The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 197: Let's go together.

The sixth will has been able to turn the arrow feathers at a critical moment. Once the arrow is shot, the speed is extremely fast, not to mention that Wen Wenhao is a warrior in front of the heavens. It is difficult for him to resist the arrow. Suddenly turning, it is even more likely to put the enemy to death.

Yan Wenhao did not intend to make Lingdao die so happy. According to his plan, two arrows feathered to avoid Lingdao's Wang Jian, and then stabbed Lingdao's body, huge strength, enough to make Lingdao body down. Fly out and then nail it to the back of the boulder.

"Tianjian style."

The same sword method was once again displayed by Lingdao, but it has a new change. The Tianjian style is just a sword method created by Lingdao. There is no fixed sword trick. He extracts the essence from a sword. And then created the Tianjian style, and still can absorb the strengths of other swordsmanship.

"I already knew that you would be like this."

In the distance, Yan Wenhao, a smile on his face, at this time, the two arrows he shot, all changed direction. Lingdao’s Wang Jian, originally could have an arrow feather, plus His body is traversing and he can hide another arrow feather.

Even other celestial warriors have to marvel at the speed of Lingdao's reaction. In a short time, Lingdao can not only accurately grasp the movement track of an arrow feather, but also avoid another attack of an arrow feather. , change to them, do not necessarily do better than Lingdao.

Unfortunately, they all know that Yan Wenhao's archery is not so simple. Sure enough, as they imagined, the two arrows suddenly turn to the arrow feathers in Lingdao, bypassing the man Wang Jian, The previous speed, stabbed into the body of Lingdao.

Another arrow feather is the same direction. It would have been shot. Now it is straight to the thigh of Lingdao. The front arrow is stabbed in the shoulder of the road, making Lingdao figure backwards. This arrow feather was connected and did not enter the thigh of Lingdao.

"With a good calculation, he not only changed the movement of the two arrows, but also the reaction of the kid."

"I don't think it's a genius from the heavenly bow. The archery is amazing. It's just two arrows. It is a heavy blow to the opponent and the opponent loses its strength."

The amazement of other Heavenly Warriors made the smile on Yan Wenhao's face more and more proud, but he still had to show a careless attitude. After all, he defeated only a lower-level indigenous, not to mention, Lingdao was younger than him. The realm is also lower than him.

"No, why is there no blood."

Suddenly, Yan Wenhao’s heart was a warning, because the two arrows were all stabbed in the body of Lingdao, but there was no drop of blood. He was originally underestimated, and with confidence in the previous two arrows, he was very careless. Did not carefully observe the situation of Lingdao.

At the previous moment, Ling Dao displayed the spirit of Qinglian, instead of being killed by himself. In fact, even if the two arrows are changing direction, he has a way to cope. Just playing this way, he will always be passive. Now he uses Qinglian spirit. Let Yu Wenhao numb, and then he came to Yan Wenhao as fast as he could.

The distance of 500 meters, for Lingdao, is instantaneous. If Qi Wenhao is not careful, if Wen Wenhao is always vigilant, if Yan Wenhao is prepared, he will not let Lingdao be so close, now Even if Wen Wenhao feels a sense of heart, it is too late.

Ren Wang Jian is like a life-threatening slashing knife, and he squats to Qi Wenhao. Under the last resort, Yan Wenhao only has to hold a golden bow. He is in the same battle with Lingdao. Archery can not only shoot arrows, but also use big bows. Do melee weapons.

"Nine turns into dragons."

Seeing that Wen Wenhao intends to use his golden bow to resist his own Wang Jian, Ling Dao did not hesitate to display a nine-turn dragon strength. In the blink of an eye, the power of 1,800 dragons broke out, and it was terrible. After all, Qi Wenhao in the early days of the heavenly people is also the power of two hundred dragons.

Lingdao’s grasp of the fighters is naturally not comparable to that of Wen Wenhao. Qi Wenhao was originally planning to fight with Lingdao first, then use the power of Lingdao to retreat, open the distance from Lingdao, and then continue to shoot arrows. Defeat Lingdao, Yan Wenhao's idea is good, but unfortunately there is no way to achieve it.


Only when the real and Lingdao hard hit, Yan Wenhao can know the physical strength of Lingdao. In the end, he looks like a strong tyranny. He holds the left arm of the golden bow and trembles constantly. The red blood is like a spring, and it is constantly dripping on the ground. His left half of his body seems to have lost consciousness.

Lingdao’s sword is not so much awkward, it’s better to say that it’s awkward. After all, his power is violently messed up, and Qi Wenhao’s mouth is bleeding, his feet have fallen into the ground, the tyrannical power, along the golden bow. Passed into his body, causing him to suffer extremely serious internal injuries.

"Since it is defeated, it will pay the price."

The geniuses from heaven have cards, and Lingdao will not force them too much. Even if Qi Wenhao wants to reinvent him and take him down, he only refines the purple lotus mark of Yan Wenhao, without the purple lotus mark. Wen Hao can only leave here.

"I have written down this time."

Even if Qi Wenhao couldn't accept it anymore, the reality was so cruel. He looked at Lingdao deeply, and then he left the first level slowly. He didn't have a purple lotus mark, and he wouldn't be a Lingdao opponent. To take revenge, he can only raise the realm again.

"You are really a lower-armed warrior, and only in the middle of the sky."

A former warrior from the heavens was shocked and asked. Yan Wenhao was three times higher than Lingdao. However, Yan Wenhao not only failed to defeat Lingdao, but was injured by Lingdao. Even if Lingdao came from heaven, It is also a top genius, not to mention that Lingdao is only a lower martial art, and that ridge is much more enchanting.

"Why, you want to do it with me too."

The young genius from the heavens is not invincible. It is not the sword repair in the early days of every human being. It is as powerful as Qianhui. It is not the martial arts in the early days of every human being. It is as powerful as the government. It is only heaven. The ordinary genius of the big forces, in the Jedi Jedi, is not necessarily the opponent of Lingdao.

After all, Lingdao has half of the body running the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, and Yuanyuan origin can also derive the source of Shenglian, which leads him to be more powerful in the Tianjian Jedi. If he is in the central territory, Lingdao wants to defeat it. Wen Hao, absolutely not so easy.

"Small age, the fire is not so big, I am just curious."

The former martial artist who had previously asked the question said that there was no meaning with Lingdao. As long as others did not find trouble, Lingdao was naturally too lazy to start. Since it has already been seen, there is no need to hide it. Nodded.

Originally, he had lied and said that he was a warrior in the late days of the heavens. Unfortunately, his will exposed his own realm. Fortunately, now he does not need to lie about the realm. He has shown enough tyrannical strength, those young warriors from heaven. He has been recognized.

The first and Lingdao hands-on tactics of the peaks of the martial arts, even if they lost to Lingdao, the young geniuses of other heavens, will not face Lingdao, but Qi Wenhao is not the same, he is a real person in front of the heavens, Lingdao Lian Wen Hao can easily defeat, and other people in the early days of the war against the Lingdao, really not sure.

If Lingdao is good to deal with, they naturally don't mind the shots of Lingdao. However, after Lingdao has shown enough strength, even if they have ideas about Lingdao, it is impossible to kill the Lingdao now, because one is not good. They are very likely to lose their purple lotus mark.

Ling Dao and the two young geniuses of Heaven’s genius fight, the former warriors of the heavenly and the savage wars of the former and the singular wars have left the first level. It is not that the former warriors defeated the poor, but the strange Let him go.

Tianjian has a problem with the Jedi, not only concise the purple lotus imprint, but also the four levels to the first level of the four levels, the difficulty is greatly reduced, before the victory of the four beasts can go to the first floor, if it fails Either you are eaten or you are lucky enough to escape.

But now, as long as it can support a period of time in front of the poor, the singularity will be released, and the four beasts are all condensed by the source of the holy lotus. All they do is naturally related to the heavenly sword, such as today’s sword. Broken, the four big beasts will naturally not be difficult warriors.

"Don't delay time, let's go together."

The strange voice sounded in the ears of every warrior, Lingdao naturally heard it, and the sacredness of Shenglian’s origin was like a living thing. It can actually speak, in order to further reduce the difficulty, the poorness Let more than 20 warriors present at the scene join forces.

Don't look at the singularity, only the peak of the heavens and the human beings. If it breaks out all the fighting power, all the warriors present in the battle will not be their opponents. It is a concise source of the holy lotus, and it can mobilize the source of the holy lotus. The power of the Holy Lotus is not comparable to that of other warriors.

"Go together."

In front of Lingdao, there were originally twenty-three warriors. Now he is defeated by two, and there are still twenty, and with Lingdao, it is just twenty-two warriors, and a warrior is fighting. It is also necessary to suppress the strength and join forces with twenty-two warriors, but it can be a painful battle.

"Yes, if you can win me, you can go to the next level. If you lose, then it will be my belly food."

Although the four beasts are only condensed by the source of the Holy Lotus, but after so many years, they have slowly produced the ingenuity. The poor is the beast. Even if you know that you need to reduce the difficulty, it is still fierce. 22 A warrior joins hands, and if it is eaten by it again, it can only be said to be alive. After all, the warrior who can condense the purple lotus mark will not be bad.

"Slow, plus me."

In the distance, someone hurriedly shouted, and then there was a figure rushing over, because the voice was familiar, so Lingdao could not help but look at the past.

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