The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 176: Punch a fist

At the beginning, Ling Dao heard that the Emperor of the Sword of Heaven had mentioned that the Epee Gate had once had a genius, but later he left the Epee Gate. Ling Dao never put this matter in his heart. I did not expect it now. He actually met the genius.

Eight forces from the Erawan Gate can still achieve today's achievements. Zhong Taiyue is definitely not simple. In the late days of the heavens, even in the five powers, the status is extremely high, even if it is one of the big Luo The seven cases, Zhong Taiyue is also an elder.

"That will be said after an hour."

If there is no nine-turn dragon strength, Lingdao will lose no doubt. His power is only one hundred and thirty dragons. It is impossible to compare with the strength of the five hundred dragons of Zhong Taiyue. He must at least turn the nine dragons into dragons. After cultivating to the fourth turn, he can have the power of 520 dragons and surpass Zhong Taiyue in one fell swoop.

However, Zhong Taiyue will also practice the nine-turn dragon strength, even if he only cultivated to the second turn, the power doubled, you can also burst the road. To be honest, Ling Dao and Zhong Taiyue compete for strength, there is really no chance of winning.

Even the other warriors in the third region are not optimistic about the ridge. The difference between the early days of the Tongtian and the late days of the heavens is too great. Even if the qualifications of Lingdao are higher, there is no effect. It's really hard to make up.

"Install, you will continue to install it. After an hour, it is useless to ask for mercy."

Ling Dao’s performance is too calm, so Zhong Taiyue decided that he was installed. After all, Zhong Taiyue thought that Lingdao had only nine dragons. Now Lingdao’s heart should be full of despair.

It is precisely because Zhong Taiyue is too conceited that he did not seriously understand the nine-turning dragon strength. Anyway, he is stable and wins, there is no need to practice, and the martial arts such as Jiulong Longjin is not an achievement at an hour.

Even if Zhong Taiyue seriously enlightened, after an hour, I am afraid that even the second turn of the nine-turn dragon can not be practiced, but it is no problem to practice the first turn, then add two or three hundred dragons at random. Force, it is not Lingdao can compete.

Compared with the understanding, Zhong Taiyue is naturally inferior to Lingdao, but even Lingdao, an hour, at most, will cultivate to the third turn. At that time, the power of Lingdao is still less than 500 dragons. It must be defeated.

Different from the previous test, if you lose to Zhong Taiyue, then it is not only the end of the refining of the lotus mark, but also the death of Zhong Taiyue. He destroyed the Epee Gate, and it is impossible for Zhong Taiyue to give him a living.

Between life and death, the most able to stimulate the potential of the military, even Lingdao himself did not notice, his pair of black pupils, slowly turned into gold, the supreme gold 瞳 quietly opened, even if not fully stimulated, can also let Lingdao’s understanding has been several times better.

"Time is up, next year is your jealous day."

An hour of time is too short for Ling Dao, but it is too long for Zhong Taiyue. Zhong Taiyue’s mind is not on the nine-turn dragon, but on Ling Dao’s body, Zhong Taiyue has been waiting for the end of time. Then kill the ridge and avenge those who died in the Epee Gate.

"How do I feel that you will die?"

Awakening from the state of cultivation, Ling Dao is a great increase in confidence. Even he himself did not think that he could practice the nine-turned dragon to the current level. Originally, he had no hope of victory. Now it is Have the power of a battle.

"The tone is quite big, I don't know if you can pick me up."

Zhong Taiyue cultivated Da Luozong's character practice, but unfortunately it can't be used now. He can only run the ancient heaven and earth, and then swings his fists and hits Lingdao. The third area competes with strength. He naturally cannot perform other martial arts.

The power of five hundred dragons is definitely a real nightmare for the Heavenly Warrior. The limit of the Heavenly Warrior is the power of the ninety-nine dragons. It seems that Zhong Taiyue has seen that Ling Dao has been hitting him with hemoptysis. Look, his face is always filled with a triumphant smile.

"Well, my strength has broken through."

Nine-turning dragons and cockroaches only increased the power of the martial arts in an instant, but Lingdao’s surprise found that his strength has greatly improved. After breaking through the pre-existing period, his power improvement is not great, because it is not completely digested. The energy gained from the wild world.

After the breakthrough, Lingdao experienced a field test, and later passed through the squad. He did not have time to retreat and consolidate. Until now, he completely digested the energy, so the power has skyrocketed. Now he has two hundred. The power of the dragon.

When he saw Zhong Taiyue’s double fists, he couldn’t help but punch the same punch. He didn’t use the nine-turn dragon, just wanted to see how big the gap between himself and Zhong Taiyue was, and the strength of two hundred dragons. And the power of five hundred dragons is naturally incomparable.

Lingdao only felt the pain of the double fists, even the two arms were numb, and his body was retreating again and again. As a result, in his expectation, after all, his realm is too low, and now his power It has already surpassed the limits of the Heavenly Warrior.

"I didn't expect your understanding to be so good. You won't be able to practice the nine-turn dragon."

Zhong Taiyue said with great surprise that although he had an absolute advantage in the confrontation with Ling Dao, however, the power of Ling Dao is definitely more than one hundred dragons. Ling Dao is only a pre-existing warrior. Strong, there are more than a dozen or so dozens of dragons have been good.

Only when he really played against him did he understand that the power of Lingdao had almost two hundred dragons. In his view, Lingdao must have cultivated the nine-turn dragon to the eighth turn, even the ninth turn. Otherwise, Lingdao cannot have the power of two hundred dragons.

Even the other warriors in the third region couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. They naturally knew the realm of Lingdao. The power previously demonstrated by Lingdao was too amazing and difficult. Lingdao really The ninth turn of the dragon will be cultivated to the ninth turn.

"I don't believe that it is impossible to have such a genius in the world. It is absolutely impossible."

"One hour will turn the dragon into a ninth turn, and it is impossible. I must have an illusion."

Not to mention those who do not believe in the military, even the third angle is completely unbelievable. Lingdao certainly does not practice the nine-turn dragon strength to the ninth turn, probably because he has other means, can it be in a short time, Enhance the power of the drug.

"Even if your understanding is higher, today is also a dead end."

Zhong Taiyue screamed, and then he slammed again to Lingdao. At the time, he only played at most. Now he has been serious, and he has even used the nine-turn dragon, even though his nine-turn dragon is only cultivated. The first turn, but also increased from the power of five hundred dragons to the power of six hundred and fifty dragons.

The martial arts of the nine-turning dragons and dragons only increase the explosive power of the warriors. Even so, the nine-turn dragons can not be used frequently. Like Zhong Taiyue, this cultivation is the first turn, and it is used five or six times in a short time. It can't be used anymore.

And like Lingdao, the nine-turn dragons will be trained to the sixth turn. In a short period of time, they can only be used once. That is to say, if Lingdao cannot kill Zhong Taiyue by punch, then the loss is likely to remain. It's him.

The power of Lingdao itself is only two hundred dragons. In a short period of time, it broke out six times the original strength. The physical load on him is too big. If it is not his physical body, I am afraid that it will be cast once, and the body will be cracked. If you hurt someone else, I am afraid that you will turn yourself back. Even if the body is weak again, it is impossible to display a nine-turn dragon.

"Do not talk nonsense, who is dead and who is born, a fist to see sharing."

Zhong Taiyue wants to punch Lingdao, and Lingdao also wants to kill Zhong Taiyue by punch. Therefore, both of them did not keep their hands, and they broke out their strongest strength and hit each other. Zhong Taiyue wants to kill. Lingdao, Lingdao naturally will not be soft, if you leave the third floor of the arena, Lingdao is not the opponent of Zhong Taiyue.

"It's a pity that such a genius boy will die here."

"You can't blame others. You can only blame him for being too arrogant. In the early days of the district, he dared to come to the third floor."

"ang" "ang"

At the time of discussion by other warriors, there were two sounds of dragons in the field. Lingdao’s fists were swung out, and the two arms were like two dragons. They rushed straight ahead at an incredibly fast speed. His speed was too fast, his fists. The friction with the air gives a sound similar to a dragon.

The turn of the Nine Dragons is the sixth turn. It is enough to expand the power of the Lingdao by six times. The original Lingdao has only two hundred dragons. Even the strength of Zhong Taiyue is not half, but now, his fists carry one. The power of more than two hundred dragons slammed into the chest of Zhong Taiyue.

Lingdao did not attack with Zhong Taiyue, because in that case, at most, Zhong Taiyue’s double fists were abolished. Even, it was possible that only Zhong Taiyue’s hands were injured and he could not kill Zhong Taiyue.

In the twinkling of an eye, Lingdao made a decision to change his life. The power of 650 dragons hit Lingdao’s body, and he killed him at most. At most, he was wounded, but one More than a thousand of the dragon's power hit the body of Zhong Taiyue, absolutely can have the life of Zhong Taiyue.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

Zhong Taiyue thought that Lingdao wanted to cause him some harm before he died, so he didn't care at all. The power of two hundred dragons did not cause much damage to him. Within the acceptable range, however, when he touched When he went to Lingdao’s double boxing, he knew that he was wrong, and he was very wrong. Unfortunately, everything was already late.

The warriors who watched Lingdao and Zhong Taiyue were sluggish. The result is not the same as what they imagined. It is even the opposite. Why is it not Lingdao, but Zhong Taiyue, the book is from the 17K novel network. The first time to see the genuine content!

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