The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 242: Killing fist

Chapter 242 Killing Boxing

The martial arts of the martial arts is not bad. His understanding of 'sex' is certainly not as good as Lingdao, but he spent hundreds of years to learn martial arts. The boxing method he is currently using is created by his own situation, called the sea ‘wave’ million peak.

The fists of the road, the strength of the fist, the instinct of the shackles, and the turbulent origins make the three elders' boxing strength stronger and stronger. In front of him, the shadows of the two peaks have emerged, and the peaks are getting higher and higher. Later, the two mountain peaks have reached more than 10,000 meters. Ling Dao stood in front of the two peaks and looked extremely small.

Behind the two extremely high peaks, there is a huge wave of 'waves', which seems to be like a mountain of peaks, but it is like the origin of water. The combination of the origin of the earth and the source of the water is definitely not good. Three Taishang dare to stand up and Lingdao alone, naturally there are two brushes. Although Ling Dao can't kill him, it is definitely a shame to lose to a cross-border martial artist.

"It’s not a small tone for your old guys. How about picking you up?"

The three Taishang is indeed stronger than the seven Taishang, but it is not strong enough that Lingdao can't compete. Of course, fortunately, Lingdao cultivated a nine-turn dragon in the third layer of Tianjian Jedi, and fortunately he drank a lot of lotus pond water. Otherwise, even with his ‘meat’ strength, it is impossible to use the nine-turn dragon strength again and again.

Wu Xiu and Wu Xiu, the most primitive confrontation, double boxing and double boxing, boxing. The arms of Lingdao, like the two dragons, ran rampage. His double fists were like the faucet of the dragonfly, and the head horns slammed into the two peaks. The power of Ling Dao was tyrannical, and he even used the origin of Yuan Yuan to derive his strength, which made his ‘heat’ body strength rise again.


Just like the real mountain was shattered, a piece of boulder collapsed. All the disciples of the prefecture are going backwards, even if they are just the mountains of infuriating and condensed, they can still hurt them after they collapse. If you are accidentally injured, there is no place to cry. The strength of Ling Dao and San Tai is too strong, far beyond their imagination.

"Is he really not twenty years old? How could it be so powerful?"

"I am a teenager older than him. I am afraid that he will kill me with a punch. I also claim to be a genius. It is a shame!"

The genius disciple of the prefecture, compared with Lingdao, is simply waste. Even if the young genius of the heavens is even more powerful, the genius disciples of the prefecture are also acceptable. After all, they come from heaven. However, Lingdao is only from Dongjian domain, even worse than their origin. Now Lingdao is not only stronger than them, but is already strong enough to compete with the three Taishang of their land.


A loud sound, three too can not help but screamed, his two fists, has been broken by the Lingdao, the phalanx all cracked, the blood splashed. His strength is not as good as Lingdao. In addition, Lingdao's ‘meat’ body is more reinforced. Such a ‘strong’ striking collision, San Taishang naturally suffered a big loss. The previous battles between Lingdao and Qitai have already made the three Taishang understand that Lingdao must not be underestimated.

Even though Lingdao is only 18 years old, even though Lingdao is only the peak of the heavens, San Tai Shang still does not regard him as a junior, but as a peer. Even so, the strength of Lingdao is beyond the imagination of San Tai. It’s just a punch, it’s just to break the three punches.

"The third child, come back soon!"

Da Tai said with a cold face, Ling Dao first punched the vomiting blood of the seven Taishang, the sword left, and now it is a fist punching three pairs of fists. Before and after, Lingdao only made two moves, but the land has already had two elders, and they have lost in the hands of Lingdao, and they are still the elders of the two peaks.

The seven Taishang and the three Taishang represent not only themselves, but also the face of the local government. Now they are defeated by Lingdao, and both the landlord and the big lady feel that they are dull. If today they do not take the Lingdao or kill the Lingdao, the government will definitely be majestic and greatly reduced, and even become the laughing stock of the world.

"Damn, I have to kill him!"

The imperial government is not too reconciled to the fact that it is defeated by a monk who is in the sky. Previously, he let Qitai retreat because he did not realize the mood of the Seven Taishang. Now, after he personally experienced it, even if the big lady asked him to return, he did not agree. Among his eyes, he was full of the ‘color’ of grievances. Now he only wants to kill Lingdao. He doesn’t want to do anything else.

"I want to kill the fist!"

Since the double fist is broken, he does not need a fist, and he will use his will to attack the six wills of his martial arts. It is absolutely possible to kill Lingdao. Intentional killing, it is the strength of the will, condensed into a fist, with all his killing intentions, turned into the sharpest sharp edge, tearing away the opponent's will defense, crushing the other's will world.

Normally, there should be only the fourth will in the world. The intentional killing fist of the three Taishangs can definitely smash the world of the will of the ordinary warriors, let the other soul annihilate and die on the spot. However, the three Taishang did not look down on Lingdao, such as the enchanting Lingdao, certainly the air, not so easy to kill.

As long as the intentional killing punch can impact the world of Lingdao's will to the broken state, Ling Dao's combat power will definitely drop sharply. At that time, it’s absolutely easy to beat the three. A ‘transfer’ front, he is a shameful loss, but as long as he defeats Lingdao and wins Lingdao, he can wash away the previous shame.

"The third child, don't be impulsive!"


The Dafa Law and the local government officials shouted one after another. Their purpose was to take the Lingdao and then get the Lingdao's exercises and martial arts. Unless they have to, or they don't want to kill Lingdao directly. Three Taishang casts an intentional killing fist. If Lingdao is not strong in the will, it is possible to be killed directly by the three Taishang.

Even if Ling Dao’s body is badly hit, as long as he is still alive, the local government has a way to let Ling Dao say his own exercises and martial arts. However, once the world of the will is smashed and the soul is annihilated, even if the landlord has any means, it is useless. At most, open the Lingkun ring of Lingdao and get the things inside. If there is merit and martial arts, even if he is lucky. If not, he can only blink.

"King Kong is in prison!"

"Nine-tailed magic!"

I have to say that the will is indeed a weak link. His ‘meat’ body strength exceeds that of the heavenly people, and his strength is only a little worse than that of the heavenly people. Once he uses the nine-turn dragon, the power is the ultimate weapon. It is a pity that he will not be able to display nine twists of dragons without limit when his body is drained.

Ling Dao is more powerful than the ordinary Wu Jing, who is already the fifth will, and only one level worse than the sixth will. At the same time, he will use both will martial arts, plus his accomplishments in the will, surpassing the three peaks of the peak of heaven. Even the seventh will of the lord of the squadron has not killed the swordsman, and the will of the three princes will not be able to sway.

The killing punches were made on a building made of King Kong, and a muffled sound was heard. In the will world of Lingdao, a huge tail suddenly appeared, completely enveloping the killing fist. The fox's tail swayed continuously, and even a road crack appeared. Fortunately, it was the blockbuster that blocked the three Taishang.

He blocked the Italian killing fist on the three Tais, not a difficult thing, but did not show a relaxed look. In the view of San Tai, although Ling Dao has not been hit hard, his eyes are obviously sluggish, and both pairs of pupils have lost their focal length. If San Tai retreats to the Taishang and the government and other people, Ling Dao wants to kill him, it will be very difficult.

What Lingdao has to do now is pretend to be trying to resist the killing of the boxing fist, so that San Tai thinks he may be injured at any time, but it may also be completely blocked. As long as the three too want to kill him, or want to take him, certainly will not let such a great opportunity. It’s not that the three are too stupid, but that the three are too convinced that Ling Dao can’t stop his will.

"His will, really not, the gap in the realm, after all, it is there!"

"Yeah, even if he uses the secret method to strengthen the power of the 'meat', there is no way to strengthen the will!"

All the elders of the elders nodded and thought that San Tai had found the weakness of Ling Dao. Lingdao does not use the will, they naturally do not know the most important will of Lingdao. However, the Dafa Law and the local government officials did not speak. They always felt that something was wrong, but they could not remember it in a short time.

"The third child, don't kill him!"

The second is too hurried to say that if the three are too impulsive to kill Lingdao directly, then their land can be busy. San Tai nodded and became a high-level government. He naturally knew the importance. However, he will not let go of Lingdao, kill it, break the thread of Lingdao, and abolish Lingdao. There is no problem.

"Try off me, that's the end!"

At the stage where Lingdao is still in the hustle and bustle, San Tai immediately took the shot. If Lingdao recovers, he is not the opponent of Lingdao. His hands and bones are broken, but he can still use the source to condense into a sledgehammer and smash it into the ‘chest’ mouth of Lingdao. If Lingdao does not resist, the ‘chest bones must be smashed, and even the original stars in the body are to be shattered.

San Taishang is the same as Ling Dao, and he is naturally used to take a close shot. He shouldn't have to do anything. In the middle of the road, he is so close to Lingdao, and Lingdao suddenly shot, he can't hide. The landlord has noticed that it is not good, but now I want to remind that it is already late.

"Sky cover!"

Seeing that the three Taishang is about to succeed, Lingdao’s eyes suddenly recovered. He did not hesitate to use the nine-turn dragon dragon, to display a large handprint, and in a short period of time, one after the other. It’s hard to be fooled by the three too, he naturally can’t let go of the three too! --40503+dsuaahhh+24563348-->

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