The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 98: Two major players

In the Baihua Building, a red skirt woman walked lightly and walked to the field. She was the mouth of her opening. The warrior present, as long as she was a man, looked at her. Her dress was compared to other women. It must be exposed too much.

The shoulders are bare, and even the white chest is looming and fascinating. Her belly is also covered with no clothes. The navel is clear. Next, it is a short skirt, just blocking it. Mysterious zone, a pair of white thighs, slender and round, people can't wait to touch a few.

Liu Mei bends, her eyes are bright, and she has a small cherry mouth under her nose. Her face always has a faint smile. Her cheeks have small dimples, which make her sweeter and black hair. She was draped in the back, and she did not comb it neatly, which made her look very lazy and add a bit of charm.

"It is the squad of Baihualou, and it is beautiful."

虞美人, is a kind of flower name, cold-resistant, hot-smelling, colorful, quite beautiful, the three florists of Baihualou, the beauty is one of them, the other two are also the name of the flower, as their name However, the other two squadrons were not present, only the beauty of the singer arrived alone.

When she came out, she pointed out that Baihualou had a military field, and proposed that Lingdao and Qin Dejun had a battle. Others also came to interest. In any case, Lingdao was also the first genius to seal the king. Unfortunately, he only had In the late period of Qiankun, the realm was too low.

"People, you have the courage to follow me to the battlefield."

Qin Dejun deliberately bite the word "King of the King", that is, he is worried that Lingdao disagrees. If he can defeat the first person of the King, he will certainly be famous, even if he is higher than Lingdao, others are not. I will say what he is.

Since Lingdao decided to start the title of the king, it is doomed to encounter many challenges in the future. The title of the king is too arrogant, and it is not to put other warriors in the eye. The sword king is only the king in sword repair. It will only cause dissatisfaction with other sword repairs, but the king is the king of the people, which will cause dissatisfaction among all Terran warriors.

"I am not practicing for performance. If I fight with me, you will only have one dead end."

Most of the warriors present at the scene wanted to see Qin Dejun and Lingdao in the first battle. However, Lingdao did not intend to show it to other people. In the early days of Qintian, Qin Dezhen did not have the desire to let him shoot. Although he is still in the late stage of Qiankun, However, after getting the guidance of Xiaoyao Wang, the strength has been improved.

"I can really force it, don't dare to dare, but also pretend to be invincible."

"I'm afraid I dare to seal the number of people, so the face is really worthy of my worship, not as good as it is."

"You shouldn't be ironic. He is a warrior in the late Qing Dynasty. He dare not play with the power of the pre-existing period. He is self-aware."

The Baihua Building was completely bustling. Most of them had participated in the battle of the Kings. Unfortunately, they did not seal the king. In contrast, Lingdao not only sealed the king, but also the first one to seal the king. What is even more embarrassing is that Lingdao accidentally crashed into the palace of Wang Feng, and then was sealed.

Now that there is a chance to fight against Lingdao, they will naturally not let go. Only those who are sitting in front of Zifenger and Lingdao have no openings because they have seen Lingdao’s shots, even if they are in the middle of the sky. It is not an enemy of Lingdao.

Qin Dejun's talent may be good. It is also a pre-existing warrior. It may be enough to counter the warriors in the late Tiantian, and even win the battle. However, even so, they are not optimistic about Qin Dezhen, because Lingdao is too enchanting.

"If anyone can win, the beauty sister will give it to the first night, how."

Just at this time, there was another good voice coming, and everyone looked up, all eyes were bright, the young woman dressed in a blue dress, full body, revealing, especially on the chest The towering, so many warriors can not help but marvel.

She twisted her slender waist and walked slowly. The full **** seemed to be jumping out at any time. The discouraged warriors couldn’t help but swallow. When the beauty was exposed, she was extremely conservative. It’s trousers, and even the tops are long sleeves.

"The man is really guilty. The previous one was exposed. They were staring at the place where they were blocked by clothing. Now they are wearing a conservative dress. They are staring at the bare place. It is really a group of things that are not good."

Bi Mengyao did not deliberately suppress the voice. Everyone naturally heard it clearly. Others still couldn't refute it. They did, as Bi Mengyao said, the place where the beauty is wearing clothes is the most attractive, and later appeared. The woman is attractive to people who don’t wear clothes.

"I didn't expect the blue enchantress to appear, and I also let the beauty of the beauty give the first night."

Blue enchantress, also the squad of Baihualou, who did not think that the two young warriors contend, even led to two squadrons, Baihualou is famous all over the world, the three major florists are signs, so far all are virgins body.

The three squadrons have been cultivated for many years. Anyone who gets their yin yin will get great benefits. If there is not enough interest, Baihualou will not let others get the squad, especially if they have been played by other men. It is worthless.

"My dear sister, why don't you give up your first night, this is the first person in the battle of the king, and he will give him his body, and it will not be humiliated."

The beauty of the people is the opposite. They can become the squad of Baihualou. Naturally, it is not only because of their outstanding appearance, but also because they are talented, whether they are beautiful or blue enchantress, or another singer. Powerful.

"Why, is the beauty sister looking at Lingdao? It’s also true. If you are so young, you will have such achievements, and you will grow so well. It’s no wonder that you will be in the spring."

The blue enchantress smiled softly. Although the two of them were virgins without human activities, they lived in the Baihua Building. Naturally, they would not be as twisted and pinched as ordinary women, even if they were joking in public. They are also talking and laughing, and they are not affected.

Lingdao touched his nose. I didn't expect to come to this place for the first time. Not only was it brought by the girl, but also by the two girls. If the dragon and others knew it, I would rather laugh at him. After all, this thing is too shameful.

"Xiao Ji sister, how do you look at this, we choose one of them, if anyone loses, then the body will be given to the winner."

The beautiful woman is also daring, even taking her own first night gamble, she is commensurate with the blue enchantress, the relationship is not very good, and even quite contradictory, if the other party can lose the virgin body, then you can give the other party the biggest punishment Once you lose your body, you will no longer be the squad of Baihualou.

"You said so, I must have chosen someone, I don't know who you will be."

The blue demon Ji swept Lingdao and Qin Deyi, and then it was a faint response. She did not promise to be a beautiful woman, nor refused to marry a beautiful woman. Instead, she raised such a question. Obviously, she was extremely careful. If she was not sure, She will not gamble with the beauty, after all, the virgin body is not a joke.

"I saw this little brother pleasing to the eye and he was bet."

Referring to Lingdao, the beauty of the beauty is to make their own choices, others are shocked, obviously did not expect that the beauty will be optimistic about Lingdao, although Lingdao is the first to seal the king, but everyone Understand that the water is great, not to mention, now Lingdao is only in the late period of Qiankun, and Qin Deyi is already in the early days of Tongtian.

"The beauty sister really looks at Lingdao. If so, then I will gamble with you."

Qin Deyi is not only a genius disciple of A Naozong, but also a great power in the early days of Tongtian. How to look at it should be better than Lingdao. After measuring it again, the blue demon Ji agreed to the bet of the beauty, no matter how you look, Qin Dejun The odds are much bigger.

"The king, the two squad are all gambling, are you still eager to sit on the tortoise?"

The previous enchantress of the blue enchantress and the beautiful woman did not take advantage of other people. They naturally heard it clearly. The beauty of the bet was the Lingdao, and the blue enchantress was the Qin Dezhen, that is, as long as Qin Dejun defeated Ling Dao, and the beautiful woman lost. When the beautiful woman would give Qin Deyi to the first night, if it was the opposite, the blue demon Ji would give the body a Lingdao.

"Lingdao, my sister is very respectful to you, I hope you will not let me down."

Bi Mengyao whispered around Lingdao. After the last battle of the king, Bi Shiyao returned to Tianfu. When Bi Mengyao asked about the battle of the king, Bi Shiyao introduced the Ling. Tao, big devil and butterfly dance, others may think that Lingdao relies on luck, but Bi Shiyao feels that Lingdao relies on strength.

Perhaps Lingdao is not qualified to be the first king, but Lingdao is absolutely qualified to seal the king. The first battle, the second battle and the third battle of the king, Lingdao are all participating, and the performance is very good, you must know Lingdao is a lower realm than them. If Lingdao is the same as their realm, then it is really possible to be the first to seal the king.

"I didn't expect to have this kind of treatment for the first time in Baihualou. Then I will fight."

After seeing Lingdao nod, Qin Deyi was even more excited and clenched his fists. This time, Baihualou was really right. Not only can he defeat Lingdao, but he can also be famous in the world. He can also get the virgin body of Baihualou. Boundless.

What's more, Baihualou's talents are good. After winning the Yuanyin of the squad, Qin Dejun's strength will definitely be able to win again. Think of it here, Qin Deyi is the waiter of Baihualou, and quickly take them to the battlefield.

"Emperor Ji, since I have already promised to gamble, then I can't go back."

The mouth of the beautiful woman is slightly raised, and there is a smile on the face. She has previously investigated Lingdao and then came to the field. She can say that she is gambling with the blue enchantress. She has a grasp of 70% or 80%. This time, I can't solve the blue enchantress once and for all.

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