The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 137: Truth exposure


Even though he did not use any martial arts in the late days of the heavens, he punched out his fists and there was a tiger shout in the field. He was born in Baihumen, and he was the elder of Baihumen. The cultivation of nature is the practice of Baihumen. Behind him, it seems that there is a huge white tiger ghost.

"The idea is good, but your strength is not enough."

Corner 7 has already arranged for Lingdao to pass the opponents of the later level of the heavens. If Lingdao continues to disguise as before, he will be defeated. Therefore, he has shown more powerful strength and has not yet shot. His own momentum is It is extremely rare to climb up and to dare to speak with the mighty people who speak in the late days of the heavens.

"The tone is not small, I have to look at it, how is your strength."

Being despised by a junior in the Qiankun dynasty, Bai Humen’s late-in-law’s powerful face was naturally not very good-looking. His double-handed strength suddenly rose sharply. He had 45 powers of flying dragons in the late Tiantian, even a The hill is in front of him, and he will be blasted by him.

"A big handprint."

Just in the late stage of Baihumentong’s talented world, when Lingshan was about to hit Lingdao, Lingdao finally took the shot. Instead of using the sword method, he chose to cover the sky. The big demon said that Lingdao is the younger brother. And pass him a big handprint, Lingdao naturally did not give up this martial arts.

It’s just the first style of Jinxiu Mountain River, it is the endless mystery, whether it is the swordsmanship of the white tiger killing the sword, or the Tianjian style created by Lingdao, it is far less than the first handprint of the big handprint. However, the Tianjian style is made by Lingdao, so he displayed it with great power.

There are many mountains and rivers, and a large river rushes. In the right palm of Lingdao, it seems that there is Wanli Mountain River. Baihumentong has a double fist in the late Tianjing, but it is trapped in the Wanli Mountain River. Unchanged, the right palm is shot, and the Wanli Mountain River is moving forward.


Bai Humen’s late Tiantian screamed, and the double fists seemed to have been smashed. Fresh and bloody, he retired. Unfortunately, Lingdao never let him go. Wanlishan continued to follow up, even he The arms are all wounded.

"Your lotus mark, I want it."

Lingdao’s left hand suddenly slammed into the eyebrows of Bai Hu Men Tong’s late-day power, just for a moment, and Ling Dao was thoroughly refining the lotus seal of Bai Hu Men Tong’s late power, a powerful Tongtian The late power of the situation is so defeated in the hands of Ling Dao.

After refining the yellow lotus imprint, Lingdao opened the white end of the Tianhujing power of Baihumen, nine battles in a row, refining nine yellow lotus imprints, which has changed his orange lotus mark, orange lotus The imprint changed constantly and eventually advanced to the yellow lotus mark.

He is the spiritual stone that has given ten challenges. He can solve the task in nine games. Naturally, there is no need to carry out the tenth challenge. The nine yellow lotus marks are not just concise. They can make him Lotus imprint is advanced, but it is not surprising.

Corner 7 is preparing to kill the limpet in the ninth game. It is because he knows that if Ling Dao wins the ninth game, he may successfully consolidate the yellow lotus mark. Unfortunately, he still underestimated the Lingdao, and thought that Tongtianjing In the later period, the big energy can win over Lingdao. I didn’t expect that even a trick of Lingdao could not stop.

"Little guy, you really made me look at each other. I didn't expect my corner to look away."

When Lingdao walked down the platform, the corner of the corner was coming to Lingdao. He carefully looked at Lingdao and looked at it. He could defeat the talents of the end of the world. It is definitely a genius among the geniuses. If the previous battle was a life-and-death battle, Bai Humen’s late-day power might be a dead body now.

"It is still much better than the care of the predecessors, otherwise I will not condense the yellow lotus mark so quickly."

Lingdao said with a smile, others want to go from the orange lotus mark to the yellow lotus mark, it takes a lot of time, especially the challenge of the arena, it is very likely that there will be an accident, then you can only start from scratch, but Lingdao fell, and it took only half a day to put the orange lotus mark on the yellow lotus mark.

"I don't know if you are interested in continuing to challenge. In any case, with your strength, there are not many warriors who can defeat you on the seventh floor."

Connected to the end of the natural environment is not an enemy of Lingdao, then you can beat Lingdao, I am afraid that only the peak of the heavens and the power of heaven and humanity, but also the genius level of the peak of heaven and earth, The opponents of Lingdao also had the advantage of the lotus mark, but now they are completely gone. The lotus mark of Lingdao’s eyebrows has also turned yellow.

"The good intentions of the predecessors, the younger generation received the heart, but the younger generation still wants to go to the sixth floor."

If you want to advance to the green lotus mark, you need to refine and refine one hundred yellow lotus marks. In this way, the time required is too long. Lingdao can not have so much time delay, if refining green lotus Imprint, only need ten advanced, you can make the lotus mark of Lingdao eyebrows advanced.

"You have to think clearly. The sixth-level warrior is generally better than the seventh. I admit that your talent is very high, but your realm is, after all, too low. It is better to stay in the seventh. Layers not only increase your success rate, but also give you enough combat experience."

Just making a bet with the lotus mark, there is no danger to life, such a good opportunity to fight, many young warriors who enter the heavenly sword, will not miss, but the corner seven do not know, this combat experience for Lingdao, It doesn't have much effect at all. After all, he has memories of past life.

"No, I have my plan. If I can't bravely improve, then I still have a martial art."

Lingdao looks firm, and the intention has been decided. The corner seven naturally does not persuade. Instead of wasting time here and Lingdao, it is better to earn someone else's best spiritual stone. The corner seven has no idea about Lingdao, just right. His best stone has an idea.

After condensing the yellow lotus mark, Lingdao can clearly feel that the speed of absorbing the aura of the heavens and the earth, the strength of the source and the power of the holy lotus is greatly improved. Even his understanding of martial arts is stronger than before. If you follow this speed, it will take too long, and he can break through to heaven.

Qiankunjing and Tongtianjing are the differences of a big realm. The last time the blood was changed, if he forced the suppression of the realm, he would have been a great man of heaven. Now he is practicing by himself and it is a breakthrough for him. Bigger, the more accumulated, the greater the benefits of the breakthrough.

"Shen Linglong and the wine don't know how."

Thinking of this, Lingdao communicated with the Princess of the Wine Princess with the will, and then I got the response from the Princess of the Wine Princess. After a while, the Princess of the Wine and the Fairy Princess appeared in front of Lingdao, the last time The princess suddenly took a strong shot, and later it was weak for a while. Now it is finally restored. After seeing Lingdao is all right, the Princess of Wine and Xian Linglong are relieved.

"The little way, I know that you will not have anything, and the evil will last for thousands of years. The words of your Terran are really justified."

The words of the princess of the wine, let Lingdao could not help but appreciate him a burst of chestnut, Xian Lingzhen is a side to sneer, but unfortunately, Xian Ling is too heavy to create, not only can not be adult, even now even people can not say, Princess of wine Angrily glanced at Lingdao, and then he licked his little head.



After all, the paper can't contain the fire. Since the last time the Xiaoyao Wang appeared and saved the Lingdao, the major forces have launched an investigation into the Xiaoyao Wang. The last Xiaoyao Wang appeared and did not bring Nalaner, their husband and wife for many years. If you don

In addition, the style of the last Xiaoyao Wang was not the same as before. How to look at it was a bit of bluffing. Because the power of Xiaoyao Wang was too strong, those who were strong in the heavens were scared by him. I didn't think much, but later, when they thought about it carefully, they felt that there were a lot of things that were not right.

On the strength, the Xiaoyao Wang can indeed overcome all the heavenly and human powers in the central main territory. However, the degree of control of the central powers by the major forces is far from that of the distant kings. The major forces have searched the central territory. In all places, no trace of the Happy King was found.

The most important thing is that the last time someone saw it far away, the Xiaoyao Wang sent Lingdao to the entrance of the Tianjian Jedi, which turned into a light-filled spot and disappeared into the field. The masters of the major forces guessed that Happy King is a fake, just an incarnation.

"With the strength of the Happy King, will it have already opened up the barriers between the two worlds and went to heaven."

The powerful masters made such speculations, and then the major forces launched the corresponding investigations. In the end, they finally found clues. The happy king once took Nalan soft children and then did not come down. It seems that Xiaoyao Wang must have left the world of Jianshen, no wonder the last time he would bluff.

"No wonder that Lingdao is going to the Sword of the Jedi. If he stays in the central territory of the Central Committee, he will certainly be killed by our major forces."

"The peak of the Qiankun dynasty can kill the power of the heavens and the peaks, and it is enchanting. Fortunately, he can't break through the heavens, or else it will be."

"The Lord believes that it is better to get rid of Lingdao, and what kind of method will Ling Ling teach him to make him break through the heavens."

Since Xiaoyao Wang left the world of Jianshen, then the major forces will naturally not have any taboos. Lingdao is only a genius and voluptuous. The current strength is still far from being seen in front of major forces. Even five The power of the power, send the strong to the Sword of the Jedi, ready to go in and kill the Lingdao.

"The big devil, the butterfly dance, the pretty three knives, those young people, all can kill, since Ling Xiaoyao has left, then he set the rules, naturally do not care, if the heavenly peaks can not kill them, then let the sky Take advantage of the strong people, be sure to kill them."

They even dare to chase after Lingdao. Naturally, they are not afraid of big devils, butterfly dances and pretty three knives. Xiaoyao Wang left the world of Jianshen and did not erase all traces. Lingdao and others want to grow up, they must Experience the temper of blood and fire.

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