The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 106: unacceptable!

Inside the Peony Hall, the smile of the face of Baihualou, even if it is far apart, she is still able to feel the fluctuations of the residence of the enchantress. She is the most clear of the charm of the blue enchantress, once the blue enchantress breaks It will definitely cause great movements.

Now that the blood of Lingdao has changed, there is an incomparable temperament. The Baihualou landlord has not seen everything that happened in the house of the demon singer. It is natural that she thinks that the enchantress and Lingdao are doing that kind of thing. Guess that Lingdao is not so good to deal with, the enchantress wants to rely on the illusion to get the memory of Lingdao, is simply dreaming.

"I have been raising you for so many years, and it is time for you to repay me. If you can marry Lingdao, it is a good thing. When I go to Baihualou, I can become a relative with Ling Xiaoyao. One day in the past, the major forces are not willing to take my Baihualou."

When the Baihualou landlord ordered the enchantress to start on Lingdao, it was the end of the enchantress. She could naturally see that the enchantress was full of confidence in her own means, but she did not reveal the mind of the enchantress, nor did she Any reminders.

If the enchantress knew this before, I am afraid I would not agree. Let the enchantress think that it is a good solution, she will concentrate on helping her to do things. At the last moment, the enchantress can only listen to it. She knows the enchantress, and naturally understands the enchantress. Repaying, even if you are a life, you are willing to pay.

What she wants is not only the memory of Lingdao, but also Lingdao has become the son-in-law of their Baihualou. Even if Lingdao can't break through to Tongtian, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the strength of Lingxiaoyao is there, Baihualou is incompetent and ranked. Compared with the five powers in the forefront, but Ling Xiaoyao can be equal to those of the five powers, and even more.


In the squatting room of the blue enchantress, Ling Dao’s breath is getting stronger and stronger. Although the enchantress did not suffer any harm, the strong oppression still made her snorted and did not know whether it was the momentum of Lingdao. It destroyed the sound insulation effect of the boudoir, even if it was the warriors in the distance, they heard a clear cry.

Later, the momentum of Lingdao was to form a shield, which shrouded the entire boudoir. Then the sound in the room could not be transmitted outside. The outsiders could clearly see the guard. The hood, they all agree that it is because the enchantress is shy and has made such a soundproof shield.

"I really don't want to be reconciled. One of the three florists of Baihualou was actually got a hairy boy."

"Since then, Baihualou has only two major squads. The blue enchantress has become history. She has lost her virginity and cannot continue to be a squad."

"All said that the blue demon Ji wisdom is extraordinary, but the enchantress I saw, but stupid to the extreme, even so casually lost his first night."

The warriors who are now open are extremely arrogant. They think that the blue demon Ji will take Lingdao back and will find a way to deal with Lingdao. I didn’t expect the demon Ji to actually give her body to Lingdao, but Think about it too, Lingdao's father is comparable to a top five forces, Baihua Building should not dare to ridge.

"This big satyr, which was still pretending to be quite like it, is now in its original form."

Zi Fenger said uncomfortably, after all, she brought Lingdao to Baihualou. Even if she and Lingdao had no feelings, now Lingdao and Yaoji are doing that kind of thing, which makes her a little angry, she only Can drink here, Lingdao is good, you can also enjoy the flower.

"Sister, sister, the young people you admire are really good, that is, someone started earlier than you."

Bi Mengyao's eyelids are shaking, and the things that the demon and the lingdao are doing, she can't stop it. I always feel sorry for Bi Shiyao. After all, it is the site of Baihualou, not Tianfu, let alone Lingdao and The enchantress is your love, I can't cross it.

Moreover, she has no reason. If she likes Lingdao well, she will be the matter of her sister at this time. What's more, Bi Shiyao only appreciates Lingdao, and does not like Lingdao or two things. Anyway, things have happened. Still let it go.

"So what happened."

The people outside think that the demon Ji and Ling Dao are doing that kind of thing, but the party is confused. The enchantress is not in the air, so she is lying in bed, not moving, not because she does not want to move, but fundamentally No.

Like her, Lingdao keeps her previous posture, her eyes staring at the body of the enchantress, but she can't move, feeling the hot eyes of Lingdao. The enchantress is more and more uncomfortable, but she can't change everything now. You can only let Lingdao look at it casually.

Now, the enchantress is really regretting death. Before she used her hand to block the private part, even the chest was covered with the most important place, but later, she had to do it, removed all the protection, and prepared to lure. Lingdao.

"Can you not read it?"

As time went by, the enchantress finally couldn't help it. She was still unhumanized. She didn't even show her thighs to other men. Now she is good, she is naked, and she is seen through Lingdao. If I just look at it, but Lingdao has been staring, she certainly can't stand it.

"I am like you, I can't move at all, you think I want to be like this."

Ling Dao is also quite depressed, a beautiful woman who is immersed in the country, lying naked in front of him, but he can't do anything, even if he does not possess the body of the enchantress, just take advantage of his hand, he The tone of the voice is obviously angering the enchantress.

"You, what are you saying so wrong, my clothes are either torn off by you or taken off by you, now you have looked at me, let me see people in the future, I said you, you still talk back. You don't want to do anything like you take off my clothes."

At this moment, where the enchantress still remembers the task, I can't wait to sneak a slap in the ridge. It can be said that Lingdao has repeatedly challenged her bottom line again and again, and Lingdao still wants to continue to ridicule the enchantress. But now I can only smile awkwardly.

The enchantress is the squad of Baihualou, but the enchantress is still the virgin body. The status of the squad is completely different from that of the ordinary girl. Even if it is a great power, don’t even want to occupy the body of the squad. The enchantress counts him and he will make a series of things later.

Now think about it, I am afraid that the demon Ji is also forced to do so. All this is probably the command of the top of Baihualou. Besides, the demon Ji did not hurt him. Even if he is dealing with him, he is also tempted by that means. If the enemy wants to use the beauty plan, Lingdao can't wait to yell, let all the calculations come more violently.

"That... what, when I get back to work, I will help you put on your clothes."

Ling Daoyan said, the wrathful enchantress, it still looks a little scary, this time if you sin again, who knows what will happen, Lingdao knows very early, it is best not to offend women, especially An angry woman.

"I don't want to wear clothes, I want you to wear them. You still want to eat tofu. Did you touch it before?"

Angry enchantress, screaming a lot, after she finished, she was flushed, but after waiting for a long time, Lingdao did not respond, she curiously looked at Lingdao, but found Lingdao The face is getting redder.

"He won't be going to me... what?"

Lingdao’s current appearance is really terrible. It’s like a humanoid beast. When the enchantress is thinking, Lingdao is snoring, his hair is black and white, and his blood is rolling like a wolf. It seems to break through the clouds.


In his throat, a low slam broke out, even if the outer protective cover was broken in an instant, even the blue enchanting boudoir was violently shaken, fortunately in her boudoir. Strong, otherwise I am afraid it has already collapsed.

"Don't make trouble, if my shack is ruined, I will fight with you."

Now the enchantress is naked, if the mortuary is broken, the outside of the martial arts I am afraid I can see everything here. It is only a strong distance. It is only this distance, naturally nothing, just being seen by Lingdao alone. The enchantress has been difficult to accept. If other warriors see it, I am afraid she can only commit suicide.

I don’t know if it’s the role of the enchantress. Although her boudoir is still shaking, it’s obviously not strong before. The enchantress can only pray in her heart, hoping not to make any accidents. She wants time to pass faster. The better, now every time she breathes, she feels extremely long.

"The **** beast, so stunned, I can't wait to smash him."

A Tongtianjing can whisper, he has been coveting the beauty of the enchantress for several years, but he has never succeeded. The previous enchantress screamed, and now Lingdao is erupting like a beast. The ground in the distance is shaking, and he can naturally imagine the boundless spring in the enchanting room.

"I still think that he is a gentleman. I didn't expect the animals to be up. It's just not a human being. Fortunately, the flower squad of Baihualou is a powerful man. If an ordinary woman can withstand him, it will be tossed."

Both Zi Fenger and Bi Mengyao sneak a sip, although they are also unhuman, but they also know what Lingdao and the enchantress are doing. Such a big movement really makes them look at each other, they even think, if Change to them, can not afford to live so violently.

"Oh... what am I thinking?"

Bi Mengya couldn't help but touch the hot cheeks. Then she sneaked at other people and found that everyone looked at the direction of the demon squatter. She didn't notice her embarrassment. She was loose. Take a sigh of relief.

"Do not mix things with the enchantress, do you know how to be gentle? Do you want to play dead enchantress?"

"Oh, I want to kill the beast, it’s too much."

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