The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 113: Pure Yang Emperor, Lu Dongbin

There is a Tianji Pavilion in Dongjianyu. However, there is no connection between Dongjian and Tianjian. When Lingdao is in Dongjianyu, it is also a warrior in front of Qiankun. Plus he is so young, he must not be exposed to the secret. Court's VIP token.

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if they guessed wrong, Ling Dao really has the VIP token of the Tianji Pavilion, I am afraid that it is also the bronze level. They have a gold-grade VIP token, which is not a bronze VIP. The card can be compared, just like the gap between the rich and the rich.

"Golden VIP tokens are just sitting in the ordinary seats. Do you have a sense of superiority."

Ling Dao said with a smile, these Tong Tian Jing can say a word to me, just like a clown, they will never know that Ling Dao not only has the VIP token of the Tianji Pavilion, but also is superior to them. many.

Su lightly shakes the mysterious, inscrutable, all kinds of VIP tokens, can be handed over to people, the Solo of the Dala Dynasty swayed, at that time only the repair of the Yukong, the hundred battlefields of the Soviet Union, but there are The repair of Qiankunjing, Qingfeng City also has Su-shake, and it is the cultivation of Tongtianjing.

"It’s better to sit than to stand up. Some people don’t even have a VIP token. It’s really a shame.”

"It’s really a dog biting Lu Dongbin. I don’t know how to be good. I originally wanted to give you a bronze VIP token, so that you can sit comfortably. Since you don’t appreciate it, forget it.”

A group of people can not help but ridicule, look at the way Lingdao, should not be able to take out the VIP token of the Tianji Pavilion, but Lingdao’s expression is too owing, but the Qingfeng auction is about to begin. They are not good at doing things. If they make trouble now, who knows what the consequences will be.


The dog bites Lu Dongbin, but he does not know the good heart. In fact, it is an allusion to the ancient times. He said that the power of this sentence is not enough. He didn’t know who Lu Dongbin was, or he gave him 10,000 courage. He did not dare to call Lu Dongbin’s. Noun.

Tianjie, there is a super-power, named Quanzheng, which was created by Lu Dongbin. There is no strong in the world of Jianshen. Naturally, I have never heard of Lu Dongbin. It happens that Ling Dao has heard about Lu Dongbin’s affairs. Pure Yang Emperor is also the first teacher of Quanzhen Taoism.

According to legend, the leader is immortal and has infinite means. Of course, only the immortal in the world can truly be immortal. The teacher is not truly immortal, but can be turned into a heavenly way, as long as it is not destroyed by the peerless strongman, then The heavens can last forever.

Even if the power of the great emperor was born, it is also possible to annihilate in the long river of history. However, the forces like Quanzheng, as long as the pure Yang Tiandao that Lu Dongbin has turned into, cannot be destroyed, and the teaching can last forever. This is the truth.

It was extremely long in the Taiji period, and there was a long period of ancient times. Since ancient times, it has not been known how many great emperors were born. However, the great life of the emperor is limited, and the great forces they created are still likely to be destroyed. If they can teach, It means that it can be passed down to the earth.

It is a pity that it is not so easy to establish a religion. It is necessary to have a deep understanding of the Tao. It is possible to do it. The heavens are vast and boundless. Just picking a domain is much bigger than the whole world of the sword god. Even so, the number of sects is also Less pitiful.

Lv Dongbin was stunning and talented. It also cost most of his life. Before he died, he created a true religion. Fortunately, after his death, he became a pure heaven, and he can always guard the whole truth. Yang Tiandao does not die, no matter whether or not there will be a great emperor after the whole truth, the whole truth can be passed down.

Daoshengyi, one lifetwo, two births three, three generations of everything, everything is evolved from "Tao", "Tao" is the foundation of everything. If a person can master the complete "Tao", then he can do whatever he wants, no matter what It is not impossible to destroy thousands of big worlds or create millions of big worlds.

However, from ancient times to the present, no matter what kind of strong, no matter how amazing, no complete mastery of the "Tao", even if it is high, the immortal immortal, can not master the complete "Tao" .

It may not be difficult to destroy a world, but it is difficult to create a world, not to mention creating everything in the world, including the people themselves, as well as the immortals, and the demon, but also all kinds of ferocious beasts, sun and moon stars and flowers and birds. Not to mention the fish naturally.

Even the great emperor can only comprehend part of the "dao". If the "dao" is likened to a big tree, then Lu Dongbin is equivalent to comprehending a branch, so he can teach, pure heaven, can be regarded as Such a branch.

Of course, Lu Dongbin can't be the strongest in the ancient times, and there are other great emperors, more than the "dao" he comprehends. It is also a branch, but also big and small, thick and thin, not to mention, others can comprehend two Root branches, three branches, and more.

It is a pity that the "Tao" cannot be said. The "twig" that Lu Dongbin realized is his own. He can't teach his descendants. He can only understand by himself. After he died, he became a pure-powered Taoist Taoist. If a mind is enlightened by pure Yang Tiandao, then they will never be able to surpass Lu Dongbin’s achievements.

It is better to enlighten the whole tree, even if it is impossible to understand, but it is better than to enlighten a branch. However, the "Tao" is all-encompassing, imaginary and unpredictable. Relatively speaking, pure Yang Tiandao is close to the whole true teacher. More, it is easier to get involved, it can be regarded as a shortcut, but it limits the realm of the future.

Of course, in the heavens, not only the leader can be transformed, but also other great emperors can be transformed, but they have not chosen to teach. For example, the three emperors, such as taboos, their understanding of the Tao is definitely more than Lu Dongbin. But they have not established a religion.


"Little brother, don't worry, my brother, I will take you in."

At the crucial moment, the flashing ear reappeared. He slammed the shoulder of Lingdao with a big slap, and I covered your expression with a look. Those who had previously satirized Lingdao had great power, but their faces were ugly, how to flash The ear appeared again.

They don't know the origins of the flash ear, but they know that the strength of the flash is terrible. Since the debut, they have experienced hundreds of battles, big and small, but never heard of him failing, although the ear It looks very unreliable, but his combat power is really terrible.

Ten years ago, the battle of the King of Kings, the first one to seal the king, came from Tianfu, claiming to be the overlord. However, the Overlord once fought a battle with the Flash, and was defeated in the hands of the Flash. Fortunately, the Flash did not participate in the Battle of the King, or else I am afraid that the overlord is not likely to be the first to seal the king.

Among the talents in the field, there are a few people who have played with Flash, but unfortunately they are not opponents. If they have a heart and mind to protect Lingdao, they really have no way, even if they join hands, they are not defeated. The grasp of the flash.

"Don't look at me with this kind of look, my brother has a diamond-level VIP token, the box is so big, take you into what, if the president does not agree, I will dismantle the Qingfeng auction house, see if he dares not Dare to be right with me."

There is no scruples in the flash, in the face of all the warriors, said such a saying, those who can not help but screamed, I did not expect Flash ear to have a diamond-level VIP token, he wants to bring Ling Going in, naturally there is no problem, I still want to see Lingdao jokes, I did not expect Lingdao and Flash ear to be so familiar.

The old man in charge of the reception of Qingfeng Auction House, stunned at the blink of an eye, was obviously extremely dissatisfied with the flash ear, however, he did not say anything, it is clearly recognized flash, even if it is Su I have to give it to the face, he still doesn't want to talk.

"No, I just have a VIP token for the Heavenly Pavilion. It should be fine if I go in."

Lingdao’s words are to make the group’s eyes bright and bright. They didn’t expect Lingdao to not win the flash. There is no diamond-level VIP token, but it’s going to use his own. The brain is really broken.

"Well, if that's the case, then I won't force you."

Flashing his head and shaking his head, did not look at Lingdao again, a pair of eyes are already searching for beauty, the auction is so grand, there must be a lot of beautiful people coming to the auction, he is interested in the auction, and the beauty appearing at the auction. He is more interested.

"Haha, King, you take out the VIP token and let me wait and see."

"What are you waiting for? Get it out quickly."

They couldn't help but rush, and they were afraid that Lingdao would change their minds. Lingdao had to take his own insults. Of course, they had to become full. They estimated that Lingdao would also be able to take out a bronze VIP token and their gold-level VIPs. Tokens are simply incomparable.

"Since you have to see, then look at your dog's eyes carefully."

Lingdao slowly took out the Amethyst-class VIP token. Until now, he did not understand why he had to send him the Amethyst-class VIP token. He had only the gold-level VIP order in front of him. Cards, as you can imagine, how precious the Amethyst VIP token is.

"Hey, I thought it was a gold-level token like us. Who knows that you have come up with such a broken piece."

"What token are you, how have I not seen it, is it a bronze VIP token."

"No, the bronze VIP token is not like this. You won't take a counterfeit goods to entertain us. Do you think that the receptionist of Qingfeng Auction House is a fool, ‘

After seeing the Amethyst-class VIP tokens that Lingdao took out, they all laughed aloud. Some of them were even more fascinating, and the amethyst-level VIP token was really rare. They have never seen each other, and naturally they cannot be recognized.

The old man in charge of the reception, but his face changed greatly. He did not think that a young man like Lingdao would have come up with an amethyst-level VIP token. Even he couldn’t help but blink his eyes. It’s a sight.

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