The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 216: Fight for inheritance

The existence of Tianjian Jedi is to screen the descendants of the demon emperor, so that all the warriors can cultivate the ancient heaven and earth, and also to better screen the descendants. Nowadays, the demon emperors have been elected, so naturally no other warriors have cultivated the ancients. The Qingtian Holy Lotus is necessary.

All the lotus marks will be deprived, from the red lotus mark to the purple lotus mark, one will not stay, even if it is the Nine Protectors, the purple lotus mark on the eyebrows is away from them, the demon is personally deprived Even indirectly helped the Nine Laws.

"The slave print disappeared."

Losing the purple lotus mark, the strength in the Tianjian Jedi will drop a lot, but the Nine Protectors are not only lost, but extremely excited, because the purple lotus mark is deprived, and the slave print disappears completely.

If they let others refine the purple lotus mark, then the slaves will still exist. No matter what, they will do a lot of things for the heavenly sword, so the demon emperor untied their slaves and let the nine The problem of protecting the law has been so many years, and finally solved it.

"It seems that the inheritors of the Emperor really appeared. No matter who they are, don't want to take away the ancient heavens in front of me."

In the eyes of the Dafa Law, there was a cold mang, even if the slave print had disappeared, he still did not intend to let go of the demon emperor. With his qualifications, even if he broke through the two barriers and went to the heavens, there would be no great achievements, but once To be the true inheritor of the Emperor, it is totally different.

Not only do Dafa Law want to get the Wanqing Qingtian Shenglian Sutra, but also the second law and other law-protection methods. If it was before, other law-enforcement laws would not dare to work with the Dabao Law and the Second Protection Law. After all, they mastered the ancient heavens and the Holy Lotus. Protect the law.

But now it is different, they don't have purple lotus marks, they don't get any bonuses in the heavenly swords. They are not weaker than the current big guards and two guards than the real power. Besides, they can now be completely private. Under the alliance, first solve the big law and the second law.


When Jianxiu Lingdao got the complete Wan Gu Qing Tian Sheng Lian Jing, Wu Xiu Ling Road was completely full, and even couldn’t help but have a fullness. Even if he was incarnate, he couldn’t drink any more. Support, you can imagine.

The Shenglian Pond here is not only bigger, but the lotus pond is also more supportive. Fortunately, Wuxiu Lingdao has no intention of drinking it. He and Jianxiu Lingdao are one, naturally leaving a lot of lotus for Jianxiu Lingdao. Chi Shengshui, now he is a body to take the road of sword repair, a body to take the road of martial arts, if you can go hand in hand, the future of heaven, there must be his place.

Wu Xiu Lingdao's actions, the demon emperor just closed one eye, after all, Jian Xiu Lingdao and Wu Xiu Lingdao is a person, although Wu Xiu Ling Road is not his apprentice, but Wu Xiu Lingdao just drink the lotus pond holy water, He did not care, anyway, Wu Xiu Ling Road is more powerful, and it is only good for the sword to repair the road, no harm.

"As a disciple of my body, how can there be no chaotic Qinglian?"

There is no such thing as a source of stars in the body, but there is a Yuanyuan source, and now Lingdao is a two-pointer. There is only one source.

"Chaotic seedlings."

The demon emperor began to display the great supernatural powers, and opened up a chaotic land in the body of Lingdao. The chaotic smog that had been scattered before was absorbed into the body by Jian Xiuling, and a green lotus slowly condensed. It came out, as if it were rooted in chaos.

There is no source star in Jianxu Lingdao, but there is a chaotic Qinglian, Wuxiu Lingdao, which can draw energy from the wild world. Jianxiu Lingdao is to take energy from the Chaos Zhongxiu. This is an apprentice, and naturally it must be cultivated.

"My martial arts sentiment, I will pass it on to you."

If it is not a martial arts Lingdao and Jianxiu Lingdao, I am afraid that Wu Xiu Ling Road will be paralyzed, a great emperor, and a tyrannical emperor, how valuable is the possession of the kendo, even if it is a soldier. Not comparable, now Jian Xiu Ling Road is so easy to get, just because he is the apprentice of the Emperor, the only apprentice.

"You leave first."

The demon emperor said to Wu Xiu Lingdao, next, he wants to teach the true ability of Jianxiu Lingdao. The swordsmanship that Lingdao used to practice before, in the eyes of the demon emperor, is not worth mentioning. He personally taught the Lingdao swordsmanship, absolutely will Let Lingdao's kendo make a qualitative leap.

There are Master's instructions, and no Master's advice, it is definitely two things, not to mention, the Master of the Emperor is so powerful, even if it is the worldly genius, there is no such treatment, the sword of the Jedi, the trip to Lingdao, the harvest It’s just too big.

Of course, the Emperor can't pass all the swordsmanship to Lingdao. In that case, Lingdao will only be shrouded in his shadow. It is impossible to surpass him in his life, just like his first sentence in the ancient world. The ancestral sufficiency law, the ancestral law does not necessarily need to follow suit.

If the road is compared to a big tree, the demon emperor is already a very thick branch. If Lingdao walks along his path, eventually a branch grows on the branch. Lingdao wants to surpass him. Can go their own way, in order to grow from the trunk, it is possible to grow into a thicker branch than the demon emperor.

Master led the door and practiced in the individual. The demon emperor is the leader of Lingdao. He teaches him to Lingdao. He should not teach anything. He will not teach anything. Moreover, he will not send the emperor. For Lingdao, that will only harm Lingdao.

"I now realize that what is called a different life, others just sigh that the same person, life is very different, and we are originally a person, the treatment is so different."

Since the integration of two points, Wu Xiu Ling Road has become more free and open-minded, more bohemian, he and Jian Xiu Ling Road is a person is not fake, but their character is not the same, if Jian Xiu Ling Road, now will not Make such a joke.

"It’s not too bad for the singularity."

After the demon emperor only said such a sentence, it was no longer open. Wu Xiu Lingdao did not rush to leave, but took out a handle sword, all of which was given to Jian Xiu Ling. He later was Wu Xiu, naturally not What kind of sword is needed, whether it is the person Wang Jian or the Xiaoyao sword, or the broken person, the sword, has no appeal to him.

The best spirit stone, Wu Xiu Lingdao did not give the sword to repair the road. After all, there are many elite stone in the sword of the heavenly sword. At that time, it must be the sword repairing the road. Both of them are one person. Naturally, there is no good plan. Since the Jianxiu Lingdao became a descendant of the demon emperor, the best spiritual stone in the sword of the day was naturally his.

"I am physically tyrannical, and the Tiandu robes are equally useless to me."

Lingdu’s robes, Lingdao have been worn for a long time, and later they will be worn by Jianxiu Lingdao. Wuxiu Lingdao will be completely ruthless and cultivated. Afterwards, his body will only become more and more tyrannical. The difference in law will lead to the sword repair road and Wu Xiu Ling Road, the road in the future is completely different.

Xiaoyao Wang gave Lingdao's Qiankun, Wuxiu Lingdao accepted, and Jianxiu Lingdao still waited for the demon to send him better. Jianxiu Lingdao and Wuxiu Lingdao are truly a heart. They naturally do not count each other, only Will count the demon emperor, of course, just a good calculation, after all, the demon emperor is also the master of Jianxiu Lingdao.

After the completion of the things, Wu Xiu Ling Road was sent away by the Emperor, at the same time, Qian Hui, Chao Tian Hao, Flash Ear, Qing Xu, Magic Heaven Master, one by one was also sent back to the Tianjian Jedi The first layer, now that the descendants have been selected, the demon emperor naturally no matter what the emptiness and the benefits.

"It's out, they are all out."

Lingdao, Flash, Qingxu, Qianhui, Chaotian and Magic Heaven, all six people have already appeared, all the warriors present are excited, and the demon emperors have been selected. Only those who have been tested before, only they Six, then the demon emperor, must be one of them.

"I really want to see who can get the inheritance."

Su gently swayed the folding fan slowly, and his eyes swept through Lingdao, Flash, Qingxu, Qianhui, Chaotian and the Magic Heaven. However, what made him frown was that he did not know whether it was Whoever got the inheritance of the demon emperor, they look like six, and there is no difference.

"It's very well distinguished. Our purple lotus marks are all deprived, so there is a lotus mark on the eyebrows, which is the true descendant of the demon."

The Nine-Guard Law can't help but say that other warriors are nodding their heads. They all think that the Nine-Guardian Law is correct, but when they look at the six warriors in front of them, they are dumbfounded. Lingdao, Qingxu, Qianhui, and Xing The ear, the scorpio and the sorcerer are all the same, all lost the lotus mark.

"Is it true that the lotus mark of the demon emperor has been hidden, and it is right, and I have obtained the complete Wanqing Qingtian Shenglian, and I certainly don't want us to know."

"In any case, the demon emperor is definitely one of them, just how to distinguish it."

The people who were present were all headaches. The power of the magic heaven and the celestial scorpion was too strong. If you deal with one alone, it would be difficult to deal with two at the same time. What's more, now they have six Possibility, do they have to deal with Lingdao, Qingxu, Qianhui, Flash, Chaotian and Magic Heaven.

"Take him, start with the smashing of the squad and say it all, and it will be ours."

The Nine Law Enforcement Laws looked at each other and then started the killing. Anyway, whether it is the scorpio, the sorcerer, or other warriors, they will be hit hard. Even if they are themselves, they will be hit hard. They have the holy water of the lotus pond, and they can recover their injuries as long as they drink a bite.

(PS: After the four is finished, please use WeChat to search for the "messy trail" WeChat public platform, pay attention to it, because the trail will explain the daily update on the WeChat public platform,)

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