The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 101: Cashing bet

"The seven kinds of source strength, I will not see it."

"A warrior masters seven different sources of power and makes a joke."

"I must be dreaming, how can someone master the seven sources of power."

When Lingdao exhibited the Seven Stars, the entire Baihua Building was boiling. They didn't know what level of martial arts the Seven Stars were, but they recognized the seven sources of power used by Lingdao, no matter how talent they have. Well, it is also a great power to heaven, and naturally understand how incredible it is to master the seven sources of power.

Normally, genius warriors also master two kinds of source strengths. It is extremely rare to master the three sources of power in the central main territory. Unless it is a special physique, it can master four kinds of original powers, even five kinds of origins. power.

However, they have never heard of anyone who masters seven kinds of original strengths. Even the legendary seven extinct, they will not control the seven kinds of original forces. They have more intrinsic power and may be stronger in the same world. The corresponding cultivation speed will also be slower.

If you master the seven kinds of source strength, the speed of cultivation may not be comparable to one-tenth of the ordinary warriors. They already know the identity of Ling Dao. Naturally, they know that Ling Dao is only 18 years old, and the 18-year-old Qian Kun’s late warrior The speed of cultivation is far superior to that of ordinary warriors. How can he master seven kinds of original strengths at the same time.

"It seems that my sister's evaluation of Ling Dao is still low. It is really hidden."

Bi Mengyao’s eyes were stunned by the enchanting of Lingdao. She was born in Tianfu and had seen many geniuses. But she did not see other people mastering seven kinds of original strengths. She even did not know the four sources of power. Over.

"Is it true that he has received the inheritance of the Taikoo, and there are ways to let him master a variety of sources."

Zi Fenger can't imagine how a martial artist can master seven kinds of source strengths. Only when she masters two kinds of source strengths, she is known as the genius child of Zijia. If she can master seven kinds of original strengths, I am afraid Be regarded as a peerless genius.

The seven-handed swords in front of Ling Dao appeared one after another, because now he can't use Yuan Shiyuan to derive different sources of power at the same time, but other people don't care about this detail at all. After all, Yuan Yuan has no source. When they appeared, they naturally did not understand this truth.

The sword of the seven-handed spurt was spurred out at the same time. It was like a powerful sword repair, showing the most powerful swordsmanship in life. The top sword of the origin represents the head, and the sword of the two main organs in the middle represents the body. The left and right swords of the original source represent the arms, and the swords of the bottom two roots represent the legs.


The top-grade sword and the sword of the original source have been killed together, and the gold and iron symphony is endless. Even if the three tycoons are joined together, they will all be defeated. It is obvious that they use more bullying to deal with Lingdao. Now it seems that it is like It is Lingdao who is bullying less, and their opponents do not seem to be a sword repair, but seven sword repairs.

A sword of the original source crossed one of the shoulders of the mid-term power of the heavens, and suddenly the middle of the sky was able to stagnate. At the same time, the other two mid-day powers were also injured. The chest was stabbed with a sword and one arm was cut with a sword.


Lingdao eyes and eyes, a savage savage rush to the sky, the seven-handed sword is like a chicken blood, excited to the three heavenly powers rushed over, the source of the sword is dead, no any Feelings, and will not know the pain, naturally attacked according to the idea of ​​Lingdao.

Even if the three middle-aged forces can resist together, they are not blocked at all. The three-handed swords frame their top-quality swords, and the other four swords of the original source are stabbed toward their deadly parts, and they are about to die. Under the sword of Lingdao, the nose of the Azong ancestors finally couldn’t help but shoot.

"It’s just a matter of learning. Why is it so vicious?"

A tyrannical typhoon’s peak of the heavens and the dynasty has a seven-pointed knives. It finally abolished the seven-handed sword of Lingdao. He will not shoot at Lingdao, but he saved the three-passer Without any problems, Xiaoyao Wang only stipulated that it is not allowed to take over the Lingdao in a big realm of Lingdao.

"Is it poisonous? If you are not jealous, I am afraid that I have already died under your knife. I am saying that you have a group of people who have been arguing with the heavens and the martial arts. Do you still have reason."

The three middle-aged mid-days were rescued. Lingdao did not feel pity. Anyway, such an opponent, he did not pay attention to it. He cultivated the wild and savage, he was not afraid of any group battle, even if the three places were big in the middle of the sky. He can join other people to kill him in the future, and he is not afraid at all.


The excitement of the beauty of the beautiful woman, when the battle is over, she is vigorously bulging, Lingdao and Qin Dejun battle, she is the Lingdao, now Qin Dezhen died in the hands of Lingdao, who wins who Naturally needless to say, the blue enchantress is the first squad, but unfortunately, after the virgin body, the status will plummet.

"The hero is a teenager, the strength of Ling Gongzi is really far beyond my imagination. Even the slaves have never thought of it. Ling Gongzi still has mastered seven kinds of original strengths. If he says this, Ling Gongzi is probably the central territory. one person."

In the late period of Qiankun, you can easily defeat the three talents in the middle of the sky. The talent of Lingdao is naturally not to be doubted. The three mid-term talents of the three heavens have the strength to resist the extraordinary power of the ordinary heaven, that is, Lingdao can defeat opponents across a whole realm. Beauty, mandala and blue enchantress are also geniuses, but they are unlikely to defeat their opponents across a big realm.

What's more, Lingdao still masters seven kinds of original strengths. If you don't know that Lingdao has not experienced the baptism of stars, you can't break through the heavens. I am afraid that the beautiful people will be willing to dedicate their bodies to Lingdao. If they can make such a genius, the future will be There must be great benefits.

"Emperor Ji, you will give Ling Gongzi the first night, maybe you still take advantage of it."

After boasting the lingering road, the beautiful woman smiled and looked at the blue enchantress. Fortunately, she had already investigated Lingdao. This time she will bet on Lingdao. It is indeed a gamble. Now she can’t wait to find a Place, Daxie celebrates.

"If you think that I am taking advantage of it, then I will give you this opportunity."

The blue enchantress looks ugly and loses his first night. Naturally, he has to show a kind of unwillingness. The squad of Baihualou must be the virgin body. Unfortunately, she has to send Yuanyin to Ling tonight. Dao, no matter how many flowers in Baihualou, there is no share for her.

"The so-called gentleman is not the beauty of an adult. Although I am not a gentleman, I will not steal the benefits of my demon Ji sister. It is not too early. The demon sister is still going to rest with Ling Gongzi. Spring is worth a thousand dollars. laugh……"

Baihualou can be passed down to the present, relying on honesty. If it is a private bet, the blue enchantress can retire, can not count, but just now, they both gambled, most of the customers in Baihualou are I heard it, and now I can’t go back.

"Lingdao, how can you thank me, if I didn't bring you to Baihualou, can you have such a blessing?"

Being able to become the florist of Baihualou, the blue demon Ji naturally has the appearance of a beautiful country. Just a pair of plump **** is to let countless men drool. I think that Lingdao can play at will, to be present. The other men’s eyes on Ling Dao are full of hustle and bustle.

"Cough, you should be a joke, don't take it seriously, or continue to drink the bar, the flowers are really good."

Lingdao escaped back to his seat, and then he picked up his own glass and continued to drink, not to mention that he already had his favorite girl. Even if he didn't, he wouldn't do it with a woman without feelings. That kind of thing, but he also has to admit that the blue demon Ji is really the most popular woman he has seen for so many years.

"Ling Gongzi, you can say that it is wrong, how can you be a joke of the lifelong event of the demon sister?"

If Lingdao didn't get the body of the blue enchantress, then everything that the 虞 beauty had done before was in vain. Why didn't she think that Lingdao was so good to speak, we must know that the three florists of Baihualou, but Many women who dream of wanting to get a woman.

"Why, isn't the look of the enchantress's sister, can't you enter your eyes?"

The beautiful people are dissatisfied with the snoring, so great opportunities, naturally can not be missed, the other warriors present do not know what to say, if they have the opportunity to get the first night of the blue enchantress, there will be no half objection. The blue enchantress not only plunges into the country, but also gets her yin and can improve her strength.

"I am more interested in you. You are a sister, so sweet. I don't know if I can serve you as a substitute for your sister."

Again and again, Ling Dao is full of boredom to the beautiful woman. He said so now, naturally it is impossible to really look at the beauty, just deliberately ridicule the beauty, but unfortunately, the beauty is born in the flowers. Building, nature can't be as shy as an ordinary woman.

"There is one thing you may not know. I have the most credit for Baihualou. I have lost the previous Demon Ji sister. If she does not give you the body tonight, it will destroy the rules of my Baihualou, and the landlord knows this. Things, I am afraid that the demon sister will not be able to survive."

The words of the beautiful woman made the face of the blue enchantress suddenly pale, and the punishment of the Baihualou landlord was absolutely terrifying. The blue enchantress looked at the ling-spirited road and looked at it behind, and finally had to bite. Gritted his teeth and walked over to Lingdao.

"Ling Gongzi, let's rest early."

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