The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 123: Against the king

Lingdao is twenty years behind the mad knife Wang Fengwang. In addition, I heard that Lingdao Fengwang has water, and the mad knife king did not put the strength of Lingdao in his eyes. Even so, many years of combat experience, Let the Knife King not be too careless, the Knife King will hold the best sword in his arms, in order to be able to pull the knife in the first time, he let Lingdao first shot, while ready to go out at any time.

Even so, the Knife King is still a light enemy. He did not think that Ling Dao’s strength was so strong. He did not even think that Ling Dao would come up with such a powerful sword method. Normally, the contest between the warriors, It is necessary to test it first, and then it is the real fight. Unfortunately, Lingdao does not follow the common sense and directly disrupts all the calculations of the Knife King.

Twenty years ago, the mad knives were absolutely tyrannical. If the knives were known, Lingdao did not go all out. Even half of the strength was not displayed. I don’t know what the knives would be. The mood is also the king of the king. The strength of the mad knife king is much worse than that of Lingdao. If the knives are born in the late 20 years, and Lingdao, the big demon, the butterfly dance, etc. There is no point to seal the king.

"The big river."

At the crucial moment, the reaction of the Knife King is also approaching the extreme. He did not pull the knife, but directly displayed a defensive knife. The speed of the sword was too fast. If the knife was pulled, the knife king Between the haste, I am afraid that I can only resist it with a knife. It is too late to use any martial arts. Anyway, he is trying to resist the ridge, and there is no knife. The problem is not big.

As long as he gives the Knife a breather, he can pull out his best sword and fight with Lingdao. He masters the third level of water, and now he has a knife, between him and Lingdao. It is the emergence of a large river, each of which is the origin of water and hundreds of thousands of knives.

Such a powerful defensive knives, even if it is ordinary and powerful, can not be broken in a short time. The swords are on the big river, just like being trapped in a mire, but also like being on a mountain, if it is The best swordsmanship will surely be blocked by a large river. Fortunately, the swordsmanship of the swordsmanship is unparalleled. Even the slashing swords of the late martial arts kings in the middle of the heavens are completely unstoppable.

Xiaoyaojian keeps advancing constantly. A large river is blocked by the waist. Lingdao’s footsteps are eight steps of chasing the stars. It does not give the madknife a chance to breathe. When all the big rivers are broken, the Xiaoyao sword is smashed in the mad knife. In the hands of the best sword, the mad knife Wang sneered, although Lingdao's tyranny is beyond his imagination, but has developed to this step, he is successfully blocking Lingdao.

The Knife King believes that the previous big rivers must have weakened the attack of Lingdao. Now he personally holds the best sword and blocks the Lingdao sword. Naturally, there are not many problems. The idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. I can only say that his understanding of Lingdao is still too little. If he knows how sharp the Happy King is, he will not think so now.

A crisp voice sounded, the mad knife king only felt the right hand shocked, and then he saw a scene that he could not forget for life, accompanied by his best sword for many years, even turned into a two-piece, even if he The ability to accept is stronger, and now I feel that the brain is short-circuited, and I don’t know why it will become like this.

It is just a martyrdom of the gods. The sword is the sword that has crossed the best sword and stabbed into the body of the mad knife king. The sword of the sword is broken and the body of the knives is worn. There is no problem naturally. It has long been a killing heart. This sword smashes the heart of the Knife King and wipes out the vitality of the Knife King. Even if the Knife King has the healing medicine, it is useless to take it now.

"I didn't expect that I was in the world for more than 20 years, and the result was actually under a junior sword."

Regardless of whether the mad knife king can accept this matter, he has left the world, Lingdao's face is indifferent, and there is no sympathy for the death of the mad knives. If there is no sorrowful Wang Zhenhao behind it, I am afraid that the mad knives have long wanted to He smashed the corpse, and the warrior who was present, a lot of wants to kill him, just avoiding the king, not afraid to kill him.

The knives of the mad knives were taken away by Lingdao. Even in the space he opened up, everything became Lingdao. Before the mad knives were confident, they wanted to **** his scent, but he did not expect to catch up. After his own life, the Lingdao after the blood changes, if it is not forced to suppress the realm, it has already broken through to the heavens.

"The mad knife king is so dead."

"Isn't it said that Ling Daofeng has water? He, what strength is it, is there no water."

Twenty years ago, the King of the King of the King of the Kings was killed by Lingdao in a moment. This kind of strength, how can the King of the King have water, most of the warriors who participated in the battle of the King of the Kings, naturally The strength of the military has some understanding. In the future, who is telling them that Lingdao Fengwang has water, they will certainly not believe it. They have already seen Lingdao’s shots, and naturally understand that Lingdao really has the strength of Fengwang.

"It’s really blue and blue, and this year’s young boy, who was able to kill the king 20 years ago, really made me wait for an eye-opener."

Tianfu’s Dragon King applauded, although he also wanted to get Xian Ling, but he did not mean to Lingdao’s shot. The relationship between Tianfu and Lingdao is not good, it’s not too bad, there is no need. Next, the Dragon King will not easily start with Lingdao. Anyway, there are many warriors who want to steal Xianling. The Dragon King has no plan to be a pioneer.

Besides, there are not many people in the field who are hostile to Lingdao. It is best for them to shoot. If some of them succeed, then the Dragon King will take a strong shot. In this way, the Dragon King not only succeeded in making the oriole, but also did not offend Ling. The Tao is really a two-pronged one. The Dragon King seems to be greatly embarrassed. In fact, it is not a smashing person, or else there is no achievement today.

"Small age is so ruthless, although the mad knife king wants to win your fairy, but does not mean to take your life, say, the mad knife king also let you first out of the sword, you will kill him like this, is Not too much."

The prison king sneered and said that there is a case of the mad knife king in front, he naturally will not rush to the Lingdao shot, the previous Lingdao's actions, but also let the prison king police screaming, so that you are young, do things soft and soft Absolutely big mistakes, Ling Dao is not only decisive, but also ruthless, killing the enemy, no soft.

"Do you want to fight for him? Well, you will come over and fight with me. If you win, I will give you Xianling. If you lose, you will be like him. How?"

The Knife King and the Prison King are not a group. The Prison King is naturally not likely to be the leader of the Knife King. What's more, Ling Dao is so easy to kill the Knife King. Even if the Knife Wang Dayi Online, it is enough to explain the strength of Ling Dao. Extremely tyrannical, not to mention, the Xiaoyao sword in the hands of Lingdao is also extremely sharp, even if the prison king personally shot, there is no grasp of Lingdao.

"Hey, take my life and change it with Xian Ling. You are stupid, too lazy to yell with you. You are so uninvited, and naturally someone will cure you."

The prisoner’s big sleeves slammed into the back of the king. If there was no scene of the previous slashing of the slashing knives, the prison king must have rushed to the front of Lingdao and fight with Lingdao, but now He can only hide behind the king of the king. The king of the king was sealed more than a hundred years ago, and he was the peak of the heavens. He did not know how much better than the mad knife king.

"Well, I will gamble with you, you will win me, I will win you, how."

What the Prison King did not expect was that Ling Dao was so aggressive. In the presence of so many warriors, if the Prison King refused Ling Dao’s proposal, he would not be planted. In the future, there would be no face in the central territory, if the Prison King agreed However, it is possible to die under the sword of Lingdao. It can be said that Lingdao has a problem for the prison king. No matter what the prison king disagrees, there will be no good end.

If the Prison King loses to Lingdao, he will definitely die under the Xiaoyao sword like the Knife King. If the Prison King defeats the Lingdao, if he misses the Lingdao, the Xiaoyao Wang will definitely not close one eye. Only eyes, Xiaoyao Wang is a son of Lingdao, killing the enemy, not wearing a total of heaven, the prison king can do, is to ask for help like a king, I hope that the king can personally deal with Lingdao.

"You grab me, Xianling, no matter what, I have no reason to spare you, no need to talk nonsense, if you can win me, what happened before, I can not go on."

Lingdao grabbed the scent of Linglong with the high price of 500,000 pieces of the best spirit stone, which made the plan of the king defeated. Later, he smashed the king and used the 20,000 pieces of the best stone. At the price, I bought a dragon's blood grass. At that time, the king of the king wanted to smash the corpse, so that the king had recovered. After all, he was already over a hundred years old.

Yu Wang said that if Ling Dao wins him, he will not be embarrassed. In fact, he feels that Ling Dao has no chance of winning. He has lived for more than 100 years. He is not rare in the world. Even if Ling Dao is enchanting, he can beat the opponent across a whole realm. It is already awful, and the king himself is a whole higher level than Lingdao. In addition, his talent is extremely high. Although he only has a peak in the sky, he is definitely not weaker than the strong man in the early days.

In other words, Lingdao can compete with the king of the king unless it has the strength to compete with the predecessors of the heavenly world. However, Lingdao is only the peak of the Qiankun, and in any case, it cannot be the strongman of the predecessor. Opponent, Yu Wang is already thinking, after defeating Lingdao, he must grab the Xianling 在 in the shortest time, and then hand it over to the heavenly people.

"It’s just good for me to go there. If I shoot, then the rules will be fixed by me. If I win, you will go to hell."

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