The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 118: 300,000 pieces of the best stone

"My queen, who is going to make you like this."

The land forces, the Nether Pavilion, the Wu Jianmen and other five powers all shot on Xian Ling, but specifically which strong people personally shot, Ling Dao did not know, even if they were far apart, he recognized the Xian Ling After all, he and Xian Linglong have been together for so many years.

When I was young, Ling Dao was weak and unable to cultivate. There was no friend at all. The generals of Ling Wu had been outside for a long time. There was not much time to accompany Ling Dao. Fortunately, Ling Dao went to a fairy, and then he left Xian Ling. It is.

At the beginning, Lingdao did not recognize Xian Linglong, but only as a very interesting pet. Later, he gradually discovered the problem of Xian Linglong. For example, Xian Linglong did not eat anything at all. If it is a general animal, I am afraid that it will be long gone. Dead and awkward, but there is nothing in Xian Ling.

Fortunately, he has memories of past life. Later, he finally thought of the origins of Xian Linglong. Even so, he is still the same as before, and his attitude has not changed. It is better to say that Xian Ling is his pet, but rather his friend. .

Anything is inconvenient and other people say that Lingdao can tell Xian Lingzhen, in any case, Xian Lingling will not speak, can only look at him with a pair of watery eyes, but unfortunately, Xian Lingyu left home, I have never been back.

Lingdao did not think that he would encounter Xian Ling in the central territory of the central government. However, the state of Xian Ling was very bad. Although Xian Ling’s body could not see a trace of blood, Ling Dao could feel her weakness. Still helpless.

At this time, the fairy in the cage, slowly opened his eyes, the original watery eyes, the aura is pressing, but now it is full of exhaustion, Lingdao saw the fairy in the castle, but unfortunately Xianling Did not see the Lingdao.

"Sou knows that many of you don't believe that Xianling is so powerful, but my Qingfeng auction house has always been based on honesty, and will never deceive you. If you talk about the realm, this fairy is only able to pass through the heavens, but the land The Ghost Pavilion, the Infinity Gate and other forces have joined forces to create a team that is not an opponent.

If there is no one who is strong in heaven and humanity, Xian Ling will not be hit hard. If you don't believe in Su, you can also ask the local government, the Nether Pavilion, the Infinity and other forces to pass the power of heaven. They may not participate in dealing with the fairy. Exquisite things, but surely someone knows about it. ”

At the moment, some people have asked about it. The local government, the Ghost Pavilion, the Infinity Gate and other forces have all the power to be present. In their capacity, there is no need to lie on this matter. After all, Tianji Pavilion is the largest in the world of swords and gods. Information system.

Since Su said that he dared to say this sentence, it would certainly not be a fake. Otherwise, other warriors who bought the news at Tianji Pavilion were judged. The Tianji Pavilion passed down for so many years and was not in the news of the sale. Made a fake.

"Fifty thousand pieces of the best spirit stone."

Finally, someone was the first to offer a price. He was the dark king of the Nether Pavilion. He shot him on Xian Ling, and he just had one. He couldn’t wait to be a singer and became the Lord of the Ghost. Then he got Xian Ling, who saw that Xian Ling’s transformation was The shape of the human form, it is really a peerless thing.

"Well, the Dark King of the Nether Pavilion is bidding for 50,000 pieces of the best stone, is there a higher one?"

Su lightly smiled and said that the first price was called out of the price. It seems that Xian Lingzhen will be able to sell a high price today. It is only the reserve price, which is several times higher than the transaction price of King Kong’s prison. .

"I am out of 60,000."

Soon, there is a big increase in the price of the sky, and one plus is 10,000, Su smiled on the face, the more intense, the exquisite auction, do not need him to talk, the price will certainly be able to soar, Sure enough, the whole scene soon became hot.

"70,000 pieces of the best spirit stone."

"I am out of 80,000."


"One hundred twenty thousand."

One after another, the 50,000 pieces of the best spirits that the Dark King began to shout are less than half of the current price. Even so, the voice of the price has not stopped. The value of Xianling is definitely more than 100,000 pieces. Lingshi, not to mention, a small part of the warriors know that Xianling is itself a stunning color.

"Fortunately, my father gave me enough elite stone, or I can only find a way to grab it, but my current strength, there is no possibility to grab it."

If a certain five-powered force photographed Xian Ling, it would definitely ask the strong to come back to pick up, even, secretly, there must have been strong forces of heaven and human beings, but they did not show up, Lingdao The strength is good, but compared with the strong people of the heavens, it is a big gap.

There are a lot of five powers in the central territory. If you can photograph Xianling, there must be only one force. No matter who gets the fairy, you will definitely be blocked by other forces. You can’t really go back to the world with the power. Only the heavens are strong.

"One thousand and one thousand pieces."

In the castle of the air, the voice of Ling Dao was heard. The lively venue was suddenly quiet. The king of the land government just shouted the price of 150,000. The Lingdao was open, and it just added a piece. It is like provoking the king.

"This **** stinky boy really wants to cramp his skin."

Lingdao shouted, Yu Wang naturally had no opinion, but Lingdao only added a piece of the best spiritual stone to his price. When the previous bidding for King Kong was in prison, Ling Dao had already swept his face, now Lingdao actually I have to go through with him.

"Su President, I want to give you an offer from the auction house. Can you ban the addition of a piece of the best spirits every time? Otherwise, everyone will add them one by one. I am afraid I can't shoot one thing in a few days."

The mad knife king couldn’t help but say that the bloodstone was smashed by Lingdao. He always wanted to retaliate. Now, he has a chance. He certainly won’t miss it. When he finishes, he has a real world. The power began to reconcile.

"You are right. It is true that you can't make everyone a piece of the best stone. So, except for the amethyst-class VIPs, other VIPs are not allowed to add a piece of the best stone, for the next auction. The price increase must not be less than 10,000 yuan each time."

Amethyst-class VIP is the highest level of VIPs in the world of Swordsman. The treatment is naturally different from other people. If Lingdao is not an amethyst-level VIP, Su-shake will not let him be so noisy, the entire central territory. There are not many amethyst-level VIP tokens, and Su is slightly biased towards Lingdao. In fact, it is normal.

The warriors present will not only avoid the swaying of Su, but will also be more eager to get the amethyst-class VIP token. As long as it is the industry of Tianji Pavilion, the amethyst-class VIP is enjoying a very high treatment. I want to see the ugliness of Lingdao. I didn’t expect Su’s swaying to encourage the prestige of Lingdao.

Whether it is the Knife King, or the King of the Skull, or the warrior who is hostile to Lingdao, they all look ugly, as if they had eaten dead flies, they must add 1 million, Lingdao can be added one by one, in fact Let them be less angry, but here is the Qingfeng auction house, Su Shi shake the site, they can only endure.


Among the boxes of diamond-level VIPs, this kind of voice was slowly heard. The price of Xianling’s , 飙 飙 飙 飙 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五 十五The peak of the peak, like the king of the king, has been the king more than a hundred years ago, the title of the dragon king.

He once received the inheritance of a real dragon, so the title of the Dragon King, the second government of the central territory, Tianfu and the local government, the comprehensive strength can be ranked in the top three, and the inheritance is very long, 200,000 pieces of the best stone to buy a Xian Ling Yan, it should be worth it.

"I am afraid that no one will continue to bid for such a high price."

There is a tremor in the sky, it is really because the 200,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone are too shocking. Like the five-powered forces like Dae-Jin, it is impossible to take out 200,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone at one time. In the words, Da Ri Jian Zong can not catch up with Tian Fu.

At the Qingfeng auction, naturally, there was a big day in the Daejeon Jianzong. Unfortunately, there was no such thing as bidding for Xian Ling, especially when Lingdao shouted 150,000 pieces of the best stone. When they were, they felt incredible.

Lingdao used to be a disciple of Daeeden. However, now he is able to come up with the best of the spiritual stone, which is enough to match the entire Daedzong, even if it is still there, plus Lingdao’s father, own The suppression of the Nalan family's tyrannical power, the high-level Jianzong's high-level officials have regretted not falling.

In particular, the Daejeon Swordsman and the elders of the Taishou, can't wait to violently slap their own meal. If they didn't count the ridges on that day, but they were single-mindedly protecting Lingdao, now Daejeon Jianzong is enough to be like the Nalan family. The forces are in equal measure.

It’s just a happy king, it’s the five powers that are in the forefront of the central territory of the central government. Unfortunately, there is no regret in the world. Even the emperor and the elders of the Daejeon, even if they regret it again, will not help, and now Lingdao has a happy king. Such a backing, they can not dare to move.

Xiaoyao Wang alone can force the Nalan family, so even if the entire Dazhan Jianzong is razed to the ground, it is effortless. Now Lingdao is sitting in the air castle, Datong Jianzong’s Tongtianjing can only sit. below.

"Twenty thousand."

"22 million."

After a moment of silence, someone finally opened it again. Tianfu was able to come up with 200,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone, the land, the Ghost Pavilion, the Fengyun Pavilion and other forces. Naturally, it can also take out 200,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone, and even more Wan, there is no problem.

"Thirty thousand pieces of the best stone."

Just when everyone looked at the major forces and the power of the heavens, the voice of Lingdao sounded again. This time, he did not add one piece, but directly raised the price to 300,000 pieces of the best stone. Even if it is the power of the major forces, it is also a breath of cold.

"Lingdao, is this crazy?"

"Where is he coming from so many elite stones?"

"It must be blowing cowhide."

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