The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 258: Destroy the sword

"Is it in the middle of the day?"

Not only the swordsman is progressing, but the young genius from the heavens is also making progress. Today’s Qingxu is already a middle-aged warrior. Although he has not been inherited by the demon emperor, the progress is also very big. Now, he has mastered some of the bright swords and is higher than the swordsmanship. Naturally, the swordsman is not his opponent.

Qingxu is a wise man. He knows that he is not a sword-devil opponent in the Jedi. He does not fight with the swordsman at all. Now he thinks that the swordsman is not his opponent. He is ready to kill the swordsman and kill the ancient angels. The lotus, the big man, the sword, he does not grab, and then use the card to escape.

The glare of the glare, the moment is to drown the whole sword, the sword in the Jedi, Qingxu saw the sword magic shot, naturally understand the sword magic is so powerful, even if it is not now in the sword, he will not be taken lightly, If the ship is overturned in the gutter, he regrets that it is too late, and the genius such as the sword demon is sure to have a good atmosphere, not so good.

"Shock sword."

The sword magic has just reached the fourth void, naturally can not master the light sword meaning, but fortunately he masters the light source, that is to say, his sword speed is not slower than the green, he and Qing Xu, is the first in The sword repairs in the nine-emptive void, even if there are contradictions in other sword repairs, have not been resolved at this time.

For other sword repairs, the Emperor Sword is the most important. If it is because of the battle and delays the enlightenment of the Nine Swords, it will not be worth the loss. However, what surprised the Sword is that he found that during the battle, The speed of enlightenment on the light swordsmanship was greatly accelerated, and he only had a sword, and he was able to get a quiet time to realize an hour.

He is not sure if he feels right or wrong, so in the blink of an eye, he has stabbed nine swords in succession. Each sword is a shock sword. Every sword is full of strength. Every sword is stabbed to Qingxu. Originally, Qing Xu felt that his sword was already very fast, but now he understands that his speed of swords is not even better than the sword.

The collision of a sword and another sword seems to be a fool, standing there and being attacked by the sword magic. In fact, it is not a stupidity, but the sword devil is in a state of madness, especially the sword The eyes turned out to be golden, and the supreme gold cockroach turned on in this state.

"The light sword has changed, you feel no."

The other sword repairs in the fourth void are all looked at the swordsman, because they can feel that the light swords are gathered toward the swordsmen, and the swordsmen gather a sword to gather the light around him. The more the sword is meant, the more the swords are, and the faster the swords and swords are formed, forming a virtuous circle.

"So what happened."

A white robe, a silver mask, a golden scorpion, and a hand-held Wang Jian, force the green.

Even if Qingxu is a middle-temperament warrior in the heavens and the human world, even if the Qingxu begins, the mastery of the light swords is far superior to the swordsman, but after only a moment, the swordsmanship controlled by the swordsman is more than the Qingxu. What makes Qing Xun unacceptable is that he is no longer an opponent of the swordsman, and he can only be passively defended by the sword.

"It's too strong, in the fourth void, I am not his opponent."

A young sword repairer from the heavens couldn't help but say that it wasn't that he had the ambition of others to destroy his own prestige, but the strength of the sword demon at this time, really more than him, the sword demon is like the fourth void. Dominant, all the light swords, are willing to listen to his transfer, they entered the nine-empty void for such a long time, is the first time encountered this situation.

"This time, it is thanks to you, just spare your life."

After the sword demon finally pulled out a sword, after sweeping the Qingxu, it did not continue to pursue. From the beginning to the end, he had a total of 81 swords, and he completely defeated Qingxu, even in the fourth void. Other young swordsmen did not want to do anything with him, because they did not win his grasp, even if it was a thousand benefits, but also curious to look at the sword magic, no wonder the demon will choose the sword magic to be a descendant.


Qing Xu couldn't help but vomit blood. At this time, he had no slight grace. He was smashed in his clothes and had a sword wound. If the swordsman wanted to kill him, it should not be difficult. Unfortunately, the sword did not continue to sword. If the sword demon kills him, he still has a good point, but the swordsman does not take his eyes and swears at him, so how can he endure his heart.


Didn't look at Qingxu again, the sword and the magic entered the fifth void, because the light sword meaning he had already realized, from the sword magic into the fourth void, but he went to the fifth void, before and after, I am afraid not yet The time to a fragrant incense, but it is such a short time, he has already realized the light and the sword, the use of the supreme golden scorpion is finally reflected.

Whether it is the true eye of Kendo or the true eye of the martial art, it is worse than the Supreme Golden Jubilee. The swordsman does not know how to inspire the supreme gold. Anyway, he has already realized the light and the sword, and naturally there is no need. Continue to stay in the fourth void, but unfortunately, his nephew has returned to normal, the effect of the supreme gold scorpion is gone, or else, he wants to understand the nine swords, I am afraid it does not take much time.


Even the young geniuses of the heavenly powers are well-informed, and they are also open mouths. They don’t know what to say. They haven’t realized the meaning of the sword for so many days, but the swordsman is only playing with Qingxu. One, it is the chic into the fifth void, can it be said that he does not need to spend time to understand the light sword.

"It must be that he has mastered the sword of the light, it must be like this, yes, that's it."

A young sword repairer in the heavens said so, constantly affirming, just to let him believe his own judgment, he can never imagine that there will be such a enchanting genius in the lower bounds, they have already learned the martial swords and thunder swords in front of them. The meaning of the five elements of the sword, the five elements of the sword and the dark sword, want to understand the fifth sword meaning, it is rare to scare.

" Losing to such a kendo genius, not awkward."

Whether it was the last time in the Tianjian Jedi competition for the demon emperor, or this time to enlighten the light sword, Qian Hui is lost to the sword magic, but she does not care, her talent is high, her understanding is good, but In her own power, not the strongest, she is valued because of her heart.

When the sword demon entered the fifth void, it felt a very terrible sword. The five swords in front did not hurt the incoming warrior, but the fifth void was different because it was everywhere. The destruction of the sword, if the sword is coming in, the will is not strong, the sword is not pure, it is likely to destroy the sword.

The fifth void until now, there are only three young swordsmen coming in. The sword magic is the fourth one. As for the sixth void, so far, no one has entered, let alone the seventh void. The eighth void and the ninth void, once again came in a sword repair, the three sword repairs inside, naturally also curious to see over, after all, want to come to the fifth void, is not an easy thing .

"Under the borders."

The brows of the three young swords are all wrinkled. They are all young geniuses from the heavens. No matter what they say, they must have looked down on the martial arts. But now, the other swordsmen of the heavens have not come in. However, one of the lower bound swords was repaired. The only thing that made them happy was that the swordsmen came in later than them.

If you let them know that the time spent by the swordsmen is much shorter than them, they may not be calm. In particular, the swords are enlightened and light, and they only spend less than a musk time. The three, even the fastest one, took a seven-day time to realize the light and the sword.

"The lower martial artists in the district also want to get the sword of the people."

"If you are compared to one of your lower martial artists, then how can I look up after I return to heaven?"

The sword repair that can come to the fifth void is not only highly savvy, but also strong in strength. The two speakers speak from different kendo holy places, and they are already in the middle of the world. Another sword repair is In the early days of the celestial world, the two of them were obviously very jealous of the sword repair.

"If I can understand and destroy the sword, I will definitely increase my sword's power."

The first five kinds of sword meanings, for the sword magic, there is nothing. After all, he masters the origin of the Yuan, can derive the source of the wind, the source of the Thunder, the origin of the five elements, the source of darkness and the source of light, but so far, he has not been able to degenerate The source, if you can understand the destruction of the sword, perhaps he can degenerate the source of destruction.

Moreover, if the use of the destruction of the sword and other swords to fight, only the sword is the right fight, he can prevail, he is a mind to enlighten and destroy the sword, completely ignore the words of the two young swords, see the sword The magic roots don't take care of them, naturally they make their faces gloomy.

If the swordsman is a young genius of the heavens, they will not do anything against the swords, because the young geniuses from heaven have their own cards. It is not easy to kill each other. But the swords are different. After all, he is only the lower bound. Warrior, if they join forces with two talented swordsmen, there should be no problem in killing the swordsman.

"You first sword, or I will first sword."

One of the heavenly men in the middle of the sword repair, said to another sword in the middle of the sky, the two of them did not use the will of the voice, so it was so generous, apparently did not put the sword in the eye It’s a pity that from the beginning to the end, the swordsmen did not look at them and completely regarded them as air.


The sword repair in the early days of the heavens was also looked at with great interest. He came from the People’s Palace. Even if the realm is not comparable to the other two, but he really fought, he still has 10% to win, now a young man. Jian Xiu, did not even put the two swordsmen in the middle of the sky in the eyes, can the strength of the sword magic be compared with him?

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