, if I am in it, I am afraid it has already vanished."

"What kind of martial arts is cultivated by Nalan's family, and the Nalan family should have no such martial arts."

The other powerful forces witnessed everything that happened in the military field. The strength of Nalan Zhenhai was also completely shocking them. The four Taishang, Wutaishang and Liutai are added up. I am afraid that they are not opponents of Nalan Zhenhai. Nalan Zhenhai became the owner of the Nalan family for more than a decade. The leaders of the major forces did not attach great importance to him.

After this war, the other powers, I am afraid that they will face up to Nalan Zhenhai, they will not control the martial arts of Nalan Zhenhai, and they will not be poisonous. They care about the strength of Nalan Zhenhai, as long as Nalan Zhenhai is enough. Strong, they have the qualification to be on an equal footing with them.

"How, how is the taste."

Just a confrontation, Ling Xiaoyao personally killed the four Taishang, Wutaishang and Liutai, listening to the virtual, seeing is believing, the seven elders said after the things happening on the top of the Tianshan Mountains, Nalan Zhenhai Although I value Ling Xiaoyao, I am not so calm now.

The soul of the dead is the most vicious martial arts mastered by Nalan Zhenhai. If Ling Xiaoyao is not strong enough, he can’t display it. Now Ling Xiao’s body is in the dead and surrounded by the dead soul. It can be said that it is difficult to escape. .

The blood-red sea water has a great adsorption power. The heavenly and strong people enter the sorrow and the sea, just like ordinary people fall into the swamp. The more they struggle, the less likely they are to go out. The souls are ghosts. Unusual attacks can't hurt those souls.

"If you do this, it will be too disappointing to the king."

Xiaoyao Wang did not shoot at all, but those who died, always stood outside his feet, not those who did not want to approach him, but could not approach him at all, Nalan Town brows straight and wrinkled, obviously do not know how to use What means.

However, Nalan Zhenhai was not idle, his hands were constantly stirring, causing the whole soul to riot in the sea, and the happy king did not struggle, he would help the young king to struggle, so that the power of the soul will be more The stronger it is.

"You are unfaithful and unfilial, first pick up the king and say it."

Nalan Zhenhai killed Nalan Town, and succeeded in becoming a master of the Nalan family. The eldest brother was the father. Nalan Town Yue was the brother of Nalan Zhenhai. Nalan Township killed Nalan Town Yue is big. Unfilial piety is a rebellion. Nalan Town is the owner of the town. Nalan Town is a subordinate. Nalan Township is a loyalty to Nalan Town.

Xiaoyao Wang did not have a little bit of mercy, and his palm hit the chest of Nalan Zhenhai. His palms, ignoring the distance, ignoring the space, clearly separated, hit the chest of Nalan Zhenhai, and in the sea of ​​Nalan Town. The chest left a deep palm print.

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