The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 133: Red lotus mark

The first time I practiced the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, Lingdao spent a whole two days. Although I have not condensed the red lotus mark, his eyebrows have already taken shape. Once, there is still a bone in his eyebrows. The blood marks, now the embryonic form, are similar to the blood marks at that time.

Even if it is only a short section of the ancient heavenly holy lotus, it is also fascinating to Lingdao cultivation. If it is not because of the tempering of Wang Jian, I am afraid he will continue to practice, even if there is only one prototype, he can feel his own. The cultivation speed is getting faster.

"You have been with me for many times, and naturally you can't just ruin it. Today I will let you regenerate."

After taking out Wang Jian, who was broken into two pieces from the Qiankun ring, Lingdao took all the materials such as phoenix stone, Xuanhai hail, and star sand. He is not a refiner, and naturally does not know how to refine it. Swordsman, fortunately, he cultivated the Great Sky Casting.

The source of the fire is derived from the Yuanyuan source, and then the material of the fire is used to temper the phoenix stone, the Xuanhai hail, the star sand and other materials. Finally, each material is made into a handle with a small sword. Casting a sword is to smelt a handle with a sword.

In addition to the materials of the swords, Lingdao also took out a good sword on the handle. Others may care about the best swords. He doesn't care, as long as he can make his own sword stronger, even if it is It is also worthwhile to sacrifice so many excellent swords.

After a day, Lingdao finally succeeded in casting the new man Wang Jian. The former man Wang Jian was only a sword of the top. Nowadays, Wang Jian is the best sword, and he refines the realm of the peak of the Qiankun. The best swordsmanship, I am afraid that the whole sword **** world can not find a few.

The best swordsmanship already has spirituality. The same is true of Wang Jian, who has just been cast. Lingdao can even feel the excitement of Wang Jian. Of course, possessing spirituality and producing sword spirit, the difference is one hundred thousand and eight thousand miles. It is not a level at all. After the practice of Wang Jian, Ling Dao naturally re-educated the ancient lotus scriptures.

one day later.

"It’s been a bad luck recently. I haven’t met new people for a long time. If I go on like this, our red lotus mark, when can we advance to the orange lotus mark, is it really necessary to continue to cultivate this way?”

"We are practicing while we wait for the rabbits. With our strength, we still don't want to go deeper. The warriors in the eighth floor have a lot of orange lotus marks. If they encounter a Qiankun warrior, they will encounter the same realm." Then we will be finished."

"After we have the orange lotus mark, go to the eighth floor. We will join the three people. Even when we are on the eighth floor, we must have a foothold. Unfortunately, we are not enough. Otherwise, we will kill it directly."

The three people in the early days of the heavens were depressed and discussed. They wandered on the ninth floor. Even if they wanted to refine the red lotus mark of others, they were not geniuses. There was no cross-border triumph over the opponents. Therefore, the ninth floor. For them, it is truly safe.

It’s impossible to enter the Tianjian Jedi, even if it’s a Qiankun warrior, and not many people dare to take risks. In other words, anyone who dares to enter the heavens and the martial arts is definitely a genius, they are three In the early days of the prefecture, there was no ability to play in the swords of the heavens. Even if they joined hands, they must be careful.

"You feel no, the breath of the red lotus mark."

Only when the red lotus mark has just been condensed will it be felt by other people that the three big men in the early days of the sky will sweep away the previous depression and just condense the red lotus mark, indicating that the time is not long, the most important The condensed red lotus mark will reveal the realm of the warrior.

"Only the peak of the Qiankun, haha, it seems that we can get the red lotus mark."

The second child laughed and said that the three brothers joined forces, and the reason why they could continue to grow the red lotus mark is because they have left a thousand martial arts, such as he refining the red lotus mark of a Qiankun warrior. They can also detain the Qiankun martial arts and let him continue to practice. When he re-consolidates the red lotus mark, they can refine.

It is a pity that so far, they have taken five people from the Qiankun martial arts. Among the five, there are four people in the late Qiankun and a peak in the Qiankun. They dare to come in. They are naturally confident in their own strength, if only When encountering a pre-existing power, they can cope with it and even win the battle.

Fortunately, in the early days of the three heavens, they can master a combination of the law. Once they join hands, their strength will increase greatly. In order to win the martial arts, they also spent a lot of effort, and now they have found one. They are extremely excited in the martial arts.

If they have the orange lotus mark, they don’t dare to provoke them. Fortunately, in the distance, the dragons and martial arts are just condensed out of the red lotus mark. Such a great opportunity, they will not miss it.

"When all three of us have condensed the orange lotus mark, we will go to the eighth floor, and then use the current method. Sooner or later we can have the blue lotus mark."

The three brothers glanced at each other, and then they carefully approached the distant martial arts in the distance. Since they were just condensed out of the red lotus mark, the martial arts martial arts fans must be retreating. If they attacked, they must Will succeed.

"The ancient heavens and the holy lotuses are too esoteric. Fortunately, what I got is only a small piece of ancient scriptures. If there is an ancient scripture in the back, I certainly can't comprehend, let alone cultivate."

After condensing the red lotus mark, Lingdao’s mind is again a small piece of ancient scriptures. After he condenses the orange lotus mark, he will get a small piece of ancient scriptures. After that, the lotus mark will be upgraded one by one. At the level, you can get a small section of the ancient scriptures, all of which belong to the ancient heaven and earth.

"In three days, I only condensed the red lotus mark, and it is much more difficult to consolidate the colorful lotus mark."

If the other warriors in Tianjian’s Jedi knew the idea of ​​Lingdao, they would certainly not be able to violently beat him. Normally, the average warrior would have to spend two months to consolidate the red lotus mark. Even a more powerful genius can take more than a month.

It took only three days for Lingdao to condense the red lotus mark. He was still too slow. In the end, it didn’t make people live. What's more, he still wanted to cultivate a colorful lotus mark. How could it be? Success, since ancient times, the genius of entering the Heavenly Sword Jedi is as good as a cow, but several people have condensed the colorful lotus mark.

Perhaps a long time ago, some people have condensed the colorful lotus mark, but in the past ten years, there is absolutely no such warrior. Whether it is Nalaner, or other warriors who have gone out of the sky, they are sure, Lingdao’s thoughts. It’s too naive.

"someone is coming."

Suddenly, Lingdao’s eyebrows picked up and sensed the breath of the three powerful elements in the early days of the heavens. His sense of sensation was too allergic. Even if the three people were very cautious in the early days, they still did not escape his perception. It is also related to his strength. He was born in the early days of power, and now he is really not in his eyes. He has been connected to the peaks of heaven and earth, and he has been able to count on the power of the predecessor.

Lingdao closed his eyes and pretended to have no knowledge of the appearance. The three sneaky sneaky people in the early days of the heavens are definitely not good. He is going to have a look now. What do they do in the early days of the three heavens? With his current combat power, the three talents in the early days of the sky can't turn a big wave in front of him.

"It’s too young, which talent is the genius?"

"Let's make sure that if we are disciples of our own power, then we can't say it to us."

"You have a problem with your brain. Our power can produce such a genius. Look at him. It should be only about 18 years old. If you dare to enter the heavens and the sword, you must have the strength of the previous period. This kind of genius must be Those big forces have cultivated them."

The three great people in the early days of the heavens used the will to pass the sound. They were afraid that the sound would be detected by the Lingdao. Naturally, it was impossible to talk loudly. Unfortunately, they did not know. Now their every move is in the grasp of Lingdao. In the middle, they thought they could sneak into Lingdao, but they didn't know that they were waiting for them.

"Looking at him still practicing, we hurry to start."

The bosses of them slammed forward a hand, and then the other two talents in the early days of the heavens were all heart-warming. This kind of thing, they are not the first time to do it, and naturally they are familiar with the road, even if the opponent is just a teenager in the peak of the world. They are all without a little care.

"Absolutely frozen."

The third child mastered the origin of the ice. The first shot was to freeze the Lingdao. Within 100 meters of the Lingdao, everything was frozen. Even Lingdao was It became an ice sculpture, and the third child sneered, thinking that the attack was successful.

Then, the second child shot, he mastered the origin of the wood, with his hands shot, a root vine extended out, will be frozen into the ice sculpture of the road, tied one after another, each vine, flexible Sex is extremely high, even if it is a sword, it is difficult to cut it.

"Senior, don't move, don't resist, let us refine your red lotus mark. If you cooperate, we can spare you a life, the red lotus mark is gone, you can continue to practice, if the life is gone, That's nothing."

The boss held a sword and came to Lingdao at the fastest speed. Then he put the sword on the neck of Lingdao. Even the three of them couldn’t think of it. The sneak attack turned out to be so smooth.

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