The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 238: I wait for you……

The Tianhu Holy Land is the power created by the Great Emperor. Even in the heavens, it is a very powerful and powerful force. What's more important is that today's Tianhu Holy Land has a strong emperor-level powerhouse. It is definitely a different matter to have a big emperor sitting in the town and not having a great emperor. Under the Emperor, the ants are all ants. Unless they are extremely ruthless, it is possible to defeat the lowest emperor. The premise is that the great emperor's card is not strong.

The most powerful force in the Ziwei domain where Lingdao was in the past is the holy place of Ziwei. However, there is no big emperor sitting in the holy place of Ziwei, which is certainly not comparable to today’s Tianhu Holy Land. Of course, even if there is no great emperor in Tianhu Holy Land, Ziwei Holy Land The same is not the case, because the creation of the Ziwei Emperor of the Ziwei Holy Land, it is better to create the Tianhu Emperor of the Temple of Heaven.

"If you talk like this again, I don't recognize your sister."

The demon's words obviously made the enchantress very uncomfortable. The enchantress that had previously laughed and smiled, now his face is cold, and the demon stunned. It seems that the relationship between the enchantress and the sword demon has exceeded her cognition. The enchantress should really like the sword, but the enchantress and the sword are destined to be two worlds.

"You don't want to say anything about the underworld, let alone look down on the lower bounds. Anyway, if it wasn't for him, you are now dead."

Because of the Baihualou thing, the enchantress is hard to trust a person, but once she trusts a person, that is no one can change. The demon is her sister is not fake, but between their sisters, in addition to blood relationship, and No other feelings, at least not at present, there is no later, that is the future.

"Okay, okay, I won't say it, but you must go with me today, and my mother is waiting for you to go back."

The demon understands that going on, will only make her and the enchantress more and more distant, she will not find the enchantress, naturally take the enchantress back, if she is a mouthful, make the enchantress hate her, so do not follow When she goes back, she will be blamed for her later when she is known by her mother.

"If you can guarantee her safety, I will let her go with you."

If the enchantress followed the sword magic, the sword magic can't really ensure the safety of the enchantress. To be closer, he has to go to the headquarters of the government to save three knives. Life and death are still unknown. When he goes to heaven, There is still no way to guarantee the safety of the enchantress. There are too many strong people in the heavens. With his realm, it is a problem to be able to protect himself.

The fox sacred place is extremely powerful. If the enchantress can really become a saint, then her safety is naturally guaranteed. However, it is definitely not a simple matter to become a holy sacred place in the fox fox land. Genius, surely there are countless numbers. With the strength of the enchantress, the Tianhu Holy Land is not enough.

"You can rest assured that the mother is the lord of the fox sacred land, and you think that the fox sacred land would dare to move her."

Sure enough, as the sword demon guessed, the mother of the enchantress, the lord of the fox sacred land, did not know who it was in the past, and dared to chase the lord of the fox sacred land, and even forced the lord of the fox sacred land, only Sending his daughter to various places, I am afraid that the Lord of the Lands of the Holy Land at that time felt that there was no way to live, and that choice would be made.

"Just let me start her blood and let you see."

The demon sneered, then stretched out his hands and moved around in the body of the enchantress. The reason why the enchantress was flat was because her blood was sealed. When the Lord of the Lands of the Holy Land thought it would die, it would All her daughters were sent to different places. In order to prevent the enemy from discovering, she even sealed her daughter.

Nowadays, the demon enchanted the blood seal of the enchantress, naturally let the potential of the enchantress be inspired, the demon is in the heavens, and not far from the fox sacred place, so the fox sacred place has already found her, untied The law of seals is naturally the Lord of the Holy Land of the fox to the demon, even the demon did not think of her, she actually used it.

A powerful blood force has emerged from the body of the enchantress. The ancestors of the enchantress are out of the great emperor. She and the demon are the descendants of the great emperor. Now the blood seal of the enchantress is broken, and it is contained in the blood. The pressure in the middle is naturally distributed. Although the demon does not say anything, it is already secretly measuring the reaction of the sword.

Just open the blood power, the ordinary warrior standing next to the enchantress, certainly can not bear, and may even fall to the ground, in the view of the demon, the sword demon a lower bound indigenous, blood power must be very weak, she is now waiting for the sword When it’s ugly, she must definitely ridicule the swordsman.

However, the freak of the demon is that the sword devil is not only lying on the ground, not even a little reaction, the demon Ji is remembered the last time in the Baihualou, the blood of Lingdao changed, the then Wei Pressure, even more violent than her current blood pressure, the enchantress is speculating, the origin of Lingdao is certainly not simple.

"Hell, isn't he feeling a little bit?"

Because the demon is the sister of the enchantress, the blood is the same, and there is no suppression, but the sword is still standing well, the demon can not understand, until the blood of the enchantress is completely dispersed, the swords are No ugliness, the demon sighs in the heart, it seems that today I want to see the sword magic ugly, there is no chance.

"It seems that she is really your sister, it is better to go back to Heavenly Fox with her."

The sword demon understands that as long as he disagrees, the enchantress can't leave with the demon. However, in order to make the enchantress good, the enchantress must return to the fox sacred place. Now the enchantress has regarded him as a reliance, if he insists When the enchantress returns, the enchantress is likely to agree. Sure enough, the enchantress heard him say this, and the body obviously trembled.

"It's still your understanding. If you dare let her not go back, I won't kill you."

The demon is waving a powder punch and said proudly. In fact, she also understands that the sword magic is much more useful than her words. Even if she says a hundred sentences, I am afraid that it is not comparable to the sword magic.

"Don't you forget, you almost died under my sword?"

The sword devil snarls, making the demon's face red, but he is telling the truth, the demon can only be angry, don't look over the sword, if you don't beat the sword, the demon will definitely The sword demon fights again, and now the demon can only endure. After the sword demon goes to the heavens, she is screaming at the sword.

The demon's mother is the lord of the fox sacred land. The training that will be obtained in the future is certainly not comparable to the sword and the magic. Even if the current sword is stronger than her, after five or ten years, she will definitely surpass the sword. Anyway, they have a long life, and later there is time to bully the sword, even she did not find it, she actually looked forward to seeing the sword.

"Would you come to the fox site to find me?"

The enchantress looked at the sword devil in a deep affection. A pair of good-looking scorpions were filled with resentment, as if they were abandoned by a small wife. Even if the swordsman was determined, they could not bear the gaze and were stared at by the enchantress. The sword demon feels uncomfortable. If she does not agree with the enchantress, I am afraid that the enchantress will not follow the demon to return to the fox sacred place.

"Do not worry, as long as I go to heaven, I will definitely go to the Heavenly Fox Holy Land."

After receiving the affirmative reply from the sword demon, the enchantress just smiled and nodded. With the talent of Lingdao, it is sure to break through to the peak of the heavenly world. At that time, you can get through the barriers of the two worlds and go to the heavens. The source, but she can not peep into the memory of the sword magic, naturally do not know what the sword is thinking.

The reason why the sword demon adds a premise to the heavens is because he does not know whether he is going to die in the land. If he died in the land, he would naturally not be able to go to heaven, if he could live and open up two barriers. Then, there is no problem in going to the fox sac.

"Well, then I am waiting for you in the Temple of Heaven, whether it is ten years, a hundred years, a millennium, or a thousand years, as long as I am alive, I have been waiting for you..."

The enchantress slowly said that there was a mist in a pair of scorpions. Fortunately, she forcibly endured and did not shed tears. The reason why she was willing to follow the demon to return to the fox sacred place was mainly because she felt that Lingdao is now The strength is too strong, she will only be a cumbersome to follow Lingdao, she will return to the fox sacred place, is to be strong, not to do the cumbersome.

She doesn't know how strong the Tianhu Holy Land is, but since she is a saint, she can certainly get a lot of cultivation resources, she can save it, and then she will save the saved resources for Lingdao, even if it is back to the fox land. She is also thinking about the sword, but she did not say it.

"Well, rest assured, I will definitely come."

The sword magic nodded, equal to repeating the previous words. In the face of a woman like the enchantress, he really didn't know what to do. He used to practice the sword in his previous life. He didn't touch any male or female affair at all. He used to be the heart of the past, and he said that he had no social experience in his previous life, and he was similar to a child.

"Sister, let's go, the sword is already born, I have to go and see if there is a chance to get the sword."

The demon drags the hand of the enchantress and rushes toward Tianyuan City. Even if the enchantress can no longer reluctantly fight the sword, it is the big hand of the sword magic. Now it is for a better reunion, now the enchantress, Can't help Lingdao, but she firmly believes that the next time she meets, she will definitely be able to help Lingdao.

"If she had any accidents in the Tianhu Holy Land, I don't care what kind of power your Tianhu Holy Land is, and I will definitely razed you to the ground."

The swordsman’s words are very embarrassing and serious. Even now, he is no different from the ants in the fox sacred place, but he firmly believes that as long as he is alive, the ants will eventually become a dragon, and the enchantress would have wanted to refute. The sword magic, I want to say that the sword magic does not know the sky is thick, but after watching the enchantress, she still chose silence.

"Reassure, no one can bully the sacred woman of the fox sacred place, and no one is eligible."

PS: Hey, six are more complete, the fingers are sore and dizzy, I just want to say, can you give Zhang Yuet’s encouragement,

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