The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 262: Are you willing to be my Royal Palace disciple?

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"He doesn't help us, then we will work together to solve him!"

Guo Yifan looked at the sword demon and looked at the wind Junhua. The former swordsman not only did not help them, but also restrained Guo Yifan, and let Ji Mingde successfully enter the sixth void. . More recent chapter visits:. Guo Yifan alone can not solve the sword magic, but he and Feng Junhua teamed up, they have enough to grasp, both of them are higher than the sword magic.

"Okay, solve him first!"

Feng Junhua nodded and let Guo Yifan laugh, but they didn't know, and the sword was laughing. Because the swordsman enlightened and destroyed the sword is too fast, if the swordsman mobilizes all the destruction of the sword, Guo Yifan is not his opponent. Now Guo Yifan and Feng Junhua have joined forces, just to give him some pressure.

If outside, the sword magic naturally lost to Guo Yifan and Feng Junhua, but in the fifth void, his strength has been greatly improved. Feng Junhua and Guo Yifan have already joined together, and the sword magic is a sword that is not slow. Originally, Feng Junhua and Guo Yifan felt that within ten strokes, they could solve the sword magic. However, when they really started, they found that they underestimated the sword.

"Your destruction of the sword has already realized this level?"

Guo Yifan said with amazement, if Guo Yifan’s destruction of the sword is to comprehend the 30%, then the sword and the devil’s sword is meant to comprehend 80%. Until now, Guo Yifan realized that the sword had previously confessed to him and had already left his hand. The sword demon was slowly recognized by a lower-armed warrior they looked down on, and now they are shocked by the saga of the sword.

It is still a battle to divide the autumn 'color', even if Guo Yifan and Feng Junhua join hands, it is less than half cheap. Feng Junhua regretted it, and knew that he would fight with Guo Yifan and Jianmo, so that he could calm down and enlighten and destroy the sword. Fortunately, this kind of battle did not last long. After two hours, the sword magic was stopped.

"I have already understood and destroyed the sword, you can understand it!"

The mood of the sword devil is very good. After all, it is possible to understand and destroy the sword in such a short period of time. The possibility of getting the sword is the biggest. Ji Mingde was the first to go in, but Ji Mingde came earlier than him, and the time to learn to destroy the sword was longer than him. He now has six swords, and only three swords are left.


"How come so fast?"

Not only Guo Yifan and Feng Junhua were surprised, even Butterfly Dance and Qianhui were surprised to see the swordsman. The speed at which they both learned to destroy the sword was fast enough, but it was a lot worse than the sword. Guo Yifan and Feng Junhua don't want to stop the swordsman. Unfortunately, they don't have that strength. They completely understand the swordsman who destroyed the sword. The strength of the fifth void is not what they can compare.

"He just happened to go, let's compare the swordsmanship!"

Guo Yifan and Feng Junhua soon stabilized their minds. Without the interference of the swordsmen, they realized that the speed of destroying the sword would definitely improve a lot. What makes them depressed is that the destructive swordsmanship of the butterfly dance and Qianhui comprehension has surpassed them. It seems that they have finally entered the sixth void.

"Well? Who is coming in?"

Ji Mingde saw a figure in the distance. When he saw that the person was a sword, he was also shocked. The sword demon, the lower armor, he naturally has a deep impression. After all, the sword demon is the first sword to rush to the fifth void, and the strength is not weaker than Feng Junhua or Guo Yifan.

The most important thing is that the sword magic to the fifth void time is the shortest, Guo Yifan and Feng Junhua even destroy half of the sword meaning, the sword magic has already realized the complete destruction of the sword. Simply than the speed of enlightenment to destroy the sword, the sword is faster than Ji Mingde, and it is a lot faster. As a talented disciple of the People's Palace, Ji Mingde is naturally a must for the Emperor. Ji Mingde never thought that his biggest opponent was actually a lower-armed warrior.

The sixth void is full of 'yin' Yang Jianyi, which is good news for the swordsman, because his Yuanshi origin can derive the 'yin' Yang origin, in this way, he understands the speed of the 'yin' Yang sword Definitely very fast. The sword demon came late, but the first six swords have already let him catch up with everyone. The sixth void will be able to surpass everyone.

"The most advanced is you, it really surprised me, introduce myself, my name is Ji Mingde, then it is better to use the sword method to compete and to understand the yin yang sword, how?"

If it is a general sword repair, Ji Mingde does not want to take care of it, but the genius of the sword magic is worthy of his serious treatment. In particular, the swordsman is still from the lower bound. If the swordsman is willing to become a disciple of their palace, it is likely to become a powerful sword repair in the future. The People's Palace is not limited to some queens, but can also accept foreign geniuses.

"I can say that I can do it, but I am sorry. What I have is the yin yang source, I don't need swordsmanship!"

The simple sword method can speed up Ji Mingde's speed of enlightenment, but the help of the sword magic is not big. The sword devil needs to use the source of the battle, but in this case, Ji Mingde's speed of enlightenment will slow down, Ji Mingde is certainly not willing. In any case, when the sword demon went to the fifth void, Ji Mingde did not shoot him, otherwise he would not care about Ji Mingde’s opinion now.

"Oh, okay!"

Ji Mingde's brow wrinkled, and he was determined to win the sword, but the current situation is very unfavorable to him. If the swordsman is allowed to enlighten, the sword demon must first understand the yin yang sword. However, he still has no way to take the sword magic. If he uses the card to remove the sword, he will not be able to keep it.

The emperor's sword is broken, and Ji Mingde naturally knows that if the complete person is the sword, others will not be able to take it. The current Emperor's sword has been divided into five parts, namely the sword tip, the scabbard, the blade, the hilt, and the sword soul. The blade and the blade in the Nine Voids are actually only one part. Ji Mingde does not know what is in the Nine Void, but it is certainly not a complete human sword.

"Sword Magic, don't you know if you are interested in becoming a Royal Palace disciple? As long as I have a referral, plus your talent, there is no problem!"

The emperor is the surname of Ji, and Ji Mingde is a queen of the human being. The blood flowing in the body is the blood of the emperor. Naturally, it is not comparable to the disciples of the ordinary people. He appreciates the sword demon as only one aspect. The most important thing is that if the sword demon becomes a disciple of the palace, the sword demon gets the sword of the emperor, and he must also ‘deliver’ to the top of the palace, which is not much different from the one he got.

"I have a legacy, I am afraid I can't be a gentleman of your palace!"

If there is no such thing as the demon emperor, the sword magic does not mind becoming a human palace disciple. But now it is different, he has a complete ancient heaven and earth, the young genius of the lower bound, may not be too concerned about the inheritance of the demon emperor, to heaven is not the same. The strong people of the People's Palace, certainly know the power of the Emperor.

There is no background in the sword, but it is only the heaven and the human. If the strong man of the Imperial Palace grabs his inheritance, it will be good for him to keep the ‘sex’ life. The ancient heavenly holy lotus will certainly not be preserved. After all, he is not a queen, the strong man of the palace is not polite to him, the heart of the defense is indispensable, he must know.

"You are born in the lower bounds. You may not know how strong the palace is. The world of the sword **** you call is actually a world that is too small to be small. You are the highest realm in the world, and you know the sky. The martial arts of the human world is only the lowest level of ordinary disciples in the Imperial Palace.

The power of the People's Palace is not what you can imagine. The inheritance you get is not worth mentioning compared with the inheritance of my palace. My Royal Palace will walk out of a ‘fine’ English disciple, and you can sweep your entire world of swords and gods. With your talent, become a disciple of my palace, in the future it is possible to become a top holy king.

Maybe you don't know what the king is, so let's say that the Holy King can destroy the world of the sword **** you are in. It is not to say that all the warriors who killed you in the great world of the sword god, but the attack of the holy king, can penetrate the world of your sword god. You may not be able to imagine the power of the holy king? ”

In Ji Mingde's view, the sword demon refused his invitation, just because the sword devil did not understand the power of the palace. This is not the case. The swordsman has memories of past life and naturally knows what kind of power the palace is. Even if he is ignorant, the Three Royal Palaces still know. Ji Mingde said so much, naturally it is to make him heart, but unfortunately he has long known that nature will not be affected.

"Your kindness is my heart, but I don't want to be a palace disciple!"

The People's Palace is a foreign genius, but it is basically impossible for an alien genius to practice the Emperor. From the early days of Taikoo to the present, the Palace of the People’s Palace has always been a queen, not a foreign warrior. Not only the People’s Palace, but also the Heavenly Palace and the Imperial Palace. The same is true of many big forces.

"I really don't know how!"

Ji Mingde was also secretly irritated, and kindly invited the sword magic, and the lower bound bun actually refused him. He no longer takes care of the swordsman, even if the sword demon first understands the ‘yin’ Yang Jianyi, what if the sword demon gets the sword, can the sword magic take away the sword?

Obviously not, so many young talents in the world are waiting, their cards have been useless, just to compete for the sword. A lower warrior, without any background, wants to get a sword, is simply a joke. Originally, he still ‘t’ to appreciate the swordsman. Now, he changed his mind.

The sword demon naturally did not care what Ji Mingde thought, and he had fully realized the ‘Yin’ Yang Jianyi. Even if Ji Mingde had been psychologically prepared, he did not expect that the sword demon had only ‘flower’ for a long time, but he had already realized the yin’s yang. The more swords you master, the harder it is to understand other swords. How does this rule go to the sword and it seems to have failed?

Ji Mingde looked at it like this, watching the sword demon enter the seventh void. The sword demon has mastered seven kinds of swords. As long as he comprehends the two swords of the seventh void and the eighth void, he can enter the ninth void! --40503+dsuaahhh+24944440-->


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