The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 166: Change another area.

"Very good. In the future, you will be the mainstay when you open the heavens. After I leave your world, you can do whatever you want. Anyway, I don't care. If someone dares to play with me, I don't mind sending it. You go to hell."

Zheng Zheng looked coldly at the celestial patriarchs and other people. It is obvious that there is only one person who can suppress all the heavenly martial arts of Tianzong. He must know that he is only in the early days of the heavens, and he is bigger than the two. There are three small realms that are too low.

However, the two people on the top of the heavens and the earth are not able to stop even the fingers of the government. Even if they are crowded, they have no confidence in going to the government. Moreover, the government is from heaven, sooner or later. If you want to go back, you will be forgiven for the time being.

In fact, if all the warlords of Tianzong are worried, they will inevitably bring great trouble to the government. After all, the government is not a happy king. If the king is shot, even if all the warriors of the Tianzong team join hands, it cannot be his. opponent.

Only a group of warriors who open Tianzong do not want to take risks. They may be able to defeat the ruling party, but they will certainly die a lot of warriors. If the ruling party escapes, and then specializes in killing Tianzong martial arts, then opening Tianzong will be abolished. .

"Knowing the time is Junjie, you follow me, maybe you can get great benefits in the future. If you can break through the two barriers and reach the heavens, then go to the Daqin Holy Court and report my name, you will be able to get you Great benefit."

The warrior of the world of swords and gods is indeed inferior to the warrior of the heavens. However, any ordinary person who can get through the barriers of the two borders to the heavens is not an ordinary person. Yue Hualong, can not be the same language.

"You continue to be the emperor of the Tianzong and the elders of the elders. Just call me my Highness. You should not be convinced. Opening the Tianzong is only the first five powers I want to conquer. Then I need to conquer other forces. ""

The so-called strong dragon is not a local snake. The young genius from the heavens does have a lot of strong dragons. But there are also a lot of local snakes in the central territory. Now what the government has to do is to accept these local snakes for his use.

There are more than one person who has the same thoughts as Zheng Zheng. Unfortunately, their strength is not strong and they want to use their own strength to conquer a five-product force that can rank in the central territory of the central government. It is difficult to go to heaven. They can only conquer some of the weaker five-powers, such as those who do not have the heavens and swords of the sun.

Many geniuses have been down for a while, and it’s not a minority to break through to the predecessors of the heavenly people. However, it is possible to shock a group of heavenly people with the peaks of the martial arts in the early days of the heavens and the human world. Far from being ordinary genius.

The five powers that can be ranked in the central main territory are not only the heavens and the people, but also the strength of those who are in the natural world. Fortunately, there are already young geniuses who have broken through to the middle of the world. They still have I hope to conquer the five forces that have the heavens and the people to sit in the town.

The days of the big demon and the butterfly dance are not good, and more and more warriors are chasing them. All major forces dare to send the heavenly martial arts to chase the trajectory. Naturally, they will not let go of the big demon and the butterfly dance, even if they Both the Great Devil and the Butterfly Dance are already through the heavens and the warriors. In the face of wave after wave of heaven and earth, they can't resist.

Fortunately, their origins are not simple, even if they are not, there are ways to escape. It can be said that they have been growing up in the pursuit of killing, waiting for their realm is sufficient, and even possible to chase their warriors, all to kill.

The three knives and Cao Tian are even worse. Although they both have inheritance, they are a lot worse than the big devil and the butterfly dance. They fought **** battles, despite the dangers and dangers of escaping chasing again and again. Killed, but eventually it was caught.

At the beginning of the battle of the Kings, Ling Dao, Da De Shen, Butterfly Dance, Cao Tian and Man San were successfully sealed, but they were all not from the five powers. Even if other forces let them worship, they did not agree.

The heavenly martial arts of the local government caught three knives and held up three knives. They investigated three knives and knew that the relationship between the three knives and the lingdao was good. Even if the swords of the martial arts were lost, as long as there were three knives. In the hand, they are likely to catch the Lingdao.

Cao Tian’s luck is better than that of the three-knife. Although he was seriously injured, he was not caught by the five forces. Fortunately, he is a physical repairer, and his physical body is very resilient. Otherwise, he may be A body.



"It’s ridiculous to rely on you and want to catch me."

On the fourth floor of the battlefield, on the platform of the second area, Lingdao looked down on those who were in heaven and cold. Up to now, there have been four heavenly warriors on the scene, and they competed with him in the flesh, but unfortunately, all defeated. In front of him, and he refining the lotus mark.

The latter warrior, the physical strength of the body must be more than the previous one, especially the fourth person in the late stage of the heavenly people, the physical strength is terrible, if Lingdao can be transformed into a real dragon, it is really not necessarily to win .

Those who stand in the distance are all incomparably ugly, the first area competes with speed, they lose, and now the second area competes with the flesh, they are defeated again, they can’t think of it, Lingdao has a day. In the early stage of the sword repair, the body can actually be strong to that extent.

No matter which Tianren martial art person, there is no meaning to play on the court. Even if the scalp is hard to challenge Lingdao, the result is probably the same as the previous four heavenly martial artists. First, it was refining the lotus mark by Lingdao, and then being Corner four rushed out of the arena.

"Since you don't plan to continue challenging him, then I will arrange for him."

It’s just half a day’s time. From the group of heavenly people, the corner is earning more than 400,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone. The mood is naturally excellent. Now he looks at the Lingdao, but he feels that the more he sees By the way, this kid is really a cash cow, and it is still very profitable.

Corner 4 and Lingdao have long been secretly discussed. As long as Lingdao can win those four matches, then the corner will arrange for the four martial arts who have the blue lotus mark to be physically and not tyrannical.

Of course, the body that the four corners are looking for is not a tyrannical warrior. It is only relatively speaking that the warriors who dare to stand in the second area to compete with the flesh are extremely confident in their physical strength. Unfortunately, the physical strength of Lingdao It has been tempered into a terrible situation.

If the corner four deliberately finds Lingdao trouble, it can choose the opponent who has the ability to defeat Lingdao. In the second area, there are several martial arts-level martial arts at the peak level. The physical strength is even higher than Lingdao, but Lingdao Corner 4 makes money, and the corner four will not harm him.

"You don't have to be discouraged. If you are willing to pay enough elite stone, I can still let him go to other areas. You think about it. He is only a pre-existing warrior. How can he beat you in all respects."

Speed ​​and flesh, he is more than you, just because his practice of cultivation is special, you have also seen it, he can not only be transformed into Dapeng, but also can be transformed into a real dragon, Dapeng is known for speed, the real dragon is the flesh dominate.

But if you are more than others, he will lose. You think about it. Although he uses more than one source, he has too much mastery. Each one is only the second level. Most of you have mastered it. The fourth level of the source of power, how could he win you.

Let's talk about the will, he is a warrior in front of the heavens, competing with the will, is not your opponent at all, if he dares to go to the seventh area and fight against you, I am afraid he will not know how to die. ”

Taking advantage of the martial arts of Ling Dao and other warriors in the ring, Corner 4 constantly confuses a group of heavenly people with extremely slow speech speed. As a pre-existing warrior, Ling Dao can be both physical and speed. It is a miracle to overcome the warriors in the late days.

To say that Lingdao can outperform the late warriors in all aspects, don't say that the corner does not believe, and none of those who are in heaven and earth will believe that in order to win the Lingdao, they can only agree to the proposal of the fourth.

"I have already changed him to the area before, and let him change it. I really can't say it. After all, he gave me 10,000 pieces of the best stone to honor me. Now I am pitting him. I can't go to the conscience. So, you guys. Give me 100,000 pieces of the best stone, I will be shameless again."

If it weren’t for the strength of the corner four, the group of heavenly warriors might have rushed over and dumped him eight times. On the corner of the four, there is a conscience. What is shameless once again, you have been shameless many times. Let's go.

However, in other areas, they have the full grasp of the victory over the Lingdao, they can only bite their teeth to agree to the corner four, the speed can get rid of the gap between the realm, the flesh can also surpass the warrior higher than their own realm, but other aspects will not work.

Competition source, Lingdao will be undoubtedly defeated, willing to fight, Lingdao will be defeated, competition, Lingdao will be undoubtedly defeated, competition power, Lingdao will be defeated, even if Lingdao has broken the power limit of the peak of the world. It is impossible to compete with the military in the late days of the heavens. It is impossible to have a half chance of winning.

In the end, under some bargaining, they took out 80,000 pieces of the best Lingshi, and the corner four agreed to let Lingdao change the area. However, the corner four did not immediately open, but waited for the Lingdao to win the four. After the warrior of the lotus mark, he screamed Lingdao.

"The second area is in a tight position. You still have to change another area. Anyway, there are five areas. You can choose one, don't follow me, or I will abolish you now."

The hegemony of the corner four, unveiled undoubtedly, but the people of heaven and earth are very happy. They finally have the opportunity to defeat Lingdao, and they are forced to this level by a pre-existing warrior. It is also the first of their centuries. Suffered.

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