The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 222: The demon emperor, the sword magic!

Those who left the war did not return to the central territory of the central government, but hid in the distance to pay attention to the situation in the first floor. It is impossible to say that they have no idea about the inheritance of the demon emperor, otherwise they There is no need to come to the first level to compete for inheritance.

I’ve decisively left, just because they understand that they don’t have the qualifications to compete with the Tianjian League. They will not turn to the ancient heaven and earth, but if they want to hand over the ancient heavens to their own high-level forces, they will definitely Get great rewards.

Now that I have witnessed the situation of Ling Dao and others and the Tianjian League, they are more fortunate. Whether it is Ling Dao and others, or the Tianjian League, the strength is horrible. If they are mixed, it is very likely Throw away your life.

The sword of the Tianjian League is like a chariot crushing, whether it is a rotating gold wheel, a beastly beast, or a sharp sword, it is broken and broken. For the dust, the power of the Heavenly Soldiers has been unveiled.

The same is Jian Xiu, the martial art of the Tianjian League ally is obviously different from Qianhui and Qingxu. His sword is upright, and it is the absolute power to crush the opponent. His power is far superior to other warriors, let alone him. Also played the eighth turn of the nine-turn dragon.

Even if the Tianjian League ally is already a strong man of heaven, he can only perform a nine-turn dragon strength in a short period of time, and instantly bursts eight times his own strength. He has a great load on his body. He is only a sword repairer after all. It is not martial arts. If Wu Xiu Ling Dao is a strong soldier in heaven, he can play a few times in a short time.

For the first time, the seven warriors, such as Ling Dao, confronted each other. The Tianjian League ally naturally took out the strongest combat power. The Tianjian League lord was to fight against the face of all the warriors, play their own prestige, and play their own momentum. My own power, in addition to Lingdao, the other six military personnel have been injured, and now it will definitely hurt.

Lingdao, Qingxu, Qianhui, Xinger, Aolong, Chaotian and the Magic Heaven are all flying out by the big sword. The place where they used to be, whether it is the void or the earth, has been broken into two. Half, the power of 16,000 dragons is really terrifying.

Qingxu, Qianhui, Xinger, Aolong and Chaotian, the injury was serious. Now even the internal organs have been extremely traumatized. In a short time, they simply cannot fight again. After all, their strength is inherently Compared with the Tianzhu League ally, only the strength left is negligible.

The situation of the Magic Heaven Master is better than Qingxu, Qianhui, Flash, Aurora and Chaotian. It can't be much better. His injury has already recovered more than half of it. Now it hurts and hurts. Half of it, now he is not the mainstay of the Tianjian League. Even if he is teamed up with Lingdao, there is no chance of winning.

Lingdao, which bears the brunt of the attack, was obviously taken care of by the owners of the Tianjian League. He had at least 150 bones broken from his body, and all the internal organs had cracks. If they were replaced by other warriors, the strength would definitely not exist. Fortunately, he drank too much lotus water in the lotus pond. It only takes a moment and the wound can heal.

"I know what it is, I still count what."

Originally, the Tianjian League lord was planning to take down the scorpio, and then deal with the sorcerer of the sorcerer, and smashed Lingdao and others, but he did not expect that he would only be a sword, and all of Lingdao and others would be hit hard. He not only underestimated himself, but also overestimated Lingdao and others.


In the Xiaoqinglian area, only the demon emperor and Lingdao are left, and thousands of people such as Qianhui, Qingxu, and Xuelu are all sent out. The demon emperor is a peerless power in the wilderness period, followed by the ancient times and the ancient times, three There were no disciples in the era of the demon emperor. Until now, the demon emperor had the first passer, and that was the Lingdao.

It’s just that a will is made, and naturally it’s impossible to live forever. Especially when it helps to reshape the flesh, it consumes a lot. The Emperor understands that it will take a long time, and he will disappear. It’s natural to teach such a disciple, after all, he has only one chance.

"Not crazy, not an emperor, my disciple, it is called a sword magic."

There is already a Lingdao outside. If there is another Lingdao, it will definitely attract everyone's attention. In particular, there is a lotus mark on Lingdao's eyebrows. Anyone knows that he got the inheritance of the Emperor and absorbed the Tianjian. After the lotus mark of all the warriors in the Jedi, the lotus mark of Lingdao's eyebrows has surpassed the colorful lotus mark.

Red lotus imprint, orange lotus imprint, yellow lotus imprint, green lotus imprint, cyan lotus imprint, blue lotus imprint, purple lotus imprint, colorful lotus imprint, a total of eight levels of lotus imprint, Tianjian Jedi is divided into nine layers, first There are also nine layers of monuments on the floor. It can be seen that the demon emperor is very fond of the number nine.

The lotus mark is actually nine levels, but in the heavenly sword, no one can reach the ninth level. After the colorful lotus mark, it is the colorless lotus mark. Now the lotus mark of Lingdao’s eyebrows has no color. If you don't pay careful attention, you really can't see it.

However, once he appears outside, the lotus mark on the eyebrows will certainly not escape the eyes of other people. If he can be sure that he has been passed down by the demon emperor, then Qingxu and the magical heavenly master will not join him, and even It is possible to deal with him. The Tianjian League is mainly able to determine that the Lingdao is the demon emperor, then he will not do anything with other warriors, and directly take the Lingdao.

"Thank you Master, then I will call the sword magic later."

Lingdao has decided that if it is not necessary, the two bodies should not appear together. He is different from others. For example, Su has a lot of avatars, and some warriors cultivate the deity and the second body. As for the avatar, then Normal, but he is two deities, there is no distinction between the main and the second.

If you let others know his situation, he will definitely take him down and study it. Whether it is avatar or secondary or incarnation, it is definitely not comparable to the deity. Maybe someone's avatar is stronger than the deity. However, once the buddha is dead, the avatar will surely die.

His situation is different. Two deities, one will die, the other will not die. Even if they spend enough money, they can resurrect the deceased deity. Even if it is the ultimate power of heaven, after wearing his secret, I am afraid that he will shoot him. After all, the two deities have too much advantage.

In order to hide his secret, Lingdao has decided that Wushen’s deity will continue to be called Lingdao. The sword’s deity is called the sword demon. If the two body names are the same, it is easy for others to connect them together. Tao, a sword magic, others will not connect his two bodies together.

Sword Demon, obviously not a name, at most it is a title, anyway, it does not matter to Lingdao, he is called Lingdao, the sword is just to interfere with the judgment of other people, he has previously explained the situation with the demon The demon will naturally help him solve the problem.

"Be wearing a mask, unless you are the great emperor, you can't see your appearance."

The two bodies look exactly the same. Lingdao wants one in Ming, one in dark, naturally needs to hide the appearance of the sword, and the mask that the Emperor sent him can not only block the peep of the strong, but also resist the attack of the strong. In other words, other people who want to break the mask of Lingdao are simply dreaming.

"Sword magic, optimistic about my kendo."

After all the things were done, the demon emperor completely let go of his heart. He not only gave the complete Wan Gu Qing Tian Sheng Lian to Ling Dao, but also passed his life sentiment to Ling Dao. Then he will do the last. One step, exercise his own kendo.

Master led the door and practiced in the individual. Now the demon emperor is the guide for Lingdao. After the road of Lingdao, he will not control it, and he will not be able to control it. After the practice of Kendo, he will completely dissipate. It’s just a will, and it’s natural for him to die.

Whether it is the past life or this life, Lingdao lacks a real master. He is groping for his own martial arts. There is absolutely no difference between Master’s guidance and no Master’s guidance. Moreover, a great emperor is devoted to teaching. Such an opportunity is not something anyone can have.

"In the future, just look at yourself..."

After the practice of Kendo, the figure of the demon emperor is getting weaker and lighter. The exercise of the kendo is too expensive. He can no longer continue to exist, but he does not regret it. As long as his kendo is not cut off, it is worthwhile. He was very lucky to receive a satisfied apprentice before he disappeared.


Although it was only a short time, Lingdao was very admired and very grateful to the demon emperor. The demon emperor not only passed on his ancient heavenly lotus, but also passed on his sentiment to pass him on the kendo. He has treated him as his own child. The demon did not let him do anything, but he was very good to him.

After Lingdao smashed three heads against the demon emperor, when he looked up, the demon emperor had completely disappeared. The demon emperor always smiled, existed and died, he had already seen through it, and the demon emperor was the only one who refused. It is the apprentice who has just received it. Without his asylum, I don’t know which step Lingdao can take.

"The Xiaoqinglian world is about to break, and I should go out."

After he went out, he used the name of the sword demon. After all, it was the demon emperor who helped him. Now the Tianjian League leader is just playing against his other body and other warriors. They have lost their strength. The Lord of the Magic Heaven is also greatly reduced in combat power. Now he can save the proud dragon and the flash ear, and only him.

So many lotus imprints, so many holy lotus sources, so many lotus pond holy waters, all absorbed by his body, now his combat power, has a qualitative leap, the Tianjian allies want to kill him, ask The sword in his hand did not.

PS: The four are finished,

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