The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 199: Inexhaustible reproduction

The singularity is the ontology, the twenty-three incarnations are human figures, and all are sword repairs. The avatar strength is definitely not as good as the body, but the victory is in a large number. Every warrior corresponds to an incarnation. no problem.

"If it is the ontology, I may not be able to deal with it. It is just an incarnation, a piece of cake."

The flashing hands were shot, and the Shura Tianbei reappeared. He slammed into the red robe sword repairing in front of him. It was full of substantial murderousness. In an instant, it was the body of the red robe sword repaired, even if the red robe sword repaired. If you want to reunite your body, you can't do it at all.

"The source of the holy lotus, I just can refine."

Lingdao did not hesitate to display the nine-turn dragon strength, and then broke the body of the red robe sword repair, the red robe sword repair can condense the body, but it takes time, Lingdao just took advantage of this time, will those holy lotus source The red robe sword repair was slowly wiped out and refining.

Other warriors are also showing their own means. They are either from the big forces in heaven or the old monsters in the central territory. Naturally, there are ways to deal with the red robe sword repair. The poor body is difficult to deal with, but the avatar is easy to solve.

Under the last resort, the only ones have to do it themselves. The odd and the twenty-three warriors have fought together. It is only the confrontation of the source. It is enough to break the void. The sword is self-contained and the space is more than the central main territory. To be fragile, the singularity itself is the martial art of the heavenly people. Every attack is enough to make the emptiness tremble.

The land under their feet has long been turned into a scorched earth. The buildings around them have already turned into ruins. Whether it is a strange or a warrior, the more they fight, the faster they fight, and the more they fight. I am happy to stop.

"Okay, you all go to the next level, don't fight."

The previous war, which lasted for an hour, was naturally injured by the military. Fortunately, there was no case of death. Lingdao and Flash were unharmed, and the strength of the flash was strong. Lingdao had the lotus leaf, if Ling The road takes out the holy lotus leaf, and the singularity will definitely be released directly. Even if he does not take out the holy lotus leaf, the singularity will not kill him.

For example, today, the sword is about to be broken, and the sacred lotus is condensed. The induction of the lotus leaf is more acute than before. Although it is not known, there is a holy lotus leaf on the lingdao, but he will also be a stalker. Passionate.

Shortly after Lingdao and others left, Qian Hui, Jing Wen and many other warriors who had purple lotus marks were also rushed over. Even Jin Wusheng and Lin Ritian, even Qianyu, condensed purple. The lotus imprint, the power of the holy lotus in the heavenly swords of the heavens and the earth is becoming more and more intense, and it is more and more simple to consolidate the lotus imprint.

What Lingdao did not think was that 梼杌, 饕餮 and chaos all took the same approach as the singularity. When Lingdao and others rushed to the second level, they directly let them take the shot together. The same is true, the chaos of the fourth level is still the same.

However, chaos, jealousy, jealousy and singularity, the strength is stronger than one. Lingdao, they joined forces to fight the world, and all the customs clearance, only injured, no death, but when the war is over, there are two people who pass through the heavens Was torn.

It’s even better than 梼杌, so when they arrived, there were nine warriors in the field. They used to have twenty-three martial artists. After the death of two martial artists, only two Eleven people, now with the nine warriors, just happened to make up 30.

They joined forces to fight each other. As a result, they were swallowed up by six people who had passed through the heavens and the peaks. They only managed to clear the customs. The chaos of the fourth level was stronger. The third level was eaten by six people, and there were still twenty-four. However, with the chaos, a full eight dead, they succeeded.

The Tianjian League ally let the four murderous beasts reduce the difficulty, and still kill so many warriors. If it is the same as the original difficulty, it will be good to have a small number of people squatting in the past. Fortunately, Lingdao and Flash are not hurt. The strength of the two, even among the remaining 16 fighters, can be counted in the forefront.

As long as you pass through the four levels of poverty, envy, jealousy and chaos, you can reach the first floor. The sword is a total of nine layers. The more you lean on the inside, the stronger the power of the Holy Lotus, the denser the source of the Holy Lotus, such as Lingdao runs the ancient heavens and the holy lotus, and then uses the martial arts practiced in the Tianjian Jedi, which is definitely better on the first floor than on the ninth floor.

There is no corner field on the first floor. There is only one giant square. When Lingdao and others rushed to the first floor, there are already hundreds of warriors in the first floor. They can reach the first floor. They all have purple. The lotus mark, that is to say, even if Lingdao has a purple lotus mark, and they do it, it is not cheap.

In the past, even if the owners of all the purple lotus marks in the Jedi Jedi are brought together, there are not many warriors who have the purple lotus mark on the first floor. Even if the purple lotus mark is concise now, it is much simpler than before. The warriors who arrive at the first level will not be weak.

"Lingdao, I didn't expect you to appear here, I can finally take revenge."

A tall man walked over to Lingdao. His eyes were full of hate. If he had a deep hatred, he would naturally not. If he was not rescued by his master, I am afraid. He is already dead under the sword of Lingdao.

Nowadays, he is already a warrior in the middle of the world. He is a whole higher level than Lingdao. The hatred of the year can now be reported. He is not someone else. It is the great prince of the Dala Dynasty. Luo Yong 2 fierce.

Lingdao destroyed the Dala Dynasty and changed it to the Daling Dynasty. When he was dealing with Luo Wei, Luo Wei awakened the magical Taoist ancestors, Tianyangzi and Xiaoyaozi rushed to the scene, and Xiaoyaozi saw Luo Yongmeng’s special physique. Therefore, Luo Yongmeng was accepted as a disciple.

At that time, Luo Yongmeng was not an actor in Lingdao. Fortunately, Xiaoyao took him away. Tianyangzi hated evil, and the apprentices looked more at heart. He couldn’t take Luo Yongmeng as a disciple, but Xiaoyaozi was different. He saw Luo Yongmeng’s special After the physique, I realized that as long as I cultivated well, Luo Yongmeng will surely shine in the future.

Xiaoyao has no intention of cultivating step by step. Luo Yongmeng has many achievements in the future. He is too lazy to manage. What he has to do is to let Luo Yongmeng rise to heaven and earth in just one or two years, Luo Yongmeng will grow up later. In what realm, Xiaoyao will not consider it, as long as Luo Yongmeng can become a strong person in a short time.

From Lingdao’s defeat of the Dala Dynasty to the present, in less than two years, Luo Yongmeng has become a medium-term warrior in the heavenly world, which is higher than the Lingdao realm. If there is no Xiaoyaozi, Luo Yongmeng is certainly not as powerful as it is now. Today, Luo Yongmeng is not an ordinary person in the middle of the world, but he can't consolidate the purple lotus mark.

"It's you."

Lingdao brows a pick, once again met Luo Yongmeng, it really surprised him, he worked hard to raise the realm to the middle of the sky, but Luo Yongmeng is already a middle-time warrior, and Luo Yongmeng is congenital, strength Certainly not bad.

"Yes, it is me, killing the Father's revenge, not wearing the sky, today I will marry you under the sword."

Luo Yongmeng’s words attracted the attention of one warrior and another, and the first time he arrived at Tianjian’s Jedi, it was naturally for the true inheritance of the ancient heaven and earth. If there were contradictions, they would not be here to avoid being taken by others. .

"Your father is obviously a cow-killer. What do you mean by revenge for me?

The blood sacrifice of the Lord of the Dala Dynasty, awakening the magical Taoist, and then ordering the magic heaven master to kill the Lingdao. Unfortunately, Luo’s attitude aroused the resentment of the magic heaven master. The magic heaven master did not even think about it. Killed, Lingdao is trying to kill Luo Wei, after all, Luo Wei is the mastermind of the Xiaoyao Wangfu, but unfortunately, he has not yet started, Luo Hao is already dead.

No matter whether it is Lingdao or Luo Yongmeng, they have not noticed that there is a warrior in the distance. They secretly observe the two of them. Luo Yongmeng’s thought is to revenge. Lingdao is always vigilant. Maybe in the first layer, There are other warriors who want to kill him.

"Less **** and arguing, I am killing you."

It’s just an excuse for Luo Yongmeng’s death. He’s not in his heart. He wants to kill Lingdao because he almost died in Lingdao’s hand. He is not revenge for Luo. But to avenge themselves.

Xiaoyaozi is actually the lord of Wuleizong. Today, Luo Yongmeng is a pro-disciple of Xiaoyaozi. He is extremely high in Wuleizong. Unfortunately, no matter how pretentious Luo Yongmeng is, he will never forget that there was a teenager who almost Kill him, the boy is the trajectory in front of him.

Originally, the main lord of Wu Leizong was Tianyangzi. Unfortunately, Xiaoyao used the mean means to **** the great position of the lord. Originally he wanted to get rid of Tianyangzi. Unfortunately, Tianyangzi is now the peak of heaven and earth. Warrior, he can only let Tianyangzi be an elder.

In the five Leizong, there are still some warriors supporting Tianyangzi. Even if Xiaoyao is the sovereign, it is not an easy task to get rid of Tianyangzi, unless Xiaoyao has enough strength to kill alone. Tianyangzi, otherwise he is too lazy to start with Tianyangzi.

"I have waited for this day, I have been waiting for a long time. I thought I would see you again. It would be a very challenging thing to kill you. Unfortunately, I didn’t expect you to be in the middle of the world. Fabi, it’s really disappointing.

But you can rest assured that I will not let you die so much. If you don't plead for mercy, then I will torture you. If you know the affairs, you are begging for mercy at my feet. If you are sincere, I can give You are a happy one. ”

In the first tier, many people who had arrived before, many people have seen the fierceness of Luo Yong. Although Luo Yong is only in the middle of the heavens, they know that Luo Yong can compete against the heavenly people and the higher the realm. The ability of the innate immortal body to show, the more abnormal,

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