The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 130: Drinking back

Was deceived by Lingdao once. If Lingdao used the same method to deceive the second time, then their brains are really problematic. At this time, a group of heavenly people are standing opposite the Lingdao, and Xiaoyao The king has already appeared behind them.

The reason why Ling Dao was surprised was that Xiaoyao Wang was anxious to take Nalanro to go to heaven. Now it should not be here. Unfortunately, even if he is surprised, those who are strong in heaven think that he is acting, even, the government. The celestial and powerful people of the Ghost Pavilion and Fengyun Pavilion have already attacked Lingdao.

"A big tone, do you want to kill me?"

At this time, the distant King of the Far opened, and Lingdao stunned. I thought it was a dazzling one. He could not hear the voice of the King, let alone the Happy King has stepped toward the field. The road is getting closer.

The voice of Xiaoyao Wang naturally attracted the attention of a group of heavenly and human beings. They did not see Xiaoyao Wang with their own eyes. It does not mean that they did not know the Happy King. Since the Xiaoyao Wang made the whole Nalan family bow their heads, each The great power is to get the portrait of the Happy King. Whether it is the power of the heavens or the strong people of heaven and earth, it is the appearance of the Happy King.

"Ling Xiaoyao."

All the people in the world are frowning. They have threatened to kill Ling Xiaoyao and Lingdao. The face is even more ugly. Lingdao has cheated them once, if they found it in time, I am afraid that Ling The road has already fled, just when they thought that Lingdao once again deceived them, who knows that Ling Xiaoyao really came.

The strong people in the presence of the heavens, even the youngest ones, are much larger than the age of Ling Xiaoyao. But in front of Ling Xiaoyao, they dare not put up a little shelf. They can regard Lingdao as a junior, but not I dare to think of Ling Xiaoyao as a younger generation.

Whether it is the world of swords and gods, or other big worlds, they are all strong and respectable. Ling Xiaoyao’s combat power is stronger than them. When they face Ling Xiaoyao, they naturally have no bottom. However, they represent the major forces. If you just bow your head, it would be too shameful.

When they were deceived by Lingdao for the first time, they had plans to explain with Ling Xiaoyao. Some of them planned to die and refused to pay. Only part of the plan was to fight with Ling Xiaoyao. But now it is different. The previous big words have been said, and now most of them are now. The strong players are all ready to join forces to deal with Ling Xiaoyao.

"Let your son hand over Xian Ling, we can not be held accountable, otherwise we will see the real chapter under the hand."

"I know that it is definitely not your opponent to fight alone. But we have not been able to cope with the strong people in the late days, so you can't cope with it. It's hard to beat the four hands, let alone we have so many people."

"In fact, we don't want to be an enemy of you. Until now, we have not killed the stalker. Otherwise, he must have died in our hands. Your strength is strong, but we can give you face, you have to give Our face, otherwise it will annoy our major forces, I am afraid you have no good fruit to eat."

If a person with a strong natural person is on the king of the liberty, there is really no chance of winning. Even the seven or eight people in the late days will not be the opponents of Xiaoyaowang, but now they plan to shoot more than 30. In the late days of the heavens and the people, as long as they join hands, even if the heavens and the people are strong, they can easily kill.

The peak of the heavens and the human beings is only a little higher than the later period of the heavenly people. A natural person who is in the peak of the martial arts, naturally cannot be the opponent of more than 30 people in the late Tianren period. Even if the Xiaoyao Wang is strong, there must be a limit. After all, his realm is there.

The world of Sword God belongs to the family of the Solitary, and the sword **** has already established rules. As time goes by, the power of the rule has not only weakened, but has become stronger and stronger. Today, the swordsman world is born and raised, and the ultimate realm is the sky. The peak of the human world, if you want to break through to the next big realm, you must go to heaven.

"You can try it with the king."

Xiaoyao Wang stood in the void, and said with a smile, those who are strong in nature are ready to deal with him, but he does not care at all. If even a group of heavenly people can't cope with the late strong, then he has been so white for so many years. It is.

"How can my father appear here, mother?"

There are many questions in Lingdao's heart, but it is not time to ask. Even if there are many people in the field, he has no intention to worry about Xiaoyao Wang. The power of Xiaoyao Wang has exceeded the imagination of other heavenly people. Even if dozens of heavenly people join forces, there will be no chance of winning.

"Try it and try it. I want to see how you fight with so many people."

"You are only a little higher than us. Let's join hands. If you can't beat you, you can't."

The elders of the prefecture and the elders of the Fengyun Pavilion said one after another, even if they are confident in their own strength, they will not be able to single-handedly go to the king. Not only do they join hands, but they also have to be shot at the same time. While they are talking, they are already staring at other heavenly people.

"Everyone, if you want to get Xian Ling, you will get the power now. If you don't want to take a shot at Ling Xiaoyao, wait for us to kill him. Xianling will not have your share. If you dare to fight for Xian Ling, we will These forces will attack and attack."

The elders of the Xuanyin Building said that the elders of the land and the Fengyun Pavilion only hinted that he was a threat. Their purpose was the same, but the method of doing things was different. According to his theory, Xian Lingwei only allowed the King of Xiaoyao. The strong fights of the shots, the dare to **** the shots, are their common enemy.

"act recklessly."

Xiaoyao Wang did not wait for those who are strong in heaven and humanity, but first made a punch, a golden fist shadow, divided into two, divided into four, and divided into eight, respectively, to eight elders After attacking, he did not continue to shoot because he was full of confidence in his own punch.

Even at the same time, he was so confident in the eight strong people in the late days. He was so confident that he did not put those elders in his eyes. He took the lead, although he preemptively, but also gave the eight heavens to the late stage. The opportunity for the strong shot.

The eight strong people who chose him in the late period include the elders of the prefecture, the elders of the Fengyun Pavilion, the elders of the Xuanyin Building, the elders of the ruthless villas, the elders of the Tianzong Emperor, and the Holy The elders of Guangmen, the elders of the Azizong, and the elders of the doorless.

The elders of the prefecture, Fengyun Pavilion, Xuanyin Building, Wushen Villa, Tian Tianzong and Shengguangmen were all shot on Lingdao. The elders of Shengguangmen broke the martial arts of the elders of Tianzong. It’s not for the sake of saving the road. It’s just for taking the Lingdao. The Aya Zong and the infinity elders are secretly provocative. They want the powerful forces of the heavens to join forces to kill the Happy King.

Among them, the elders of the prefecture, Fengyun Pavilion and Xuanyin Building, in the face of the Xiaoyao Wang, threatened to kill him. The attack they encountered was naturally the most fierce. The Xiaoyao Wang only made a punch and let The eight elders looked very dignified and their brows were wrinkled.


The eight elders of the elders did not hesitate, and they showed their own skills. The knives, swords, palms, boxing, and imprints were all different. The different sources of power violently collided in the void. The eight strong people in the late period of the world joined forces, naturally can not be underestimated, but unfortunately, the secluded genie of the Nether Pavilion was seriously injured by the Princess of the Wine Princess, or else they could join hands with them to make their offensive stronger.

In the other days, the strong people in the late days looked at each other and they also had the idea of ​​shooting. However, before they were allowed to use martial arts, they were horrified to discover that the eight masters of the late Tianren’s elite had broken their skills. Can not stop a fist shadow of the Happy King.

"Puff puff"……

Whether it is the elders of the prefecture, or the elders of the Tianzong, or the other six elders, they are all coughing blood. Among them, the elders of the prefecture, Fengyun Pavilion and Xuanyin Building are the worst. Their chests were all smashed, blood and blood, and the other five elders, although they did not have serious injuries, but at least had to recuperate for a month to fully recover.

The other heavenly people who originally wanted to shoot, at this time, all of them are honest, and the strength of Xiaoyao Wang is beyond their expectations. It is just a punch, which hurts eight people. Elders, before they thought they would join hands, there is the possibility of killing the Happy King. Now it seems that it is impossible to defeat the Happy King, let alone kill.

"Give you three time, all go, or kill innocent."

Xiaoyao Wang has his hands on his back and walks toward Lingdao. Those who are strong in heaven can only give way to him honestly. He does not mean to kill them. He just let those who are strong in heaven get out of the way. Hands-on, second, he is just an incarnation.

He had long expected that it was not an easy thing for Lingdao to go to the Tianjian Jedi. Therefore, he left an incarnation in the vicinity, and now it just came in handy. This incarnation can only be shot once. It will not be long before it will disappear.

"Just start from you."

Xiaoyao Wang took a look at the elders of the local government, and surprised the people of heaven and earth. The fists of the previous eight strong players in the late days of the heavens reappeared and gathered together into a boxing shadow. It rushed to the elders of the land.

Even if the elders of the prefectures shunned the elders, they could not escape. They were directly smashed, and the internal organs were blasted. Even if the government’s head came personally, it would not be possible to save the elders of the prefecture. Other days. The strong people in the world are all face-changing, and I didn’t expect the Happy King to be so hot.

"Go, this time I can only recognize it."

"Lie Xiaoyao can't be strong, we still withdraw."

"Shen Ling Ling is important, but my life is more important."

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