The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 128: Father, how come you?

The Dragon King is from Tianfu. Like Wang Wang, he was the king of the king more than 100 years ago. Now he is the peak of the heavens. He and the king are not eager to break through, accumulate enough, and then break through to the heavens and humans, the future achievements. It will be even bigger, his strength and the sturdy king are weak and weak, and others do not know at all. I am afraid that only he and the king will know clearly.

The king of the king is strong, the dragon king is a good word, and the means adopted are obviously milder. Of course, the dragon king does not dare to use strong, and Lingdao is strong in the face of the heavenly and powerful people, and kills the king. Dragon King and Ling Dao have a deadly battle. Who wins or loses is still unknown. At least the Dragon King does not have much chance of winning.

What's more, there is no hatred between Tianfu and Lingdao, not to mention the power of Xiaoyaowang. It is only the Lingdao of today, it is enough to let the Dragon King treat it equally, even if Lingdao is only the peak of the Qiankun, the presence of the heavens Power, and no one dared to swear at him.

"As long as you are willing to hand me the fairy Linglong, then my Tianfu can guarantee your safety. Xianling is naturally not going to have an accident. Later, if you want to see Xianling, you can come to my Tianfu and do it at any time."

The Dragon King once again spoke. Previously, he said that Lingdao obviously did not have much interest. Now he has to continue to persuade. No matter how you look at it, in the face of a group of heavenly people, Lingdao is unable to escape, and the Dragon King’s proposal is for Lingdao. Say, it should be the best choice.

"Ling Xiao Brothers, I can make the same promises. If you are willing to hand me the fairy Linglong, then no one can kill you today, and there are many resources in the life-stricken building. Growing up quickly, and no one will be daring to steal the fairy from my life."

Before the Lingdao responded, the killing king of the life-stricken building stood up. He was the king of the 50 years ago. Now he is also the peak of the heavens. Even if they are such strong, they dare not condescend to speak with Lingdao. They can only call Lingdao’s brothers, and they can recognize the status of Lingdao.

The comprehensive strength of the life-stricken building may not be as good as that of Tianfu and the local government. However, the major powers of the five majors would rather offend the Tianfu and the local government. They are certainly not willing to offend the death-stricken building. The killer organization spreads throughout the entire world of the sword god, once they concentrate on dealing with a certain force. That would be terrible.

Once there was a five-powerful force in the central territory of the central government to provoke the life-stricken building. Later, the five powers went up to the elders and went down to the disciples. One after another, they were assassinated and killed. Even if they were prepared, they could not escape the death-stricken building. Assassination, in the end, the main characters of the five powers were all killed and forced to disband.

"My Tianji Pavilion can also make the same guarantee. As long as Lingxiao brothers are willing to hand over Xianling to us for training, then you will always be the guest of my Tianji Pavilion. Xianling is still yours, just living in our Tianji Pavilion. ""

What people didn't expect was that Tiantong Pavilion's one-of-a-kind peak was so powerful that it naturally stood out and said that Xianling was auctioned out by Tianji Pavilion. Now it is too shameful to use this method to go back. A little bit.

"Fortunately, I didn't say anything like this, otherwise I really didn't see anyone."

Su said with a self-deprecating statement, Xian Lingzhen was auctioned by him personally. Even if his face is thicker, he is too embarrassed to ask for a fairy. After all, he collected Lingdao’s 400,000 pieces of the best Lingshi, and now he will take it back. It is tantamount to deceiving Lingdao's 400,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone. If it is other people, it will be deceived if it is deceived, but the Lingdao is different.

"Shameless, I thought we were shameless enough. I didn't expect the Tianji Pavilion to be better."

When even the peak of the sky is full of laughter, the strongest of the five major forces think that the practice of the Tianji Pavilion is not to be rude, and dare to challenge the Tianfu, in addition to the government, that is, the life-stricken building and the Tianji Pavilion. The life-threatening building is a killer organization, and the Tianji Pavilion is an intelligence organization, and it is spread all over the big world.

Offending the deadly building, will face endless assassination, offending the Tianji Pavilion, the end will only be even worse, the secrets of the Tianji Pavilion are too many, just revealing some, will make the five powers uncomfortable, and even attract the door to destroy disaster.

"I can't compete with these forces. As long as the road is not stupid, I will definitely agree to their conditions."

"With the strength of Lingdao, it is impossible to preserve Xianling, they at least ensure the safety of Lingdao, and also recognize that Xianling is Lingdao."

"Not necessarily, there must be variables in the back, and other forces will not sit and watch them get scented."

The strongest forces of all major forces are looking at Lingdao. They are waiting for Lingdao’s reply. Longwang hopes that Lingdao agrees with his proposal. He wants to kill Wang and wants him. Tiantongge’s Tongtianjingfeng is naturally expecting Lingdao. Xian Linglong gave it to him. As for other forces, he was praying for the opposition.

"Shen Ling Ling is mine. You don't want to take it away. If you have the ability, you will kill me. Anyway, you have to be Xian Ling, you have to kill one."

Lingdao said faintly, it seems that he did not put his life in his eyes. Anyway, Xian Linglong has already left with the Princess of Wine, even if it is a strong person, it is not capable of catching them again, as long as Xian Ling will not Being robbed, Lingdao naturally has nothing to be nervous about.

"If you want to do it, you will hurry, otherwise I will leave."

The more he is fearless, the more careful the heavenly people are, the more careful they are. On the strength, they are sure to sneak into the Eight Streets, but they are not comparable to the Happy King. Ling Dao does not put them in the eyes. Is it true? Said that the Happy King is not in the vicinity.

"You don't want to bluff. If Ling Xiaoyao is here, I am afraid I have already devoted myself. How can I see you being injured?"

"Yes, which of us is not a battle, will it be scared by you."

Lingdao did not mention Xiaoyao Wang at all. If they are not their own guilty conscience, they will not say such a thing at all. Even people are looking around, fearing that the unprepared king will appear, and the people who are coming to heaven will be the only ones with the highest realm. In the late days of the heavens and human races, even if it was the genius of the late Tianren, it was not sure to defeat the Happy King.

Even the strongest people in the sky are like three-year-old children in front of Xiaoyao Wang. It is conceivable that the strength of Xiaoyao Wang is strong and strong. The five powers in the forefront of the central territory are not willing to provoke happiness. Wang, they are afraid of the Happy King, and they are also reasonable.

"Father, how come you are."

I saw Lingdao looking into the distance, and then it was extremely surprised to say that Xiaoyao Wang had taken Nalanrouer to the heavens. Lingdao was the most clear. However, he said this only to transfer the attention of all the warriors present.

Sure enough, as his voice fell, all the warriors looked at the direction in the direction he was looking at. With this effort, Lingdao directly used the eight steps to chase the stars and left the place at the fastest speed. He had already explored it. It is clear that the position of the Heavenly Sword Jedi is now moving toward the Sword of the Sword.

"Is it coming, is it?"

"It's no wonder that Ling Xiaoyao's daughter is also following Lingdao, presumably their family is nearby."

"It seems that today's things are in trouble. I don't know if all of us can join forces and can compete against Ling Xiaoyao."

"There should be no problem. Ling Xiaoyao can force the Nalan family, but because the Nalan family has a strong heart and soul, they have not joined hands to deal with him."

The Xiaoyao Wang did not really show up, it caused a wave of commotion. Some of them were thinking about how to escape. Some warriors were thinking about how to explain with Xiaoyao Wang. Some warriors were thinking about how to deal with Xiaoyao. Wang, at this time, they have already focused their attention on the unavoidable Wang, and ignored Lingdao.

"No, we were cheated."

Suddenly, there is a man of heaven and humanity exclaimed, he just wants to see if there is a chance to win the Lingdao, and the Happy King is even more powerful. Once he has Lingdao as a hostage, everything will be much easier, just a look. Let him be shocked, Lingdao has fled to the distance.

"What, Ling Xiaoyao did not come."

Some military people said with surprise that the Happy King did not come, it was a good thing for them. At the same time, there were other heavenly strong people who turned around and looked at the direction of Lingdao. Unfortunately, they did not see it at all. Lingdao can only see a trace of the shadow in the distance.

"Budget, this stinky boy has played us all, Ling Xiaoyao did not come."

"Catch, hurry to chase, with the speed of his martial arts, how can we compare with us."

One by one, the strongest people are chasing the past with Lingdao at the fastest speed. Lingdao casts eight steps to chase the stars. The speed is indeed very fast. There are few people in the same world who can catch up with his speed. The thing that comes to chase him is that the heavens are strong, and the realm is too different.

Even if it is the peak of the sky, it can only be hung far away. Their speed is incomparable with that of the heavenly people. It is impossible to imagine that Lingdao is a martial artist who can run so fast. .

"No, they chase too fast, it seems that I have to speed up."


The Kunpeng family is one of the hegemons of the wilderness period. The speed is unparalleled in the world. Whether it is the dragon or the phoenix, it is not as good as the speed of the squad. The speed of Lingdao is very fast. Now, after the transformation of the 鲲鹏, the speed At least it has more than doubled.

"How did Lingdao disappear?"

"Impossible, we have been staring at him, is it that Lingdao has become a Dapeng."

"It shouldn't be the Lingdao, maybe it's the mount that Ling Xiaoyao sent to Lingdao."

"Don't guess, let's hurry, the speed of the Dapeng is too fast."

The same is the strong man of heaven and humanity, the speed is also different. The speed of Lingdao is enough to be equal to the part of the heavenly people. Unfortunately, there are still a few people who are extremely fast. As long as you have a moment, you can To catch up with him, even the rest of the heavenly people are better than him, catching up with him is only a matter of time.

(PS: A little bit out of the situation, the second will be very late, you guys still look at it tomorrow, sorry...)

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