The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 91: Daughter-in-law?

The Nalan family, Ling Xiaoyao, Nalaner and the Lingdao family sat together, the table was full of delicious food, although there was no cooking for many years, Nalaner’s cooking did not go backwards, only It is the smell of the smell, Lingdao and Ling Xiaoyao is the index finger move.

"Eat, what are you doing both?"

Nalan Joer continued to give Lingdao a dish, and Ling Xiaoyao was extremely depressed. The treatment of her husband and son was really incomparable. It was also not seen for more than a decade. Nalanrouer obviously cares more about Lingdao. Ling Xiaoyao is secretly jealous.

The family is very happy to eat, the rest of the Nalan family will naturally not come to bother them, the second is already strict, and any child of the Nalan family is not allowed to be within ten miles of Ling Xiaoyao. It has improved the relationship with Ling Xiaoyao, and the second is naturally not allowed to be destroyed by others.

"Just kill me."

After an hour, Ling Dao licked his stomach and said with satisfaction, Nalan Rouer always gave him a dish, he naturally eats the most, plus, the dishes made by Nalan Rouge are really delicious, and they are all The world is rare, Lingdao naturally has no temperance.

Ling Xiaoyao and Nalan soft children did not eat, but they also ate very full. The family sat together for dinner, and it has not been seen for more than ten years, whether it is Lingdao, Ling Xiaoyao, or Nalaner. Obviously, I am extremely happy to enjoy this kind of happiness.

"Soft child, there is something to tell you, tomorrow, I am afraid that you will leave the world of Jianshen, my realm can not be suppressed, can not continue to stay in the world of swords, leaving you in the world of swords I don't trust, I can only take you to heaven."

In fact, the inability to suppress the realm is only one reason. The more important reason is that there will be major events in the heavens. The Happy King must leave the world of Jianshen as soon as possible. However, these things cannot be explained with Nalaner and Lingdao.

With the current strength of Lingdao, it is still impossible to participate in such a big event. Now Lingdao has to constantly improve its own strength. As for the others, Ling Xiaoyao will help Lingdao solve the problem. It is indeed hundreds of times better than the world of Sword God, but the foundation laid in the world of Sword God will be more solid and firm.

It is like a warrior in the heavens. It takes a year from the breakthrough of Qiankun to the early days of Tongtian. Then, in the world of Jianshen, it may take decades, although he spends a long time in the world of Jianshen. A lot, but his realm is obviously more solid.

The same realm, spending decades to break through, and spending a year to break through, naturally is completely different, leaving Lingdao in the world of Jianshen, obviously better for him later, even if he will not give up, Xiaoyao Wang only Can do this.

"What do you say, our family has just reunited, is it going to be separated again?"

It’s hard to reunite with Ling Xiaoyao and Lingdao. Nalan’s children are naturally reluctant to separate again. She also plans to eat Lingdao and Ling Xiaoyao every day. I didn’t expect Ling Xiaoyao to say that tomorrow will bring She left the world of Sword God.

"Can't you go with the Tao?"

Whether it is in the world of Jianshen or in the heavens, as long as the family can be together, there is no difference to Nalan soft children. Nalan’s pleading eyes make the heart of Xiaoyao soften. However, in order to the future of Lingdao, he had to leave Lingdao.

"Soft, you listen to me, Dao has his own way. If he is always with us, he will never be a strong person. We can never protect him for a lifetime. He will always be a family." We will always be old."

Xiaoyao Wang had to work hard to persuade Nalanrouer to be reasonable. As long as he explained it clearly, he would agree with his approach. Nalanrouer was reluctant to sneak, and he was willing to give up, but the heavens are about to change. Lingdao follows him. It’s not a good thing.

"I understand what you said, but I haven't seen Daoer for more than ten years. Now I can't bear it."

Lingdao and Xiaoyao Wang have only been separated for several years. Unlike Nalaner, when they were in Lingdao, they were separated from Lingdao. For more than ten years, it’s not a happy one. Lan Linger is not enough to understand Xiaoyao Wang, otherwise she will not think so.

"After anyway, there will be a meeting day. As long as the Tao goes to the heavens, I will take you to see him. Okay."

If you want to go to the heavens, you must first break through to the peaks of the heavens and humans, and then you need to have the strength to break the barriers between the two worlds. Lingdao is now in the late Qing Dynasty, and it is not too far away from the peak of the heavens. I heard that Xiaoyao said so. Naranjo is obviously relieved.

"Mother, my father said that the central main territory still has a lot of things that have not been dealt with. When I have solved all of them, I will go to Heaven to find you and my father. The mother may not be interested in revenge or something, but my daughter-in-law."

Lingdao’s words obviously made Nalan’s interest, especially the words “children’s daughter-in-law”, which made her look shocked. In her eyes, Lingdao was still a child. I did not expect that Lingdao had already begun. Ready to find her daughter-in-law.

"How old is it, I just want to find a wife, I really don't know how to be ashamed."

Although Nalan softer is on the surface, she can see that her eyebrows are full of smiles. Even if she doesn't ask, Lingdao knows that she is waiting for the following, in order to convince Nalaner, Ling Daocai Speaking of a daughter-in-law, in fact, he did not have a little grasp of his daughter-in-law.

"Actually, my father has also seen it. It was the butterfly dance on the top of the Tianshan Mountain last time. I have known the butterfly dance for several years. Although I haven’t seen each time for a long time, I have already died more than once in my life."

Xiaoyao Wang brows a pick, the butterfly dance on the top of the Tianshan Mountain, he naturally remembers, but he did not think that Lingdao and the butterfly dance have such a relationship, although I have only seen the butterfly dance once, but the Xiaoyao Wang has a butterfly dance. Very deep impression.

"Quickly say, what kind of girl is that looks good?"

Nalanerer quickly urged the road, and asked Lingdao to be embarrassed. Lingdao and the butterfly dance did die together, but there is no such relationship. If the butterfly dance knows what he is saying now, I know how to think about butterfly dance.

"My child's vision is not bad, the butterfly dance that little girl, on the face can be compared with the soft child you."

I heard that Ling Xiaoyao said that the smile on Nalan’s face is even more prosperous. Ling Xiaoyao said that she is afraid that the butterfly dance is even more beautiful than her. After all, she is the wife of Ling Xiaoyao. Ling Xiaoyao is naturally embarrassed to say that she is dancing. More beautiful than her.

If Ling Xiaoyao said that other women are better than her, I am afraid that Nalaner will be angry, but Ling Xiaoyao is talking about her future daughter-in-law. Then she naturally has no dissatisfaction. On the contrary, Lingdao can find such a beautiful wife. She is very proud to be a mother.

"The most important thing is that the origin of the little girl is very simple. Her blood is very powerful, and her talents and understanding are extremely high. She is about the same age as the Tao, but the realm is higher than the Tao, and even the strength may be It is also higher than the Tao."

Xiaoyao Wang only saw the butterfly dance, it is to see so many things, his eyesight is naturally not the general toxic, Nalan softer is the more satisfied the more listening, not only beautiful but also so good, where is the daughter-in-law? Go find it.

"Daoer, I don't care what you do, anyway, when you go to heaven, I want to see this daughter-in-law. You have to cheer up. If you can't even compare your wife, it's a shameful thing."

Nalan Joer has already regarded the butterfly dance as her own daughter-in-law. She completely forgot that the character has not yet been seen. Lingdao is laughing bitterly. She just wants to transfer the attention of Nalaner, but she did not expect Nalan. Soft children are so concerned about this matter.

"The mother is relieved, the baby will try his best."

Nowadays, Lingdao can only say with a hard scalp that Nalanrouer has already regarded the butterfly dance as a daughter-in-law. It seems that Lingdao stays in the central territory of the central government, and there is one more task, and I am afraid it is still the most difficult. task.

The butterfly dance has always been cold, and a pair of people who refused to be thousands of miles away. Even though she had a good impression of Lingdao, she even wanted to accompany Lingdao, but she did not show the appearance of Lingdao. Girls, obviously not so good to win, not to mention Lingdao has no experience.

"What is the best, it is necessary, you know, if it is not good, you will overthrow the bow, anyway, this daughter-in-law must give me, hear no."

Lingdao is already sweating. I didn’t expect my mother to have such awkward side. Even Ling Xiaoyao is a black line. Nalan’s child will really have an idea, even the overlord. The words like the bow are all said.

"I know, mother."

Anyway, it has reached this point, Lingdao can only nod and promise, take a step and look at it, he is now in the late stage of the Kunming, from the peak of the heavens, there are two big realms, waiting for him to heaven, I am afraid it will take a long time Come slowly.

"How do you promise to be so stubborn, as the son of my Nalaner, you have inherited my strengths, your mother, I was the first beauty in the central territory of the year, then of course you are pretty, do you say, you even A girl is not sure to take it, or else, you will take me to see Nalan soft now, how can I help you get her."

Lingdao almost gave Nalan Joer a squat. Just now, I was still full of faces. In the blink of an eye, it seemed to have changed like a person. If Nalan Joer really went to the butterfly dance, who knows what will happen? Even Ling Xiaoyao couldn't help but pull Nalan soft children, for fear that Nalan soft children really went to find butterfly dance.

"Okay, I just said to play, I am scared of you, I want your mother, I have a body to take the woman's ability, but I am a woman, hehe, but I have confidence in you, come on, son."

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